Five Reasons You Should Have a Het (Spiritual House) for Your Spirits

29 09 2017

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know, the other day I was looking at my het (spiritual house/altar) and just thinking about how much it has grown from a simple cloth on a wooden box to a two-story altar with a plethora of empowering images. As I gazed upon my het, I am reminded of how much I have grown from mimicking the altars of others out-of-ignorance, to being able to construct a het anywhere by drawing a gateway with a piece of chalk on the ground as my ancestors have done before me.

Kongo Cross used for Ventilation during Underground Railroad

I am amazed at how much I have grown from seeing ordinary objects with concrete images to seeing how anywhere that lines meet form a maa aankh and can become a sacred space.  I stare in awe as I gape upon the numerous images and glasses of libations, which reminds me of the sense of community that the Kemetic people used to defeat the shemsu Set (followers of Set). I see that for those of us on this shamanic path that our het is very important for five reasons and they are:

  1. Reminds You That You Are a God/Goddess. Western religions separate human beings from God and always depict divinities such as angels, saints, martyrs, etc. as towering and tyrannical entities similar to the Greek gods. In Kemetic shamanism we are reminded that the so-called gods and goddesses were once people too. When their images are placed on the het at eye level or on the ground, we are reminded that our Spirits are not above us, and we are not above them.  But that they need us just as much as we need them, just like Osar needed Hru and vice versa. A het is built on the floor to remind ourselves and our Spirits that they are warriors.  A het is built at eye level to remind us and the Spirits that we are here to help one another. Therefore, the het is visual reminder of the partnership that must be created between us and our Spirits in order to achieve our destiny.
Npu (Anubis) - The Opener of the Way

Npu (Anubis) – The Opener of the Way

  1. Reminds You That You Are Responsible for Your Life. While it may be a great relief to put all of our cares and worries in the lap of some cosmic deity. It does not erase the why we are here, which is the reason if we continue to struggle with certain issues and problems throughout our life. It is because this problem is tied to your destiny, which means you incarnated to this planet to learn how to overcome that issue. A het reminds you of your purpose and helps you to gather the spiritual strength to achieve your divine purpose, by reminding you of the life of those who came before you.
  1. Helps You to Elevate Your Thoughts. Believe it or not our Spirits know that life on earth is hard because our sahu (physical-body consciousness) has been created to help us to physically survive. Consequently, everything that we do in nature supports our lower self, which means we are naturally selfish and egotistical beings. It is because human beings have an Ab soul that we can choose to rise above our animalistic or lower nature to access our divine nature or BA (Higher Self). The problem is that we have to be constantly reminded of our divine nature because all it takes is for one thing such as someone cutting us off in traffic, flipping us the bird, etc. And, BAM! We forget that we are gods and goddesses having a human experience and revert to our lower self. The het helps us to remember that we are divine beings by allowing our Spirits to interact in our daily life. So, when someone cuts off in traffic, before reacting we notice that the car is red and black, hence Npu or when someone flips us the bird. We see signs of Setian influence all around that person and so on. In other words, the het helps us to see life from a cosmic perspective.
  1. Provide Space to Practice Your Magick. I hear people saying all the time, “Wo/Man were made in the likeness of God” which means that we are supposed to be gods and goddesses too, but when it comes to people demonstrating their godliness. All they do is beg God to save them or save someone else. The Christian speaker Jesus says that all of these things that he does, we will be able to do the same and more through the Father (the Christian code for the BA or Higher Self). This means that when we connect to our BA, we all have the power to bless, heal, etc. as Jesus has done. The het provides the space for us to practice our magick and realize our divine potential. It allows you to contribute to creation instead of being a pawn of nature.
  1. Frees You From Mental Slavery. The Western world was created to gratify our animalistic or lower self. It thrives on the survival of the fittest model, which requires that humanity like animals connive, enslave, steal and kill others to survive. Every aspect of Western society from their religion to politics, to their education to medicine, it is all driven by the same theme, which involves exploiting and subjugating others. This is why the Western society is flirting with disaster because it does not know how to teach its citizens how to get solutions from the BA (Higher Self). Even after the greatest Western minds like Thomas Edison, Henry Ford and many others have attested to the power of this Higher Intelligence, Westerners refuse to explore and teach this truth, thus further encouraging its members of society to invest in their lower nature and ultimate demise.
    The het gives us an escape by helping us to communicate with souls of the past, thereby exploring new ways of how to solve old problems.

There are other reasons why the het is a very powerful spiritual tool and when you understand its importance.  It will become clear that the reason Westerners demonized our spiritual practices and destroyed our altars, shrines and collected our sacred objects, which they store in their museums, is because they could not reproduce the same results.  So instead, Westerners chose to eradicate free thought but thankfully the souls of the righteous do not die and our Spirits are always near. If you are sitting on the fence as to building a het for your Spirits, I hope this article will help you to build your Spirits a home.


How to Develop a Maa (Holistic) Perspective

28 09 2017

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

One of the biggest misunderstandings we hear when it comes to spirituality is that the physical world is not real. When people begin to ‘wake up’ or become conscious (enlightened), they are told that the physical world is not a real without further explanation. Some spiritual teachers actually tell their students that only the spiritual realm is real and that it exists above and beyond the physical world.

This is not true per se. This misconception and misunderstanding is due to Westerners culturally appropriating the Hindu concept “maya” without properly understanding the philosophy behind it. The term “maya” is often translated to mean “illusion,” but its literal meaning is closer to “deception.” In other words, maya is a deceptive force that deceives us into seeing that the physical world can give us everything we want, including peace, prosperity, love, wealth, power, happiness, etc.

It is not that the physical is not real.  The physical realm is very much real.  It is that the physical realm casts an illusion that it is a separate and the only reality.  It deludes us into thinking that we are trapped in this realm. For instance, if you are born into poverty, you will also be impoverished, which is an illusion.  If you are ill, you will always ill according to the physical realm, but again this is an illusion because it has been proven that most illness are psychosomatic. Most illnesses are influenced by a thoughts, actions, beliefs, etc.  When we see accidents, tragedies, etc. the physical realm makes us believe that these events just happened or all of a sudden occurred. In other words, the physical realm creates the delusion that we live in a world of happenstance because we do not see the front end of Maa.

The truth is that the physical realm is the end product or the end result of the spiritual realm. Whenever we see planned and unplanned events occur, what we are witnessing is the physical effect of a spiritual cause.  Said another way, the physical realm is a manifestation of the spiritual realm, which is the reason the spiritual realm is called on the maa aankh KAMTA (the southern region of Kemet or Upper Kemet) because it was the inundation of the Nile River in this region that flowed upward and made the northern region TASETT (the Red Lands or Lower Kemet).

Maa Aankh with Utchat

So in Kamta the physical realm is called TASETT (the Red Lands or desert) and is identified with the Kemetic/Kamitic adversary Set, the author of confusion, chaos, war, etc. because it is an energy that creates the delusions of happiness, power, prosperity, peace, etc. from physical things. Set, the foe spirit that governs this physical realm or TASETT, is the spirit of deception that causes us to be selfish, egotistical, arrogant, narcissistic, self-centered, etc.  For this reasons, we say that Set blinds us from seeing the whole as Netcher (Neter) intended.

Understand. If you think that money, sex, drugs, or any other physical thing is going to give you happiness, prosperity, peace, etc. You have been blinded by Set, as the Kemetic hero Hru was when the enemy gouged his eye. But, at the same time, if you think that you do not need the physical realm or that the spiritual realm is the only thing that is important, thus resulting in you thinking you do not need money, shelter, food, etc. Then, you are being too spiritual and not practical like Osar (Asar), which resulted in him underestimating Set and leading to an early death.

To bring Maa (Balance) into your life so that you can see with both eyes, here are several activities that you can employ:

The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

  1. Build an ancestral altar. In the Kemetic Legend of Osar, after Oset and Nebhet collected the dismembered body parts of Osar. Everywhere they recovered a missing part they erected a shrine in Osar’s honor, which is an allusion to ancestor veneration. The reason ancestor veneration is the most widely practice tradition all over the world is because it is proof that there is a spiritual reality beyond this physical reality. The followers of Set have done a great job convincing people there is a heaven and hell but have yet to prove the existence of both. Ancestor veneration is proof that the human soul does not die.
  2. Begin to Practice Divination. True divination is not a means of foretelling the future and determining the winning numbers of Powerball. By the way, the purpose of divination is not to tell you what you should and should not do. The true purpose of divination is to show you the consequences of choices that you make. Divination provides you with the intuitive or the spiritual side of reality, which is the reason the Kemetic sages ingeniously state that after Set gouged out the young Hru’s eye. It was Djahuti who repaired his perfectly and made it whole.
  3. Rhythmic and Meditative Sounds. When I first became attracted to this way of life, I remember I was watched the movie Quilombo which inspired me to listening to the sacred songs of Cadomble. As a result, the sacred music of Candomble became a gateway that helped me to go into a meditative state. Today, I can listen to blues, gospel, traditional African, etc. and it will transport me to the spiritual realm, thus allowing me to get a Maa perspective. In order to use music as a tool, it is best that music be slow, rhythmic and preferably in another language (or no words like drumming music), so that you are not focusing on the literal meaning of the music but the rhythm. If you possible, you can also try drumming but note that it may require you to drum for several hours.
  4. Studying Metaphysics. Studying metaphysics can also lead to one expanding their awareness but it has to be combined with ritual in order to give a holistic view of reality. When metaphysics is not combined with ritual it leads to “intellectual masturbation” which results in the creation of numerous theories without any practical application. In other words, you are just talk and no action. By combining metaphysics with ritual you are able to see which theories are applicable.
  5. Studying Dreams. The language of the BA (Superconscious) and sahu (subconscious) are symbols, so when one dreams or has visions. They need to ask what does the symbol mean in order to interpret the dream. By diligently studying the symbols in one’s dreams, one is able interpret the vast symbols that exist in nature. Certain patterns such as seeing three feral dogs or encountering individuals wearing red and black, will become easily identifiable as Npu, the jackal masked spirit. Through studying dreams and symbols it becomes clear that the physical realm is a manifestation of the spiritual realm.

There are other ways to establish a Maa perspective in your life but the methods used above are the ones I have found to be the most useful in my development. One thing that must be understood, is that every method does not work the same for everyone. Some people may be more clairvoyant, clairsentience, clairaudience and/or claircognizance. It is rare that one individual will have all of these traits but understand that these are all signs that one eye is being repaired.


Ancient African Spirituality is a Weapon against Mind-Control

2 08 2017

Hetepu (Peace & Blessing) Family

The other day I went to the library and ran into this lady who was a friend of the family, whom I had not seen for a while. I said, “Hello and asked how she was doing?” And, she proceeded to tell me about all of the problems she was having in her life. She began by telling me that the other day she got out of the car and parked as usual but, somehow the car was not parked, and it dragged her several feet.

This of course prompted me to ask, “Are you okay?”

“Yeah, but I got this…” she continued and told me about how her leg got caught under the car, how she has a big gash on her leg, scrapes and other bruises, while pointing and showing a big bandaid she put on.

“Did you go to the hospital?” I asked.

“No. Yeah, the firemen who saw me and stopped the car told me I should go, but I am not going to go because…” and she continued.

“You should really go to the hospital and get checked out.” I said.

“No. I am alright. I don’t even know how I got home. I remember getting in the car,” she said.

“How long ago did this happen?” I asked.

“Oh, I think it was last week.” She answered.

“You really should go to the hospital and get checked out.” I state again.

“Nooo. I am okay. Anyway see you later,” as she limps away.

“I hope you get better but you should really consider going to the doctor.”

The next thing I know, she went and logged on to a computer where she sat for hours watching social media.

Now, I was not sure if this was the case or not but this lady seemed to have a lot of drama in her life. The fact that she was spending hours watching social media instead of going to the hospital made me wonder if her drama was her own self doing. I mean, as she told me about the things that occurred to her, it was almost as if she was looking for attention. I mean (besides financial reasons), why wouldn’t you go and see a medical professional or get treated to make sure that you do not a concussion, staph infection or something worse? Unless, you want or are looking for something else to occur? I mean, I am not trying to judge but it seems like you would want to do something to prevent further problems.

But, the fact that she got on the computer and proceeded to watch videos and get on social media instead of going to seeing if she was okay, convinced me that her priorities were out of rack.

How did this happen? I wondered.

Well, remember we all have a part of our being that governs our automatic responses called the sahu (subconscious). It is completely programmable and does not have the ability to reason, which means if you tell a person “You’re stupid” a number of times. Guess what? You will eventually begin to feel, think and believe “I am stupid.”

Now, most of us are consciously aware of this blatant type of subconscious programming or at least so they think. But, most people do not understand that our subconscious has to always be put in check. Our sahu (subconscious) will believe any authority figure, it not put into check. Don’t believe me. Let a doctor come and say, “You will be sick for three days.” I guarantee you that if you do not tell yourself “The doctor is a lie” and reaffirm that this is not the case. You will fall ill because your subconscious cannot discriminate between what is real and what is not real, what is fact versus what is fiction.

Most people do not see the subconscious programming that passes under our conscious radar because they do not understand that the sahu (subconscious) does not discriminate between fact and fiction.  The sahu (subconscious) naturally obeys and believes all authority. TV and now the Internet are the new authorities. You were right if you said, “People only believe what is on TV” because “seeing is believing”

For instance, when people watch soap operas, romances, dramas, etc. Most of these stories all begin the same. There is damsel in distress who has some personal problem that she refuses to address, so instead she needs a man, a “friend,” some money, so that she can manipulate herself into a powerful position. The motto is “She has to use what she got to get what she wants.”

Of course, I can hear some people crying that this is not true because they do not believe or think that they act or behave like the dramas they watch but remember, this occurs subconsciously. Subconsciously, if you are in the habit of watching soap operas, romances, dramas, etc, your life is full of soap operas, romances, dramas, etc because you are programming your subconscious to be like the dark haired/brunette woman Joanna (Olivia, Maria, etc.) who manipulates her love interest John (James, Pedro, etc.) into lying to his blonde haired wife Becky (Mary, etc.), causing them to fight and have an argument, driving him into the loving arms of Joanna (Olivia, Maria, etc.). The next thing you know, the affair beings but in TVLand, they call it “Love.”

Remember, this subconscious programming occurs under your conscious radar, which means if you are in the habit of engaging in a certain action or behavior, you will think it is normal.

Oh, the subconscious programming is used on Brothas too.

If you are tired of police brutality, tired of the violence, poor economics but all of a sudden find yourself being more concerned about LeBron James, Steph Curry, D’Wade or any other sports teams. The subconscious programming was used to water down your aggression for change and channel it into purchasing sports paraphernalia or video game.

Now, don’t get me wrong. A little bit of escapism is okay and healthy. It is natural and is necessary for you to relax because it is the opposite of stress. But the first sign that there is a problem is when you see things falling apart.

It is like a drug addict. When you see your health failing, teeth and hair falling out of your head. That’s a sign that your escapism has just made you a slave to a destructive subconscious program.

When you have a lot of drama in your life and it seems like it is everyone else fault. You are under the influence of a destructive subconscious program.

When you give more of a damn about a sports team, athlete or entertainer, than you do about yourself, your community, etc. Umm, that is a destructive subconscious program.

When you eat something just to make yourself feel good. This is a destructive subconscious program.

Another sign that it is a destructive subconscious programming is that you do it because it makes you feel good but it does not improve your life one iota! In fact, there is no logical or rational explanation to explain its importance.

This is why if you ever talk to someone who is addicted to a behavior like cigarette smoking or overeating. They will tell you, “I know it is bad and not good for me.”  When asked why they continue to do it, “I can’t help it. It feels so good. I like it” and a whole plethora of other “feeling” excuses. Remember, the sahu (subconscious) does not have the ability to reason, which is why destructive habits do not make sense.

I really hope you are starting to see that some of our problems are due to what we are feeding or entertaining our subconscious with, which is a very easy thing to do. This is the reason our Kemetic ancestors understanding the power of the mind tried to warn us of these dangers by saying that Set was married to Nebhet (the netchar of beauty, love, entertainment, etc.). We find a similar mythology in the Yoruba tradition where Ogun is married to Oshun. It even exists in European lore where Mars is married to Aphrodite. Beauty, love, entertainment, etc. or escapism can easily be manipulated to serve a destructive purpose.

If you ever watched Gladiator starring Russel Crowe, you will recall that the emperor of Rome reinitiated the gladiator games for entertainment purposes only, in order to delude the mob (masses).

Does it make sense why you are being bombarded daily with advertisements, TV shows, films, movies, music, food, drugs, etc. to keep you from going within?

Now that you understand how the enemy influences you and remember that “seeing is believing.” The purpose of building and maintaining a spiritual altar is to get you to draw your attention within.

What’s within you?

God and your ancestors. That’s the short answer.

The long answer, the solution to every problem that exists in your life.

If you want drama and entertainment. Meditate. Get into developing yourself spiritually. I guarantee you, you will find all the drama and entertainment you need. Besides, there is a reward at the end and it is called an improved, happier and successful individual.

Let me tell you Family. When I was diagnosed with lupus. The game to stay optimistic and hopeful among people who were negative and talking that “God’s will (if I die)” crap was intense. Now, I can walk among the most illest individuals because my spirit is strong.

When I lost my job due to the ill-ness and had to find other means of bringing money in. I learned that it was Easy to complain and talk about what I don’t have and can’t do. However, it was Right or Righteous to go within and find what I was wasting money on and tap into ways of how I can improve my finances.

The point is that our salvation comes from within and because we live in this physical realm, we have to be remind our sahu (subconscious) on a daily basis of our divinity. This is the reason the Kemetic people decorated their entire land with hieroglyphics and wall carvings. Silly and immature Western archeologists will tell you that this was art, but it was visual affirmations.

Indigenous people all over the world decorated their homelands and adorned themselves with visual reminders because they understood how easy our sahu (subconscious) would get distracted and have us thinking we are just human beings. This is what Righteous People do, they don’t advertise and market products for people to consume death. Righteous People advertise and market to their spirit about the beauty of nature in order to remind themselves of their divine capabilities.

If you engage in activities and behaviors that stimulate the lower part of your being (sahu/subconscious), you will have lowly existence and attract low influences. If you engage in activities and behaviors that stimulate the higher part of your being (BA/Superconscious), you will have a high vibe and will attract high influences.


Images and memes from the movies:

Lord of the Rings & John Carpenter’s “They Live”

Ancient African Spirituality is doing what is Right not (necessarily) what is, Easy

29 07 2017

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know there is a lot of confusion about what ancient African spirituality is about. Some people think that it is all about receiving a cool name listing all of these ancient African spirits.  Others think that it is all about living with no consequences for your actions and behaviors.

I understand and know this because I remember that when I first became interested in ancient African spirituality.   I came across this book where this lady was given instructions to get a particular man by offerings the orisha Oshun a pumpkin with her loved interests name inside of it, along with other objects sacred to the Yoruba orisha of love. The lady was also instructed after her petition was answered to make a weekly offering to Oshun for her continual blessings. After this lady made the offerings, Oshun brought this lady and man together but a few years later. The couple began to have all sorts of problems, until one day her husband became so furious that he grabbed the weekly offerings the lady was making to Oshun and threw them on the floor. When the lady went to the individual who gave her the initial instructions for capturing her loved interest. She was simply told that the same way Oshun brought them together, she could dissolve their relationship as well.

I remember that after reading this story I thought that all ancient African spirituality was all about was you doing a spell and “Voila!” You magically get what you want, so long as you keep the spirits happy. What I learned, the hard way I might add, is that this is not African spirituality. This is what the Hollywood horror films and other misinformation about African traditions want you to believe ancient African spirituality is about.

It is true that if you make an offering to the spirits, that “Voila!” They will give you what want or at least put you in the right place to get what you want. However, after you get what you want, you still have to do the work to keep it. For instance, if you do a love spell for the spirits to get you a man or woman, but you do not know how to keep that man or woman because you have a “stank” attitude, bad manners, you talk “at” your loved one instead of “to” your loved one, etc. Guess what? That person you attracted is going to leave because this is “African influenced magic” not ancient African spirituality. African magic makes up a very small percentage of ancient African spirituality. I would say at least 2 – 5%, while the bulk of ancient African spirituality involves working on yourself.

You see, African spirituality is based upon what I call the Ba (Superconscious or Higher Self) and involves working on yourself because it understands. That most of our problem are self-created, self-induced and self-inflicted problems that stem from our sahu (subconscious). In other words, most of our problems are due to destructive, nasty and negative habits that we most likely learned during our childhood.

This is hard for a lot of people to accept because many do not understand how they got their destructive habits. Well, don’t beat yourself up about them because as I mentioned. You got them subconsciously (sahu), which means you did not deliberately learn these destructive and negative habits. As a child, you indiscriminately imitated them because your Ab (conscious mind/spirit heart) was not developed. When we are all children, we are all very impressionable and believe everything that we see and hear as the gospel truth.  To get real with you, a lot of what we believe is the gospel truth, we learned from our parents – primarily our mothers.

Yes. Many of the things that our mothers taught us is the reason we are having problems because as children. Our mother cannot do wrong, after all she carried us in her womb for nine months, breastfed us and was the first human being to teach us anything. She repeated everything to us and took the time to teach us the first things that make us who we are. To many of us, subconsciously Mom is (the first) God and God cannot do any wrong, so it is hard for many of us to accept that our Mom may have taught us something incorrectly.

But, what we have to understand that if there is something that we are in the habit of doing and it is not working for us. It is not Maa (Truth), which means it is not based upon the Ba (Higher Self) but upon the sahu (lower self) and to be exact, our parents (or Mom’s) opinionated perspective.

So what does all of this mean?

Well, it means that your personality, which was influenced by your Mom (and/or parents) is not who you are, but how you are in the habit of acting and behaving as.

In African spirituality you can’t say, “This is how I am” , “Just accept me for who I am” or “I can’t do x, y and z” because this is not who you are. This is what you are in the habit of acting and behaving as. Who you are is based upon your Ba (Superconscious/Higher Self), which is a clean slate that means you can become anyone and anything.

In other words, you may come from a broken home, which means psychologically speaking. You most likely when you grow up will have relationship problems because this is what you are habitually familiar with due to your subconscious (sahu) programming.  However, you have a Ba (Superconscious or Higher Self), which means that you can change this subconscious program and have a happy relationship.  You simply have to ask your Spirits to help and work through your conditionings.

No, it is not going to be Easy (all the time) but it is the Right thing to do and it is worth it. History is full of examples of individuals who have overcome incredible odds that were stacked up against them to become healthy, wealthy, powerful and influential people. If they can do it, you can too!

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

Only angry, egotistical and lazy people say, “This is who I am” as an excuse for their destructive, nasty and negative behavior.  Being yourself is great if it works for you but, if keep hitting a brick wall in regards to your health, finances, career, relationships, etc. Yourself, is most likely a subconscious (sahu) habit learned when you were younger.  And, this is the reason in the Kemetic tradition, our subconscious (sahu) habitual self (lower self) or ego-self is symbolized as Set (Typhon in Greek, Set-an or Satan in Judeo-Christian belief ), the spirit of chaos, havoc, laziness, stubborness and destruction.

You will know it is Set influencing your behavior because Set fights against positive change and wants you to continue to blame others for your shortcomings. Set is the lord of excuses and wants you to keep getting the same results using the same old conditional thinking. He will use everything within his power, especially fear to discourage you away from positive change.

The beauty of ancient African spirituality is that it focuses on your Ba (Superconscious or Higher Self), which is symbolized as Osar (Osiris).  Osar wants reminds us that at any time we can hit the reset and start over because our Ba gives us a clean slate like a blackboard that can be erased.

In other words, it does not matter where you come from or what your background is because your past does not define who you are. It only indicates what you have overcome. Therefore, the magic of ancient African spirituality is that it helps us to not focus on what we are, but what we can become.


The Power of the Kamta (Kamitic Shamanism) Altar

27 09 2015

Hetep (Peace & Blessings) Family

In this post, I decided to share a little and give you a little insight into how I practice Kamta. I credit the inspiration behind this post to my lovely sister and Boricua (Puerto Rican Sister) who had my back and was in my corner.

What happened and why I am giving major thanks to my Sister? Well, as most of you know, my father is preacher and my mother is a strong, loving Christian woman. Now, before anyone goes there, I have already surpassed the basic and superficial things dealing with Christianity, so now I see it for what it is which is metaphorical lore. Like most lore, Christian lore has a host of metaphysical and metaphorical truths.  As urban shamans it is important that we see this connection so that we can change the physical reality as we see fit, by using scriptures from the bible, Tibetan prayer flags, African iconography or anything we can find to influence the spiritual universe.

But, my mother. I love her dearly, but she is determined to save me from “heathen ways.” Like most good mothers who knows their child, when my mother is visiting. She never questions me about my altar when my guard is up and I am expecting her to do so. It is always the sneak attack when my guard is down and then I find myself trying to justify to her that “We don’t worship idols.” For instance, while bringing in groceries, or watching TV that when she pops the question, “Hey, so why do you have that altar thing again?”

“Parents Just Don’t Understand” from Greatest Hits (1998) Before The Willenium (1999) Platinum & Gold Collection (2003) The Very Best of Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (2006) The Best of DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (2010)

My response to my Mom’s strategically, carefully time planned questions have been good but they aren’t good enough for her to leave the subject alone. I think because part of her doesn’t want to accept it but the other part, the egotistical Set part (or lower spirit) tells her based upon her conditioning, “This is not Christianity. He’s going to hell.”

Yeah, if it was anyone else who asked me, I would simply say, “Go kick rocks. It’s personal” because it is none of their business and this is not a religion, so there is no proselytizing going on. If it were anyone else the conversation is simple and goes like this:

Them or Agent Smith: “So, Mr. Moore. In one life you are respected professional. In the other you go by the Kamitic alias Rau Khu. One of these lives is a good Christian but the other is a Heathen. Why, Mr. Moore do you say…you have an altar and work with “spirits?”

Hugo Weaving as Agent Smith from the Matrix trilogies.

Me in Pedro Cerrano mode: “I work with my spirits because it helps me.”

Dennis Haysbert as the Cuban defector Pedro Cerrano, in the cult comedy Major League.

Them or Agent Smith: “Mr. Moore. I don’t understand why you need to ‘Work with spirits’ anyway. Why do you need to work with your spirits? Why are they Your spirits? How did you acquire them? Did someone give them to you? You can’t even see them, so how do you know they even exist? How do you know that they are real or not? Are they listening to you? Why can’t you just be a good Christian and let Jesus help you with whatever you need.”

Me in Pedro Cerano mode: “Hahahaha (jajajajaja). Jesus (pronounce Hay-zeus) is good but he no good for bat. Go kick rocks! ”

Cerrano was a power hitter in the movie Major League but he struggled throughout the film to hit curveballs and every pitcher knew it.  For help, he turned to alleged spirit Jobu. When a fellow player suggested that Cerrano try Jesus Christ. Cerrano’s response was that Jesus is good but “he’s no good for bat.”

In other words, our spirits are archetypes and have a purposes. Jesus can’t help me with my woman because he ain’t had one. Damn the conspiracy, he was a 30+year old man with no love interest. He can’t help me with that. Jesus didn’t have any children, so it is pretty hard for him to help people with their children.  Umm, Jesus didn’t have no weight issue, so he can’t help people trying to diet and stay healthy.  The bible never talks about how Jesus dealt with his coworkers while building a house and doing his carpentry work, so he can’t help me deal with my coworkers. Our Spirit understands that Jesus is only good for “Saving Souls.” Meaning you want to go to heaven and deal with the afterlife….you better call on Jesus. For everything else, if you don’t know your spirits, then you are left without a paddle being religious. I am very conscientious about my Spirit (Knowledge of Self).  I know how my Spirit works in my life and I know my Spirit is strong but in order to work it, I need a spiritual paddle. I needs SPECIFICS to feed my Spirit. We need spirits that have accomplished specific tasks, which is why as Cerrano has said “Jesus not good with bat.”

It is difficult to explain holistic thinking to people in a non-holistic culture. Think about how long it took Americans to understand why Native Americans kept saying that the land was sacred. Yeah, 500+ years to change that mentality and at great cost. This is why unless someone is interested in my spiritual tradition. I usually don’t share or waste my time.

But my Moms, that’s a different story.  Your Mom as the Brandon Lee said in The Crow (I paraphrase) “Mother is the word for God on the lips of all children,” so it is hard to go against God. It is one of the hardest spiritual tests to pass is to tell the woman who carried you for nine months, birthed you, taught you to read, write, do math, fed you, taught you how to pray and talk to God, that what she taught you doesn’t work. It is a challenge because no one wants to hurt their Mom’s feelings, at least no one with a sense of humanity.  You always want to let her down gently so she can respect what you do and stop asking questions about your spirituality, when she is not really interested in it.  In other words, you have to find a way to tell your Moms to shut up, mind her damn business TACTFULLY.  Yeah, you have to pass this test because it teaches you how to “catch flies with honey”.

Right, a work in progress.

But, that’s when “IE” (we should call her to protect her identity) comes into the picture.  When IE wanted to see my het aakhu/netcharu (ancestor and guardian spirit house), I did a reading and my shells said “Yes with a blessing.” When IE saw the altar, the scent of the Florida Water and other colognes I had out for my spirits, she said reminded her of her late grandmother in Puerto Rico. A sort of calmness and peace overcame IE as she took in the various icons, images and symbols that adorned my sacred space. After a few minutes she said, “Thank you for allowing me to see this” and exited the room.

Now, I didn’t know why my spirits granted me permission to allow IE to gaze upon the altar, but I soon learned why.  You see, several months later IE and I were visiting my brother’s family, and while she was alone with my sister-in-law, she was asked what her thoughts were about me having an altar. IE told her, “I think what he is doing is right in line with my culture. It is not religious, it is spiritual,” which is what people on the island do all of the time.

PERFECT! Yep! She nailed it! No divide between me and my baby! No demonizing my ancestral ways.

You see, everywhere African people were taken during slavery, they hung on to their culture and today in places like Puerto Rico, Cuba, Brazil, Cosamaloapan, Haiti, Colombia, Jamaica, Dominica, etc.  The African influence is celebrated, loved, respected, cherished and used as a tool of liberation. Only stateside in the United States are we made to be ashamed of our history, heritage, culture, ancestral practices and literally pimped for our cultural ingenuity. Only, in the United States are we divided because of religion.

So, not too long after, I like the unsuspecting swimmer didn’t hear the Jaws music when my mother was visiting me and that’s when she attacked, “So, what does IE think about that altar-thing?”

“Well, Mom,” I said calmly and non-defensively, “To be honest with you, she is okay with it because it is not religious. It is spiritual. It is our culture and it reminded her of her culture and a practice that her grandmother would do.”

The look on Mom’s face….PRICELESS.

Why? Because our cultural practices are SPIRITUAL. It has nothing to do with going to a church, mosque, temple, etc. It is God and our ancestors that unite us and all of these Western religions that have divided us. In other words, spirituality is personal and is concerned with making us better individual by overcoming our egocentric lower spirit or Set.  This is how “they” get us all of the time, so we have to constantly remind ourselves about the true enemy.


I am reminded of this every time I gaze and think about my het (spiritual house or altar).  As I have mentioned before, the Kamta altar draws upon the Afro-Cuban  Espiritismo Cruzado (Crossed Spiritist) tradition but is totally based upon the Kamitic tradition and the remnants of the Kongo philosophy that survived in North America. I draw upon the Espiritismo Cruzado because my godfather, Papa, taught me that the Cruzado altar called a boveda, was the most fluid, multi-purpose altar in the Afro-Diaspora that functions according to how you feel. I was taught that there were only two rules that should be obeyed when it comes to working with the boveda and they are: 1) always keep the altar clean, and 2) never put images of living people on it. Other than that, if you get a hunch, a feeling, a thought to place something or take something off of the het, then follow your intuition. If something doesn’t feel right, then remove it because you are in control and this is your altar. It was through following these rules that led me to find my spirits. As I said, it is spiritual, not religious, which means there is no dogma attached to it.

ancestor altar

Afro-Latin spirit guide altar or boveda

This needs to be clearly understood because similar icons are used and I have seen some people trying their best to put a trademark on our ancestry. No. You do you and let me do me! My godfather was an old, stern Black Cuban man. He was a babalawo (high priest in Santeria) and a member of the Abakwa Society, and in the little time that I knew him, he taught me a lot. And, one of the most important things he taught me about my spirits is that NO ONE CAN DENY YOU what you have experienced. If someone else didn’t experience it, guess what? They didn’t experience it but it doesn’t mean that your experience was not authentic.  Failure to understand the nature of one’s Spirit is how good people are taken advantage of.

This is why I don’t care if people believe what I do or not, because your spirituality is not a religion. It was not created to save your soul. It was created to help you to prosper while on earth. It is spiritual, which means it only needs to make sense to one individual and that is YOU.

It has to be remembered that our ancestors didn’t lose all of our cultures as people claim. What our ancestors lost due to slavery was the philosophy and theology behind our cultural practices. So, the het aakhu (the ancestors/spirit guide altar) represents KAMTA or the spiritual realm where the aakhu dwell.  The cross symbolizes the four directions of the universe and hence the presence of the Divine. I have nine clear glasses, symbolizing the nine netcharu who in my mind united with Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris) against Set.  I also use this symbolism to signify the various African ethnic groups or nations that were brought to the Americas and forced to work together for a common goal due to slavery. See How to Honor Your Ancestors the Kamitic/Kemetic Shaman Way.

Maa Aankh with Utchat

I put on my het photos of my ancestors but it is also adorned with icons of four important African American spirit guides who I believed helped my family to survive slavery. The first two iconic images are of an elderly black man and woman.  They are known by various names. In Cuba they are called Francisco y Francisca, in Brazil they are called Los Pretos Velhos (The Old Black Ones), in the Mexican tradition they are called Los Negritos (The Little Old Blacks People) and in the Puerto Rican tradition they were called Los Congos, Los Esclavos, La Madama, Negro Jose, etc. African Americans respectfully referred to these elderly men and women as Papa or Uncle and Momma and Auntie because they were believed to be the first Africans (or first descendants of these Africans) that were enslaved. Being the first, they still remember the Old Ways. Many, including myself, believe that these aakhu were Kongo spirits and this is why they are commonly associated with various Espiritismo spirits.

Black Hawk

Black Hawk’s watching all who approach the shrine.

There are also two Amerindian or Native American spirits that adorn my het as well. The first is Black Hawk (shown but his weapons and offerings are not shown) and second is a female spirit who sits across from him. There are numerous stories of how many Native Americans harbored runaway slaves and even adopted early African Americans into their tribes. While it is true that some Native Americans also participated in the slave trade in North America. History reveals that they were not as cruel as white slave owners and allowed their slaves to have various rights and could even marry into the tribe and their offspring were born free. The Native American spirits sit upon the het and continue to fulfill this role as protector spirits, so when I gaze upon my het. It reminds me of those brave souls that fled to the hush harbors in order to practice their spirituality.Black Hawk sits on the edge of the het with a watchful eye protecting my cultural practice.


Npu (Enpu, Anpu or Anubis in Greek) is akin to Ellegua, Exu, Pomba Gira, Papa Legba, Lucero, St. Peter, Brer’ Rabbit, Anansi or Aunt Nancy, Nino de Atocha and the Native American spirits Coyote

I cannot show you my het netcharu (house for my guardian spirits) but above is a het (spirit house or altar) for Npu. Npu also called Anpu, Enpu or Anubis in Greek, some call him Sebek.  He is akin to all of the trickster spirits like Ellegua, Exu, Pomba Gira, Papa Legba, Lucero, St. Peter, Brer’ Rabbit, Anansi or Aunt Nancy, Nino de Atocha and the Native American spirits Coyote. Npu is a crossroad spirit as one of his praise names implies, Apuat means “Opener of the Way“.

According to legend, when Oset (Isis) learned that Set had killed Osar and she went in search of his body to provide him with a proper burial. Her initial search was unsuccessful, until Ra sent Npu to help her. Npu is therefore the finder of lost things. Like most trickster spirits, Npu is a psychopomp meaning he escorts or guides newly deceased souls into the afterlife and participates in the Opening of the Mouth ceremony, which established a soul as an ancestor. Npu therefore crosses in between two worlds, hence the crossroads.  He intercedes on our behalf and is everyone’s personal guardian but he wears the mask of a dog because dogs can be loyal or disloyal depending on how their owner treats them. When they are loyal, they will protect you, guide you and pull you in the safe direction, but when they are disloyal because of your maltreatment, they will lead you into a traps or run off when you need them the most.

In Kamta, the netcharu are not worshipped but they are treated as honored and respected. Since Npu’s like all crossroad spirits are unique to the individual. This Npu shown above is fond of cigars, coffee liquor and candy.


These are just some of the spirits that I work with and this is the reason I was so happy to have told my Moms that it was SPIRITUAL, and that it was our culture and IE’s culture. It is our culture that unites us, and no Christian would dare say that their ancestors were enslaved in order to become a Christian. When you truly understand history, is when you will have Culture Freedom.

Yes, I finally did it! I finally passed the test without getting upset and without trying to explain why I do what I do to a “Parent that just doesn’t understand” and I owe it all to IE (Thanks Girl).

“Parents Just Don’t Understand” from Greatest Hits (1998) Before The Willenium (1999) Platinum & Gold Collection (2003) The Very Best of Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (2006) The Best of DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince (2010)

You see, we in the United States always feel that we have to explain ourselves because mainstream America has demonized our cultural way of life. As a result, we find ourselves really trying to explain our spiritual practices, especially to our loved ones because even though we know our spirituality is not a religion. We have been told all of our lives that if we weren’t in the Church we were going to hell and a small part of us still believes this. We only stop believing in this lore and start accepting that heaven and hell are states of mind when we seriously begin honoring and working with our spirits. It only when this happens, we realize that we are truly free and the only thing that enslaves us is what we have been taught as children to believe.

On this 100th post, I am happy I have been able to touch so many peoples’ lives. I have met some amazing people through the LandofKam blog and I have enjoyed reading your comments, criticisms and suggestions. No, we’re not signing off but I just wanted to thank you all for your support and look forward to another 100 posts.


Hru (Heru, Horus) Knows that Nonviolence is Predicated on His/Her Opponent Having a Conscience

27 07 2015

Hetepu (Peace and Blessings) Family.

The Right Eye of Ra (Also known as the Solar Eye corresponds to literal and physical sight.)

The Right Eye of Ra (Also known as the Solar Eye corresponds to literal and physical sight.)

You know when most people hear the term “spiritual blindsided” they immediately equate it with being caught off guard by a situation resulting in inappropriate behavior, like losing their temper. While this is one aspect of being spiritually blindsided, from an ancient African perspective when an individual is too spiritual they can be blinded as well resulting in them being imbalanced. Imbalance from the Kamitic perspective is symbolized as having one eye usually the Right Eye of Ra.


Spiritual imbalance is often symbolized by the Right Eye of Ra because it corresponded to the limited understanding of our subconscious.

Balance in the Kamitic tradition is symbolized as Maa, personified by the spirit (netchar) Maat and it is the most important theme in Kamitic spirituality because it leads to enlightenment.  Most people don’t see this because there is still a lot of confusion about whom and what is Maa and Maat.  This confusion exists because Western archeologists and scholars have interpreted our ancient ancestral writings from their limited perspective but they don’t understand African thought.  As a result, many of us are trying to equate Maa with karma believing that Maa is all about “reaping what you sow” or the belief that some final judgement is to make everything alright. I was guilty of this when I was younger as well thinking that in order to master the Maa I had to commit the 42 Laws of Maat to memory.  I also believed that some great cosmic event was going to overturn the society and people who acted “good” were going to be saved.  It wasn’t until I began working with my ancestors that I began to truly see that Maa is the symbol of Law, Balance, Order, Righteousness and Truth; and on a weekly thanking Maat for bringing “balance and order into my life” that I began to get a holistic perspective. Maa also corresponds to Insight because once you see the truth you know it and it will make you aware, which is why in the Story of Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris) it is alluded that the hero Hru had his eye gouged out by the enemy Set. This eye was none other than the Left Eye of Ra.

The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition and spiritual sight, hence insight.)

The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition and spiritual sight, hence insight.)

You see the maa (balance, law, order, truth, etc.) for one person is not going to be the same for another because we are all unique, which means the words, acts, behaviors, things, etc. that create imbalance in my life, most likely are going to differ from yours.  The Maa is the same for all beings on the planet and one of our objectives is to learn how to live in harmony with it. This is the reason we have to have a very clear understanding about the divinity within our being and understand that certain things are not just detrimental to our being, but to families, friends, community and the entire society. Let me explain.

When Charles Darwin wrote the Descent of Man in 1871, where he talks about how after studying nature there seemed to be a survival of the fittest that exist. English biologist Thomas Henry Huxley, known as “Darwin’s Bulldog” was the individual that advocated and promoted this idea.  Thereby, validating the belief that it was natural for human beings to compete and dominate one another because the same behavior occurs in the wild.

Consequently, the “survival of the fittest” trend has been promoted all over the globe as the natural way we are supposed to live as human beings. It is the philosophical mantra used throughout the Western world on how to do everything from engaging in a relationship with one another to how to conduct business. It is a continual cycle of competition because adult males and females are taught as children that they have to fight with one another (Battle of the Sexes), and since children imitate what they see. They attend school or meet on the playground to compete or dominate their peers in whatever ways they possibly can. Of course, if the child has suitable resources (leadership, economic, etc.) in their community, they are able to act out their competitive and domineering energies in sports or some other extracurricular activities. If they do not, then the child engages in destructive and illicit activities and this where the problem appears to begin.

Once an atrocity or heinous act is committed by a child, young adult, a group of young adults, etc., is when you find people on both sides of aisle playing the blame game. Some will argue that it was due to the lack of resources that created the condition for a heinous act to be committed. While others will argue that the “lack of resources” is an excuse and that the real problem is simply that people won’t take responsibility and get with the program. In other words, the reason so many children are doing poorly is because they have deadbeat fathers, unwedded mothers and a lack of ethics and morals. This cycle of blaming continues to go on and on to it being about language.  All of this occurs while people wait for the next major atrocity to occur to react to.  All while missing that the root cause stems from this limited mindset that we all have about life.


blog.africadreamsafaris.com1024 × 768Search by image By Ellison Mkonyi with Sam and Keith – Wondeful Bush Experience

The facts are that Darwin only mentioned “survival of the fittest” a couple of times in his book, which was distorted by Huxley. Darwin mentioned the word “love” over 90 times because he noticed that while nature is competitive. It is also cooperative.  Darwin noted that the reason human beings were able to evolve without the agility, speed and strength that animals have is because we learned how to cooperate with one another for the greater good.


Wild Gazzelle. | Help Change The World. The Future Of The County … sasscer.wordpress.com1920 × 1080Search by image … Animal-Gazelle-wallpaper Gazella_thomsoni_in_Masai_Mara Gazella_thomsonii_Thomsons_Gazelle_in_Tanzania_2573_ …

We see examples of these two traits all throughout nature of animals from the smallest to the largest primates. A herd of gazelles work together to protect one another (especially the young) from predators.

Herd Of Elephants An African | Imgwhoop http://www.imgwhoop.com1024 × 683Search by image Elephant Herd Herd Of Elephants An African

Elephants exhibit this same behavior trait.  Animals are only aggressive when they feel threatened.  Ants for instance, are aggressive whenever they need to defend their territory or kill in order to eat, but they build they are very cooperative with the rest of nature in order to live.


Red Ants Marching With Food Stock Footage Video 1901338 – Shutterstock http://www.shutterstock.com400 × 224Search by image

In other words, animals only kill when they have to. A lion doesn’t hunt down a whole herd of gazelles. They only kill what they need and it is done to feed their entire pride, pack, streak (or community). The rest of their existence is spent do what is necessary for the pride, pack, streak, etc.


This competitive/cooperative aspect that exists in nature is what the Kamitic sages would call the Maa. It is not The Law per se, but all of nature follows it. It is not The Balance, but since all of nature follows it everything in nature is balanced.  It is not The Truth per se, but is the absolute truth because no matter where we go. We see that everything in nature adheres to this same scheme.

Scale of Maa

Scale of Maa

The Kamitic people understood that Maa should exist between fire and water, earth and sky, male and female, aggressive and passive, etc. When Maa doesn’t exist within an individual, community or society, there is imbalance or chaos. The Kamitic rulers and sages understood this concept so well that when they went to war (competitive), they didn’t totally annihilate their adversaries like the Americans did when they decided to drop the A –bomb on the already defeated Japanese during WWII to demonstrate their might. No, the Kamitians simply fought enough in order to eliminate the threat.  The defeated region was brought into the Kamitic fold if they chose to do so, but it was all done for the greater of the whole. This is the reason when the Kamitians defeated their enemies (like the Hyskos) they didn’t annihilate them. They simply beat them into submission.

South Africa Looks to Apply Tribal Law – The New York Times http://www.nytimes.com600 × 358Search by image A traditional tribal court this month in the village of Manhlaneni, South Africa. Credit Jonathan Torgovnik for The New York Times

An analysis of Kamitic history will reveal that they like other traditional Africans and non – Westerners (like the Native Americans, Pacific Islanders, Indigenous of Australia, etc.) basically lived their lives based upon a consensus. That is by doing what is best for the whole by sacrificing the wants of the few for the many.  This is the same behavior that we see in nature and this cooperative energy is what the Kamitic people personified as the spirit (netchar) Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris in Greek).  Which legend tells us that Osar was the inventor of agriculture (through the help of his wife), the legendary ruler that united the people and brought civilization all through cooperation. Osar is attached to the superconscious mind or the Ba part of our being (the unlimited part of our mind symbolized as KAMTA), which functions out of love.

KAMTA – The Black Lands (symbol of our Higher Self and the Superconscious Mind) ruled by Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris in Greek). The realm of our aakhu (ancestral spirits and spirit guides) and the netcharu (guardian spirits).

Clearly you see that this is not the same type of society that we live in today. The American society sacrifices the wants and needs of the many for the selfish desires of the individual or selected few.  We can see this same competitive and selfish behavior throughout the Western world. You can call it democracy, capitalism, socialism, communism, etc. but it is all the same because it is not based upon the true nature of the human being, which is to love or cooperate with one another. It is based upon competition and conquest.  An analysis of Western thought throughout history will show this which is the reason Christopher Columbus is still celebrated as a national hero despite the fact that he initiated the decimation of the Amerindian people throughout the Americas. He is clearly a symbol used to advocate and promote the interests of the selected few over the many. Understand. Christopher Columbus is celebrated as a national hero because he symbolizes competition and conquest. This is the reason American history books continue to promote the idea that Columbus brought civilization to the “New World” or Americas as if the Amerindians weren’t civilized. This arrogant, egotistical, limited and selfish energy is what the Kamitic people called the spirit Set, which is attached to the subconscious mind or the sahu part of our being (the limited part of our mind symbolized as TASETT), which manifests itself out of fear.

TASETT – The Red Lands (symbol of our lower self and the subconscious mind) ruled by Set (Seth, Set-an, the Devil). The physical realm of the living.

Osar is the energy of cooperative love and Set is energy of competitive fear. Westerners will tell you that Set is the devil and we are taught to be afraid of him again because they don’t understand African thinking. Both love and fear are energies with positive and negative aspects like any other energy. It is natural to fear because it prompts you to take protective measures, but too much fear or uncontrolled fear will result in you destroying your life or the lives of others. Love is the same way. If one is too cooperative they end up being abused and misused by predators.  This is the reason Kamitic sages kept stressing that people live a life of Maa.

Our ancestors lived in a similar society like the Kamitic people did but when the Europeans abducted, enslaved and brought them to the Americas, this way of life was interrupted. (I say interrupted because many of our families after slavery was abolished continued to live their lives based upon a consensus of the whole). Slowly but surely many of them were assimilated into the American society, and in time we lost this philosophical perspective about life. Again, many people want to claim that it was because of Christianity but I found that this is not totally true.

We have to accept and understand contrary to popular belief that all of our ancestors weren’t forced into Christianity. Many of our ancestors from the Kongo – Angolan region were Christians or at least familiar with the Christian faith prior to being brought to the Americas. When these Africans were brought to North America, they already had in their minds a working syncretized model of their indigenous beliefs and Christianity. In other words, the Africans from the Kongo – Angolan region had a spiritual system of resistance in their mind, which I strongly believe they taught to the other Africans brought to North America.

History shows that when the England commissioned the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts (SPG) to Christianize Native Americans and Africans in the New World to protect English interest, so that the colonies wouldn’t be taken over by France and Spain. The Anglican missionaries had a difficult time completing their tasks for a number of reasons.  It was difficult for them to convert the Amerindians because the Native Americans being familiar with the land could easily flee back to their villages. Many enslaved Africans were able to resist the conversion because they didn’t make a distinction between spiritual and secular, so they had already conceptualized that “salvation” meant “freedom” from slavery. When Euro – American slaveholders witnessed this change in attitude and behavior, they strongly objected to the conversion to Christianity.


Kidnapped-Africans-forced-to-labor-as-slaves-were-the-first-workers-to-organize-revolts-Painting-shows-Nat-Turner-plotting-uprising-againt-slaveholders-he-was-later-hanged. LABOR UNIONS DENOUNCE FBI RAIDS | VOICE OF DETROIT: The city’s … voiceofdetroit.net640 × 480.

It wasn’t until the 1800s that most enslaved and free descendants of Africa willingly converted to Christianity.  Many of them fond of the plain – styled preaching of Baptist and Methodist ministers, along with the fact that these denominations initially opposed slavery, while allowing the blacks to practice Christianity according to their African beliefs, which consisted of spirit possession, dancing, singing and shouting, is the reason many willingly converted to the Christian faith.

Later on, Christian missionaries in an effort to placate the growing concern among slaveholders in North America, perverted the Christian teachings and began preaching to the Africans the “good slave” doctrine (instruction), which is, that part of their Christian duty was to be a good slave by obeying their masters, protecting their slave owners property and not destroying it. It was the “good slave” doctrine that eventually led to the creation of the Curse of Ham myth, which was that blacks were inferior to whites because after the biblical Noah’s son Ham witnessed his father drunk and naked.  Noah cursed Ham’s descendants (people of dark skin) to all be slaves.

Slaveholders became aware that religion (or anything for that matter) could be used as a tool of control in the 1800s, but early African Americans like Denmark Vessey (1820) and Nat Turner (1831) also were aware that religion could be used as a tool of liberation because they saw the hypocrisy of Christian slaveholders. This allowed them to get a holistic view as many people of African descent did who rebelled against the institution of slavery.

The problem that many of us have today is that we have been taught to love or be passive and cooperative but not to be aggressive and competitive. As a result, we have a limited or narrow view of life. On the other hand, there are those of us who reject the passive and cooperative aspect and have embraced wholeheartedly the aggressive and competitive aspect thinking that this will solve our problems.  The thing is that we have to understand that both perspectives (the cooperative symbolized by Osar and the competitive symbolized by Set) by themselves will lead to a great imbalance.  We can’t be polarized by one or the other.  We need both because separately they are not Maa.


Maa is symbolized as Hru who is the son of Osar and the nephew of Set, which is why Hru wears the white crown of KAMTA (Osar’s crown) and the red crown of TASETT (Set’s crown), known as the double white and red Pschent crown. It is the Kamitic symbol of self – mastery and self – discipline, which means that Hru can be aggressive and passive whenever he or she needs to be.

This means that Hru can love and cooperate with everyone like Osar, but he ain’t no fool and knows that everyone is not on that same level. He saw examples of this through his uncle Set. This is why Hru is all about forgiving people for their sins and the wrongs they have committed, but understands that through Maa that one has to right their wrong in order for them to be forgiven because the energy is not balanced. Hru believes and works towards a nonviolent society, but understand the physical reality that we must protect ourselves.  Hru understands what Baba Kwame Ture (aka Stokely Carmichael) expressed and I paraphrase that “nonviolence is predicated on your opponent having a conscience”1. This is why Hru is situated in the middle of the Maa Aankh cosmogram.

maa aank2014b

We need to understand this because I have seen people take this limited perspective with them everywhere they go. They will take this narrow view and they may say Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris), Obatala or whatever, but they are still approaching it from this limited one – sided perspective of either being all about cooperation or competitive. This is why we hear of so much corruption in organized and diaspora traditions.  Fortunately, it can all be corrected and balance restored by working with our ancestors.

See, the ancestors from the ancient African perspective are the pallbearers of Maa. Since they do not have a physical body they are not limited by time and space, which means that they can see what we can’t see and have the ability to go anywhere. When we include them in our lives, they can provide us with a holistic perspective through our dreams, visions and divination that stretches beyond our physical eyes. You see divination will give you insight on if you need to attend an event or not, or if someone can be trusted or not. If someone is being truthful or selfish and so on.  There are some divination tools (oracles) that give you insight on how to make partnerships works.  In other words, through working with our ancestors we get a holistic view that is not just based upon our beliefs and opinions, which can and are usually wrong.

The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

Could you imagine if before we went to the voting polls we came together, asked our ancestors for guidance and did a reading on the candidate that would be beneficial to us, how much our life would change? Just the thought of it should give you goosebumps!  And, I am going to let you in on a secret. People like the Chinese having been doing it for years and the thing is that we have been doing it as well because this is how Hru was able to defeat his enemy through the intercession of his ancestor.  This is the only way we will be able to defeat our physical and spiritual enemies as well.


Legends of the Gods, The Egyptian Texts: Introduction: Summary: IV … http://www.sacred-texts.com461 × 400 Search by image Horus of Behutet and Thoth spearing Set in the form of a crocodile.

We have to realize that the reason the Kamitic civilization became great was because of the rapport they had with their ancestors (aakhu). Proof of this fact can be seen all along the Nile with various structures dedicated to the highest of ancestors. Learning the history of what our ancestors did was great, but the only way to trigger the ancestral consciousness within our being is by incorporating our ancestors into our lives.

Ancestor veneration and divination is a cultural practice that we have been made to be ashamed of only because it is effective and it is not beneficial to the Setian system we find ourselves in today. This is why it is important that you understand that if the idea of honoring your ancestors and communicating with them on a daily or weekly basis spooks you.  It is because the spirit Set has a hold on you. In fact, if you go to a Chinese or Vietnamese restaurant or store, and you aren’t spooked by their shrines greeting you at their place of business, but the image of an African divinity frightens you and makes you cry out “heathen, idolatry, evil, etc.” Then, Set really has a hold on you because you see no problem in honoring (or respecting) the cultural practices and ideology of another culture used to resist selfish Western values, but find fault in your own ancestral practices used for the same exact psychological reasons.

We need to return to our ancestral way, which will help us to see beyond the superficialities that keep us falling for the same poli-tricks or pile of tricks (politics) that keeps us from building the future we want for our children. It is the only way we can restore Maa back into our lives.

ancestor altar

Hope that helps.


1. “Dr. King’s policy was that nonviolence would achieve the gains for black people in the United States. His major assumption was that if you are nonviolent, if you suffer, your opponent will see your suffering and will be moved to change his heart. That’s very good. He only made one fallacious assumption: In order for nonviolence to work, your opponent must have a conscience. The United States has none.” – Stokely Carmichael.

I’M KAMITIC! AND I’M PROUD! (What it Really Means to be Kamitic)

13 02 2015

Hetep (Peace)

I know most of you have heard the famous 1970s Cultural Hit anthem by James Brown, “Say it loud. I’m BLACK and I’m PROUD!” Well, I deemed it time to change this popular mantra and declare that I’m KAMITIC AND I’m PROUD! I decided to write this post in response to the misrepresentation some have due to the growing usage of the popular Kamitic term “Hetep” which means “Peace”.  Understand it is not my intention to belittle anyone or group but to clearly distinguish from my perspective what is and who is Kamitic (Kemetic, Khemetic, etc.) versus individuals that are at present caught up in the moment, so that true seekers don’t get the wrong idea.

Egyptian Tattoos of former Piston Player Rasheed Wallace

Egyptian Tattoos of former Piston Player Rasheed Wallace

First, being Kamitic is not a fad, something that is popular or the “in thing” right now. I mean it is great that people want to decorate their body, home, etc. with ancient Egyptian motifs and all but, this is not what being Kamitic is about.

Portuguese ship

Portuguese ship

To understand what Kamitic is and is not we have to understand how it all began.  According to my research, when Central and West Africans were taken to the Americas.  Each of these ethnic groups brought with them a fragment of their cultural spiritual traditions. Those taken to Cuba used their African cultural heritage combined with Amerindian and Spanish influence to create the rich Afro-Latino traditions known as Lucumi (Santeria), Palo Mayombe and Abacua; in Puerto Rico similar Afro-Latino influences were used to create Santisimo and Santeria; similar influences combined with the French gave rise of course to Vodun in Haiti and Las 21 Divisiones in Dominican Republic (Las 21 Divisiones/Los Misterios also known as Dominican Vudu); while developing in Trinidad and Tobago there was Shango Baptiste; and last but not least in Brazil, Candomble, Macuumba and Umbanda. (Not to mention the other Afro-traditions that exist throughout the Caribbean and South America). All of these powerful and beautiful Afro – spiritual traditions were birthed out of a Spirit of Resistance, but in North America due to the fact that the taskmasters were Protestant, the Africans were unable to create such a tradition. This however didn’t mean that they didn’t try. Instead, the first Africans that stepped on the North American shores (in Jamestown, VA) came from Kongo – Angolan region and they brought with them the infamous Kongo Cross.

The Kongo Cross

The Kongo Cross also known as the Yowa and Dikenga

The Kongo Cross (also known as the Yowa and Dikenga), which was the spiritual and philosophical foundation of the Kongo culture, is what the first Africans in North America used to build their own spiritual tradition of resistance. That’s right, contrary to popular belief, early African Americans did not lose all of their culture – this is a myth.  Our ancestors in North America like many other enslaved African descendants managed to preserve their very own African cosmology. What was lost was the philosophical and theological understanding of our culture. 400 years of slavery can’t erase or undo what has been practiced since Ancient Egypt.

Kongo Cross used for Ventilation during Underground Railroad

Kongo Cross used to signal and provide for ventilation for those on the Underground Railroad.

Now through this sacred cosmogram early African Americans were able to preserve and create new traditions based upon their African heritage and new American experience, like an informal initiation system reflective of the sun’s movement and the famed ring shout.

African American Ring Shout

African American Ring Shout. Notice the cross formation symbolizing the four moments of the sun and Four moments of Life.

Europeans observing the odd behavior and practices, which consisted of early African Americans envisioning their world from a different perspective than their oppressors, labelled it hoodoo and voodoo as a means of demonizing all African beliefs, practices, traditions and cultures. (It should be noted that hoodoo is believed to be derived from the Spanish term judio pronounced hoo-dee-oh meaning Jewish.  It is theorized that the term was used first by the Spanish merchants to identify those Africans who refused to accept the European ethnocentric view of the world that everything wasn’t Christian was primitive and evil).

Contemporary Ring Shout

Contemporary Ring Shout

Anyway, this new perspective that early Africans in America held is what author Theophus H. Smith called a Conjuring Culture.  This Conjuring Culture, which was birthed from the Kongo Cross became the philosophical base for the American Christian church that we see today. Most of the African aspects such as speaking – in – tongues, dancing (shouting), struck by the spirit, prophesizing, etc. – are all African elements that never existed in the Church prior to the genocide of the Amerindians and enslavement of Africans. All of these elements are now widely accepted in all charismatic churches throughout the world without any knowledge that it stems from African spirituality. This cultural appropriation exists because as Churchill said, “History is written by the victors”.

Azusa Street Revival

Azusa Street Revival – the birth of the Pentecostal Movement

Now the Conjuring Culture that was birthed from the Kongo Cross didn’t just create Christian fervor, which emerged and became the famed Azusa Street Revival.  It also gave rise to two very powerful underground movements that exist today because of Psalms 68:31, which states:

“Princes shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia shall soon
stretch out her hands unto God”.

In the minds of the Africans in Jamaica, the Kongo Cross gave rise to the black Zionism Movement, where Zion became the iconic figure of Ethiopia, which later became Rastafarianism.  While during the late nineteenth and early twentieth century, this verse gave rise to Ethiopianism. Here is where Ethiopia became the iconic figure of return symbolizing freedom. When Dr. Martin L. King Jr. began protesting and marching for civil rights. He was seen as a Black Moses where instead of the biblical Children of Israel being enslaved, it was the Children (Sons and Daughters) of Ethiopia who were enslaved and modern day United States was the biblical Egypt.  This is why Martin L. King constantly compared the civil injustices in the United States with the plight of the biblical Hebrews in Egypt.

But, Egypt was also mentioned in this most widely quoted verse, and this inspired many like W.E.B. DuBois to refer to Egypt in the early 1900s, as an iconic figure for sociopolitical movement. Like the spiritual tradition Rastafarianism that was born out of the black Zionism movement (or Back-to-Africa Movement).  Kamiticism was born out of the Ethiopianism movement, which was first widely popularized throughout the Afro-diaspora by Ra Un Nefer Amen, the founder of the Ausar Auset Society. Both Rastafarianism and Kamiticism are Afro-spiritual traditions born out of necessity and the spirit of resistance.


Unfortunately, although both Rastafarianism and Kamiticism have accomplished a lot throughout the Afro-Diaspora, they both suffer from similar misinterpretations, misrepresentations and misunderstandings.

Rasta Mon Kit

Novelty Rasta Mon Kit sold online

For instance, just because you see an individual with dreadlocks, wearing red, black and green colors; smoking marijuana or wearing a Bob Marley shirt doesn’t mean they are a Rastafarian.

Mutabaruka, featured on the 2008 Jamaica episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

Mutabaruka, featured on the 2008 Jamaica episode of Anthony Bourdain: No Reservations

Rastafarianism as a movement consists of several branches, all with different beliefs. Above is a photo of one of my favorite poets, the famous Rastafarian dub poet, musician and actor Mutabaruka talking to my favorite television host Anthony Bourdain on the show No Reservation 2008 about Rastafarianism and the whole Ital-lifestyle.

Popular Kamitic figure and iconic tattoos

Popular Kamitic figures and icons tattoos. Maat tattoo on the entertainer Rhianna.

The same can be said about those who are Kamitic.  Just because someone wears an ankh or some other Kamitic glyph (or image) tattooed on their body doesn’t make them Kamitic. By the way, nor does wearing Kamitic jewelry, having Kamitic artwork (including images of Nefertiti, Tutankhamen, etc.),  saying Kamitic words like “Hetep” or adopting a Kamitic name. While we are at it, learning Kamitic history and practicing a Kamitic inspired religion doesn’t make a person Kamitic either. It helps one to get a better understanding of what it means to be Kamitic but, sorry to step on peoples’ toes.  It doesn’t make them Kamitic no more than an egyptologists (lower cased intentionally) translating hieroglyphs is ancient Egyptian, or practicing Taosim makes an individual Chinese, or Shinto makes a person Japanese.  These are all forms like cloth weaved by a weaver.  Just like clothes don’t make the man, doing these things don’t and will not make an individual more or less Kamitic either.


Because being Kamitic is more than wearing Egyptian jewelry, Kamitic clothing, a Kamitic name, speaking Kamitic, etc.  As you have read above, it is not a movement that just started in the 1980s when Afro-centricity became widely popular and grew in the 1970s and 1980s.  No. Kamitic is a cultural way of life and like any other cultural way it consists of an indescribable philosophical change. As a result, it could be said that there are several denominations or groups, and anyone who considers themselves Kamitic should be able to tell you how they made the transition. I can only share what happened to me and my experience.

Maa Aankh with Utchat

From my perspective, Kamitic spirituality adds the missing philosophical and theological elements that were lost due to the slave experience, which has allowed me the ability to interpret life once again from a holistic perspective (and not from the perspective of the victim or victimizer).

This is because when an individual truly converts and becomes Kamitic. They are spiritually born again because an old part of them dies and another part is born. This moment is symbolized as the transition from Ra Atum (setting sun/death) to the Khepera (sunrise/birth) moment on the Maa Aankh. It is similar to receiving the Holy Ghost because it is truly a change in consciousness. This metamorphosis is called in the Kamitic language “Maa Kheru” pronounced “Maa-Xa-ru.” Maa Kheru literally means “One Who is True of Voice“. Meaning, in other words, you see Divine Truth (or it was revealed to you), so you speak and live it.  When this Truth is revealed, it doesn’t have to be something dramatic like the biblical Paul being knocked off his ass (donkey). It is personal and it doesn’t matter if others witness it or not. It is simply revealed to you, thus establishing a rapport between you and the Divine within you.

Maa-The Path of the Feather

Maa-The Path of the Feather

This is how you begin to discover your truth or maa. It also how you receive Divine Protection because Maa literally means Divine Truth, Divine Balance, and Righteousness and symbolizes the Way to the Divine (symbolized as the vertical yellow line on the Maa Aankh).  What this means is that when you begin to connect with the Divine within you. The Spirit will reveal to you your own maa or personal truth to help you balance your life and live righteously.  The Spirit will show you what works best for you and what doesn’t work for you, versus you following a bunch of dogmatic do’s and don’ts created for the masses. For instance, some people in this lifetime need to listen to their spirit and abstain from sweets because it is detrimental to their well being. This same restriction however would not apply to everyone and it doesn’t mean that sweets are bad or evil. It just means for this particular individual(s), they would have to avoid sweets because their spirit revealed to them to do so. Sweets for this individual(s) becomes a taboo for them or basically part of their maa (personal truth, personal balance, personal righteousness living or simply their personal way).

This means you become responsible for your own development.  Thus you are now held accountable to the Divine, your aakhu (ancestors) and to the people. When you willingly violate the maa (your personal truth) that was revealed to you. You reap the consequences. Understand, this is not God or some other entity punishing you for breaking the Law, and by the way you are not going to be rewarded either. The maa is established to help you to work your own spirit.  So when things work, you know what works for you. When things don’t work out, you know what doesn’t work for you, and you know what to do in order to initiate change.  As you can see, when you become Kamitic you become aware of how the Divine Laws interact with you, instead of wondering around with no guide.


Understand Kamitic is what Westerners called pagan.  The word pagan comes from the Latin word paganus, which means “country folk,” hence indigenous, traditional, folk ethnic religious folk practices, etc.


If you watch Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code starring Tom Hanks, you will see him run around the Vatican pointing at obelisks and calling them pagan. When he goes more in detail, he explains how the Church (the Vatican) placed Christian iconography on top of the obelisks in order to subdue those who followed the Egyptian way of thinking. (Note that followers of the ancient Greek religions were called Hellenes – Hellenic culture, gentile and paganos).

Obelisk in the Vatican

Obelisk in the Vatican

What was the Ancient Egyptian or Kamitic Way of Thinking?

The Da Vinci Code hit on it but it masked it with more conspiracy theories, which led people to go in search of a literal golden grail in France or somewhere in Europe. People missed the point and made this all about Jesus and some bloodline. No. It was all about the pagan way. It (and this) has nothing to do with Jesus per se, it was about Gnostic beliefs.

Kamitic Falcon - Hru

You see, Kamitic history reveals that the Kamitic people strongly believed that we are all made in the image of the Divine. That Men and Women are Divine polar opposites and counterparts or the manifestation of the Divine on earth. That Women have similar rights as Men because Men are the Causal, while Women are the Effectual. Said another way, Men are the Initiators of Divine Will, while women are the Manifestors or Makers of the Divine Will. I know it is nice and sounds sweet to call a man, “My King” and a woman, “My Queen” but in Kamit they were serious and history reveals that the men and women literally played the part. Men modeled themselves after the king who emulated the Sun, strong, constant, always shining, resilient, powerful, like that of a lion symbolized as Hru. As women modeled themselves after the queen, who emulated the moon, reflective of her king or the sun and would do anything to protect her family, village and nation as lioness like the netchar Oset (Aset, Auset Greek Isis).


Nyut (the personification of the mysterious and unknown realm symbolized as the female womb) and Geb (the personification of the materialization of what is known symbolized as the male)

Think about that for a moment.  Imagine if men saw their woman as the personification of the cosmos and women saw their man as the materialization of potential. Would sex just be a mere act? I think not. Would a man disrespect his woman or just let anyone run all over his woman? Would a woman just disrespect and allow her man to continue to fight to be in a system designed against them both? I think not. Both would see each other as divine counterparts and would make their world (their kingdom and their reality) in their image. Every time they came together, they would be reminded that they were conceiving (physically and spiritually) an ancestor to enter into the physical realm because the aakhu (ancestors and spirit guides) were symbolized as stars in the night sky of the belly of Nyut (Nut). Do you see why “they” had to demonize us and our way of life? Yeah, it sounds romantic, but as you can see it is beyond that because it creates a natural nationalism that is against the machinations of the ego-self (Set or the devil) that are promoted throughout society today.


Ancient Kamitic Shaman/Priest

You see, there are only two emotions that exist in our universe and they are love and fear. The Kamitic way of thinking truly rivals Western thinking because it is based upon the Love of God. It is because of the Love of God we were made in the image of a Perfect Creator. Therefore, everything that exists in our life (both the good and the bad) was put there by divine design to help us to realize our divinity and accomplish our destiny. In other words, make us spiritually stronger. This is the reason when you truly have overcome a destructive habit you feel accomplished, free, relieved, empowered and victorious.

Western thinking however, is based upon the Fear of God, which is that we were made in the image of the Divine but fell due to sin. Consequently, we have to beg and plead eternally for forgiveness in order to be saved. We have to put ourselves in service of others or go to God through some clergy or we will be punished by a vengeful deity that made us flawed in the first place.


Charlton Heston as Moses in Cecil DeMille’s Ten Commandments

Basically Kamitic thinking is where we basically develop a relationship with God by discovering who the Divine is within us. Whereas Western thinking is where we are told who God is and ostracized or punished for not accepting the beliefs of spiritual tyrants. In other words, Western religious thinking focuses upon people become Children of God, whereas Kamitic spiritual thinking is focused on helping an individual become a Man or Woman of God.

So a true Kamitic is not about following a particular person or group but, his or her Divine’s Will and that is what made the Kamitic people of old dangerous. This is why the early Christian Church waged war against the Kamitic and Kushite (ancient Nubian) people.  This was later followed by the Islamic jihadists, who drove the Kamitic people to the West of Africa and into the African interior.  A true Kamitic descendant in these contemporary times (because that is what we are) is a free thinker that knows how to use all of the faculties of his and her mind (the superconscious/subconscious and conscious). No, we are not super humans and being Kamitic doesn’t mean we don’t have problems. We live in a physical world, which is dynamic and always changing, so we will always have problems because nothing stands still or is for certain.   But, we know that the solution to our problems doesn’t rests in our own thinking.

It involves us learning how to access the deeper part of our mind (the superconscious part of our being or the Divine mind). This is the reason all of the Kamitic traditions have a spiritual system or cosmogram that they follow like the Kamitic Paut Neteru (the Kamitic Tree of Life) or the Maa Aankh (the Bantu – Kamitic Cross).


Let me give an example. There is an altercation that occurs and people are up in arms. One group wants strike out in anger. Another group wants to boycott or protest. Religious leaders and fraternal organizations convene and want to do something that show that they are on the peoples’ side but at the same time not want to jeopardize their standing with various parties.  Activists of all types want to talk on the radio, podcasts, etc. and keep the energy high so that something is accomplished. These are all good and valiant efforts, which I am not knocking at all but have to be considered and well thought of. But let me tell you how a Kamitic man or woman handles the situation. They talk to the Divine like their ancestors did before them through either meditation or by consulting an oracle.  

If you scoff at meditation or the use of an oracle, then you know nothing about being Kamitic. Because the whole basis of the Kamitic spiritual tradition rests on the Story of Osar (Asar, Ausar or Greek Osiris), where the hero of the story, Hru (Hrw, Heru or Horus) defeats his more learned uncle of war, Set (Set-an, Satan, Greek Typhon, the Ego-self) on the battlefield through intuitive (contemplative/meditative) means. The Story of Osar is a metaphor about the human experience. Yes, it is true that during the Council of Nicaea it was decided that the Story of Jesus was modeled after the Story of Osar to distort the Gnostic teachings.  Once it is realize that the Christian story like the Story of Osar are not to be taken literal because they are based upon similar metaphorical truths. Life is all about manifesting the Will of God on earth.

As you can see, part of the reason so many people have converted to a Kamitic path is because they have have broken the mental chains and realized that the “real devil/enemy” is not some entity or person that exists outside of themselves. The “real devil/enemy” is our lower self and who or whatever we give our personal power to. Everything that our Set (Ego-self) tells us to fear for no reason is what we give power to.That’s right, your enemy only has as much power over you as you allow them to. Once you realize your true enemy is what you fear and what you give your power to.  You will be FREE. Until that time, the answer to the question as to why does a small minority control the majority. It is because we mentally allow them to do so by buying into their reality and not investing in our own.


Now understand, when I say Ego-self, I am not talking about just being arrogant and braggadocios. I am talking about that part of our being that was hurt when we were younger and now uses that painful experience as a springboard to validate their treatment of others rather it is justified or not. I am talking about the part of our being that grew up believing that money is the root of all evil and that in order to make money you have to toil day and night, and compete and kill off others to survive. It is that old self, that old ego way of thinking that is afraid of some real spiritual work because it knows it has to make some changes. Yes! That part of our being that doesn’t want to change but would prefer.  That we sit on our loins and just bellyache, criticize and complain – Yeah, that part of our being. That part of our being that is afraid to do what is right and just, even though it is not popular.  That’s your Set, your true enemy.

So those who have truthfully become Kamitic realized that the reason we keep having the same problems and every solution they offer complicates the matter even more so, is because we are using the same thinking that created the problem symbolized as Set. We have to think outside of the box and that means doing something different. That different thing means to go deeper within our superconscious symbolized as KAMTA. This is where all of the great ideas and inventions come from. If you look at the detailed Maa Aankh cosmogram above you can see, there are no new ideas that are coming out of our subconscious because we are just reacting or surviving. This is the part of our being that functions on automatic and out of habit.  The new ideas come from the deeper parts of our awareness – the superconscious. This is where we get intuitive ideas and also where our ancestors and spirit guides can give us wise counsel.  You will also notice that this is where we get our dreams.

Spiritual culture as you can see is based upon this part of our being – our higher spirit or superconscious. It is not based upon making use of our higher spirit/self. This is the reason in the Story of Osar, Hru was finally able to defeat his uncle Set (that is do something new and improved) through the intercession of Osar. A thorough analysis of Japanese and Chinese history and culture will reveal that the reason they were able to bounce back on the world scene in a relatively short time.  Is because both of these countries embraced their folk ways, which consists of delving and tapping into their higher self (the superconscious). This is the reason why all throughout Asia you will find stalls where people can get detailed I-Ching oracle readings and partake in other practices that will help people align themselves with their higher spirit.


Understand.  The true Kamitic has realized this and now uses his or her life as a sounding board for perfecting their understanding of the Divine within them and all people.

So, while other men and women are being swayed by half-truths, lies, and the inconsistencies of men through the various airwaves.  The true Kamitic, like other traditionalists and the traditionalists of old, are able to discern the truth and navigate through the malarkey.  Like a wise general and strike the enemy where he is most vulnerable like all of the great leaders of antiquity have done before them. Don’t be fooled by popular Greek inspired movies that depict the oracles as being either young virgin women or some old hag. These are all distorted images used by Holly-weird to discourage people from embracing the traditional ways that will liberate our soul. The true oracles were bones, shells and yarrow sticks, etc., which were used even in the bible (both the New and Old Testament). It was a practice that the ancient Hebrews learned from….Guess? That’s right…the Kamitic people for all those claiming that we were ancient Hebrews.  Our ancestors were not brought here from the East of Africa but the West of Africa, which is where the descendants of the Kamitic people fled to avoid Christian and Islamic onslaught.

That’s right. A true Kamitic or Kamite is revolutionary by nature in mind, body and spirit.

Hope that helps

Hetep (Peace)

Kamitic Magic and Christmas Spirits (OMG! Santa Claus is Real and other Christmas Traditions)

15 12 2014

Hetepu (Peace) Family

Greetings. In this holiday season I deemed it necessary to talk about something that we have all seen and for whatever reason aren’t benefiting from. Have you noticed how people around you get the things they want throughout life and it seems like they are just blessed or extremely lucky.  Well, it is because these people are unconsciously tapping into the true meaning of Christmas and we aren’t.  I don’t know about you, but I am tired of us not being blessed. So, let’s talk about this.

Now, before we begin, those of you who know me know that I very concerned about integrating and making spiritual traditions practical in our contemporary times.  Especially since Western science seemed to have become the main religion in our society today.

Osar as Lord of KAMTA (the Black Lands)

Osar as Lord of KAMTA (the Black Lands)

That being said, I am not going to talk about how the sun, moon and stars align to create the winter solstice.   I could tell you how Christmas signifies the birth of the Christian savior and how it was a concept borrowed from the Kamitic (Ancient Egyptians) but, I am not. I could tell you about how wrong it is for Christmas to be commercialized and how Santa Claus is not real blah, blah, blah. NO. I am not talking about any of that, so if you are looking for me to criticize and blast others. Sorry, not today, we have more important work to do. This post is for those with children who are struggling to keep them on the path of righteousness in the midst of the greatest illusions of the year.


Yes. All of these things are true – winter solstice, the origins of Christmas, etc. – but what does it have to do with you and your family? I haven’t met, read or heard any “spiritual” person saying, “Ah Yeah! Winter Solstice Was On Blast. I got _______!” In fact, what I have noticed is that the poorest people on the planet are usually so-called spiritual people.

Now, I am not saying this has happens or that there aren’t people benefiting from this sharing season, but for the vast spiritual majority, they don’t understand how to tap into this energy so they miss the opportunity to advance from it. Based upon my experience, I have concluded that most people miss it because of two reasons:

1.  They miss it because they have no spiritual cosmology, so they continue to separate the physical from the spiritual and fail to see that the two realms are intertwined. See, it takes spiritual energy to get physical things. When most people asked what they really want they will say, “I want to be more spiritual” and when most people say this what they really want is more self-discipline. The thing is when people ask to be more spiritual, what they get is more adversity because the Spirit doesn’t distinguish good and bad.  The Spirit only knows that adversity will force you to become more discipline. I did the same thing once upon a time. One time this season came around and I asked to be more spiritual.  Shortly after Spirit said, “Voila! Take this troubled individual (in your life) with no money, and I will take away your job, other sources of income for you. And, now you can be more spiritual (focused).” Yeah, I was homeless for a while for that and I will more focused, but I will never ask to be more spiritual ever again. It is better to ask for what you want because in order to get what you want you have to focus your mind/spirit anyway, which is the whole point. For instance, if you want a better job, improved finances, a new car, etc. in order to get it you have to focus your energies to getting that and that whole process will make you more spiritual. We have to abandon this Western religious (and Eastern thought) concept that we either have to be spiritual or secular (physical/material). Kamitic spirituality like most indigenous spiritual systems is about balance (Maa). We need the physical and spiritual, the good and the bad, etc. to survive and part of our purpose of being on this earth is to learn how to be a Man and Woman of God by living between both realities.

Hru and Set - Fighting the Devil Within

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

2. The second reason people don’t prosper during this time, (which also ties into not having a cosmology) is because they are too damn spiritual. They basically end up confused.  Their head is so up in the stars and wrapped around metaphysics that you literally have to pull these people down by their knees and not the ankles. Simply because they forgot that they are here to have an earthly experience, which means you need physical things in order to physically survive. As the Christian saying goes, “Don’t be so heavenly minded that you aren’t any worldly good.”  Again, I understand why this occurs because most of us raised in the West were taught by people who believed according to Col. 3:2 that we should, “Set your mind on things above, not on the things that are on earth.” The problem is that earthly things have always been misinterpreted by Christian leaders who believed that if things aren’t heavenly they are evil, hence the misquoted and erroneous belief, “that money is the root of all evil.”  The true understanding of the scripture was that you are supposed to keep your mind focused on the heavenly things.  Meaning, don’t connive and scheme on getting physical things but let the Spirit guide you to obtaining the things you want. That’s the purpose of magic and miracles in the first place, to let the Spirit guide you.

Since most of these religious practices we learned when we were children, and they were based upon superstitions because any time you have a tradition with no understanding of the spiritual science, it becomes profane.  It is hard for many of us to break from these beliefs and practice because they are firmly impressed upon our subconscious.  It is not impossible because the wonderful thing is that we can always learn something new by replacing outdated info with new learnings. So, let’s get real and let me tell you how I made the transition in order to tap into true meaning of Christmas.


First, Christmas is the Christian version of the Kamitic holiday Hed Sed or Sed Day. Sed Day was created by the Kamitic sages to signify the symbolic victory of knowledge over ignorance, hope over despair, new over the old, good over evil, symbolized as the rebirth of Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris in Greek) through his heir Hru (Horus in Greek).

According to Kamitic legend, Osar united the Kamitic people by teaching them law and the science of agriculture, thus making his kingdom a very prosperous land. All loved Osar except for his youngest brother Set, who became so envious of Osar, that he held a banquet for the beloved king and murdered him, thereby separating the once united kingdom and usurping the throne. Fortunately, due to Osar’s righteousness and his devoted wife Oset, Osar was reborn through his heir Hru, who later challenged and defeated his evil uncle Set, and returned Osar’s rule to the throne.

Hru Osar and Set

Hru Osar and Set

The Kamitic people depicted this concept of life over death or good over evil by symbolizing Osar’s life as the moon during the month of regeneration Keehek (December). It was from this concept the tradition was born to celebrate the figurative death of the reigning king’s authority, which occurred 28 days after November 27 – the Last Supper (or Banquet) for Osar hosted by his younger brother Set and, his rebirth, which occurred around December 25th.  This is where the origin of the old adages, “the king is not dead!”, “Long live the king!”, “Out with the old and in with the New!” and “The righteous will receive their justly reward!”

Maa Aankh & Seasons

As you can see, the months of regeneration correspond to the Amun Ra moment on the Maa Aankh cosmogram. Therefore, when you put this in perspective you can clearly see how it all ties into Christmas because we’re dealing with Amun Ra (the Hidden Ra) or Energy associated with rebirth and renewal. That means “News Flash! Santa Claus is Real.” No there is no fat jolly man flying around on a sleigh being pulled by magical reindeers, forcing himself down a chimney to give you gifts. There is a fat, jolly Spirit that will give you gifts if you are loyal to his kingly and righteous cause. Does it make sense now why Santa only rewards those who have been good little children? Does it make sense now, why Santa’s colors are the same as Hru, the son of Osar?

Osar from Maa Ankh 2

Osar (the Ruler over the Higher Self)

So, you see if you want to truly celebrate and benefit from this energetic period of the year. You need to celebrate your triumph over ignorance, despair and evil by marking your king’s joyous return based upon your beliefs and understanding.  Keep in mind that your (Higher) Spirit does not distinguish between right and wrong, good and bad, past and future or any other manmade concepts meant to help us to understand the physical universe. It according to the Laws of Maa, which are the laws of the Spirit, only concerns itself with what you focus on in the present.

But in order to do this we need to understand who or what does Osar, Set and Hru symbolize.  Also, we need to understand the metaphysical understanding behind the Christmas symbolism.

Personally I recognize Osar as my higher self and the higher self that dwells in all of humanity (known and unknown). My understanding of my Higher Self or Higher Spirit is that it is the bomb! Since the Higher Self dwells in us all, it logically is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent. When I was much younger, silly and immature, I use to spend a lot of time trying to understand how the (Higher) Spirit is able to make things occur based upon synchronicity but I don’t anymore and I am just glad that it does. Since that time, I have time and time again put requests out and seen my Osar mysteriously deliver what I need.

This means that the forces that try to suppress this knowledge, my ancestral heritage and my connection with my Osar that we call ignorance, selfishness, hatred, poverty, etc. are the energies of our lower self or ego, which is called Set.

Set of TASETT (from Maa Aankh 2)

Set (the Ego Self and Ruler over the Lower Self)

Are you starting to see the picture? Do you see how Set (our egos) kill and try to separate our Osar?


 Therefore, the Christmas tree is depending upon your Kamitic tradition is the Tree of Life or Paut Netcharu (Paut Neteru)– that is all of the so-called divinities that aligned themselves with your Hru and fight for your Osar.  From another perspective all of the lights and things on the Christmas tree are your chakras spinning harmoniously to support the Crown chakra. Yes, the little twinkling star or the angel on top of the Christmas tree is your Higher Self or Osar. So, all of the gifts under the tree are the blessings you received and will receive from working your (Higher) Spirit. I meant to add that the lights also refer to star Sirius and this ties in the whole 3 Kings Day or Tres Reyes Magos, which is practiced in Puerto Rico and parts of Latin America. The point is that we have to find what resonates with us and use it to build upon for our spiritual purposes and to keep our children interested in our own tradition. Remember, it is not about if Jesus or Santa Claus were real people or not. For that matter it is not known if Osar, Hru or Set were real either, but the concept and principle is what matters and that’s what makes it real.

That being said, instead of three kings we can say that it was Npu (Anubis, Sebek, etc.) whose sacred number is 3 as well, guided and protected the virgin Oset in order to give birth to HrupaKhart or the Infant Child Hru.

Npu (Anubis) - The Opener of the Way

Npu (Anubis) – The Opener of the Way

Therefore, you want to leave treats for Npu just like you would leave treats for Santa. Again, if you harbor on the notion that Jesus is not real, you are missing the point because it is not about if they are real or not. Remember, this is about Divine Energy, which does not discriminate based upon good or bad, ethnicity, right or wrong, etc. We have to think of this Energy as being like electricity, which means you can either sit around in the “dark” and complain (pun intended) or plug into it and turn on your lights (pun intended).

HrupaKhart or the Child Hru and the Infant Jesus

HrupaKhart or the Child Hru and the Infant Jesus

As you can see, the good news or point of the whole celebration is that Osar still reigns through you and me as Hru, who symbolizes our conscious decisions to trust, believe and willfully act towards the goal of triumphing over Set (ignorance, selfishness, hatred, poverty, etc. and other traits of the ego-self).

So, how do we do it?

Maa-The Path of the Feather

Maa-The Path of the Feather

Well, besides the suggestions mentioned above, one of the things that the holiday tradition got right is that this holiday season is about sharing and this is what brings about Osar’s return. Sharing in the Kamitic tradition is an attribute and virtue of the netchar Maat, who is the personification of Maa or Divine Justice, Divine Law and Divine Truth. Think about it. Ever notice how some of the orneriest people share and give things during this season and they still remain on top. This is why. It is very hard to go against the energy that is sweeping the globe.

The trick is though, it is about unconditional love. That means sharing and expecting nothing in return. Sounds hard to do but it really isn’t. Just the other day, I went to the store got some deserts for $3 and gave it to my neighbors who were very appreciative of it. I don’t expect them to go out and by me something but in that little simple act, I just made an ally for Osar and struck blow against Set. Who knows, one day my neighbor may see something suspicious going around my house while I am not there and decide to call the police or scare off the intruder. Do you see it?  That’s how Osar works. It is synchronicity that the untrained would call magic.

That means don’t go out and buy some real expensive stuff with the hope that you will get a nice gift in return. That’s doing it for the wrong reason. If you don’t get anything in return, good just know that the blessing is come from another avenue and hasn’t physically manifested yet. By the way, the Christmas tree symbolizes blessings descending from your Higher Self, your guardian angel or Osar and manifesting physically as presents. So, you don’t get a gift great, it means it is not here yet but it is coming.

milk&cookies for Santa

We have to remember that we are dealing with energy and energy in invisible but when it manifests itself physically it becomes physical matter and action. This is why children were taught to bribe Santa with some cookies and milk to sweeten the energy. When you understand that spirits are energy and they don’t physically consume food but absorb the essence. The thought of seeing cookies and milk changes how people feel, hence changes their energy. Again, if you don’t feel comfortable putting milk and cookies out for Santa, offer the cookies and milk or actually candies, rum, cigars, etc. to Npu (the Kamitic Ellegua), while asking for his protection this year. This is what brings on the jolly energy of St. Nick. That’s right Family, we need to reclaim our magic and magic is not based upon the intellect but on the Spirit.


January 6 is the celebration of the Epiphany or Three Kings Day, where before going to sleep, children leave grass and water for the kings’ camels, instead of milk and cookies. In some countries like Cuba and Spain it is placed inside of shoes. In return candies are put inside of the shoes instead of stocking stuffers.

So there are numerous ways to tap into this energy to get the things you want to improve your life. This January 6, I will be setting out a special offering for my Npu based upon the Story of Osar, since Npu protected Oset and the Child Hru, to recreate a tradition for my own children, thus building pride in our cultural ways. That means that the Eve of January 5th, would be a good day to have a party for the arrival of Hru instead of a Christmas Eve party.  Does that make sense? Remember, spirituality is not all based upon the intellect but about subconscious emotional programming, which is tied to our childhood. Many understand this which is why they are able to use this spiritual science for negative and often destructive purposes.  It is our responsibility to rescue it and show others how to use it correctly, so that we can heal ourselves and our community. After all, this is way to actually spread peace on earth.

Hope that helps.

Be careful this holiday season, and I look forward to seeing you all next year. Happy Holidays.

Why Aren't You Free Yet?

4 10 2014

Hetepu Family. Greetings
Have you ever thought about why after 400+ years, people are still marching and demanding that they be set free?  Well, as many of you know, I am the eldest son of a preacher who was groomed to be like my father. When I was growing up, the one thing I hated the most was when the adults who knew I was my father’s son would continue to comment and prophesied on how I would be a great preacher. Well, I proved them wrong by taking a completely alternative path to find God.  When I look back at how I decided to take this path, it comes to me that I was motivated to rebel against the church primarily out spite. - 284 × 450 - Search by image

Unfortunately, because I spiritually left the church for the wrong reasons, even though I didn’t physically attend church, spiritually I was still a member.  You see, I still attended church spiritually because I still believed in the existence of a devil or some evil force that existed outside of me.  I remember when I was attending PVA&MU and was coming into the knowledge of self, I didn’t necessarily call this evil force the devil but I referred to it as different names depending upon one mode of thinking and who I was with.  When I changed my diet and adopted a vegetarian lifestyle this evil force was everything that was not vegan including the entire healthcare system.  When I was dealing with the Rasta I called this evil Babylon. When I got with the Five Percenters we called it the evil 10 %.  When I was just kicking it and dealing with the family that knew about secret societies, we called this evil force the Masons and other secret societies, all while claiming that we were gods and goddesses.
Things changed when I got ill and had to focus on improving my health. It was during this period of my life I began to reevaluate all that I believed. One of the things I realized was that you can’t get healthy by focusing on illness. In order to recover from an illness you have to focus on perfect health and the things you would do, if you were perfectly healthy.  It was this perspective that made see that everything happens for a reason and that from a holistic perspective, the purpose of illness is to reveal that there exists an imbalance.
Expounding upon this idea led me to see all of the fallacies of my beliefs and thinking. For instance, you can’t say that you are a god or goddess yet claim that there is a devil or some other evil force that exist and is out to get you. If you believe there is some evil force out to destroy you, then you are not a god or goddess, you are an angel opposing another angel, because technically speaking a God or Goddess has no equal called a devil.  Just like illnesses or ill-nesses reveal that there is an imbalance, the purpose of the devil is to also to reveal the imbalances that exist within your soul.
baphomet devil
When I made this discovery, it opened up the doors and led me to realize what some people might not want to hear but need to accept, that the devil is not some impish red-tailed, goat headed man running around tempting people to worship him and buy certain artists’ albums. No. The devil is within you – more specifically – it is your lower self, your subconscious self, or your ego self that has you living in the chains of fear.  It is that energy that makes you afraid to use the “Lord’s Name in vain” out of fear that you will be struck down.  It is that energy that makes you afraid to admit to your loved ones why you don’t go to church, to the temple or to the mosques.  That’s right, the devil is that energy that has you believing in the boogey man and romanticizing traditional African culture by claiming to accept everything Kamitic but refusing to embrace the Yoruba, Fon and other traditional African cultures because they honor their ancestors and worship so-called deities. You’re afraid to talk about anything magical and metaphysical because it is too close to Vodou/Voodoo. You will salute and honor the ancestral traditions of others, but for some odd reason refuse to acknowledge your own.  That’s right; meet your devil, the one that keeps telling you that your ancestors were all forced to accept Christianity, instead of acknowledging that many of them willingly converted to it. Yes, it is Fear.

Never Forget

Never Forget

Understand if you feel that you can’t do something because something bad is going to happen to you by you doing it with no true knowledge of it. You are essentially enslaved by fear.
It is a hard pill to swallow. I know it is but I got tired of living in fear and doing things that I didn’t agree with or weren’t going to help me. Once I decided to face my devil and ask the real reason why I left the church, I learned that it wasn’t because I did not like the prophesizing, but I had a real fear of the unknown. In my eyes, God had a bad habit of doing things just for the fun of it like the wager that was made between him and the devil. When I was younger and we would visit smaller churches around Detroit, I saw numerous struggling storefront preachers and it always made me wonder if God was just testing them.  I refused to be put in that situation where I had to live on faith and that’s the real reason why I left.  As soon as I acknowledged that, a mental wall came crumbling down and I found the book Conjuring Culture: Biblical Formations of Black America by Theophus H. Smith, which revealed that many of our ancestors understood the nature of their spirit (superconscious self), so they used the King James Bible as conjuring book – that is a book used to program their spirit self (subconscious and superconscious self). This is because they understood (even if they weren’t able to explain it metaphysically or psychologically) that the devil was within them. This is why many of the elders would read in the evening the Book of Proverbs.  Most of our elders all knew the 23rd Psalms and most likely made you to remember it as well or some other Psalms along with it.


What many people need to understand is that the greatest atrocity that occurred due to slavery was convincing people that they were not already free, in other words gods and goddesses free to do whatsoever we willed. Many of our ancestors were aware of this which is why fictional or not, the biblical Moses became a spirit guide, an African American archetype and role model known as the great conjureman of the bible, who inspired the likes of Harriet Tubman and Dr. King.


The point of this discourse is to help you to see that if you believe that the devil or some other evil force is out to get you, then you will see the bible and other holy books as being sacred books (or not) containing silly texts, used to save you from some evil and alien force that you fear.  And, unfortunately, that which you fear will only become stronger in your life. For instance, if you believe it is the devil, then devil will exist.  If you changed your diet out of fear becoming ill., guess what?  You will eventually become ill because what you are focusing on what you don’t want to happen.  It’s Murphy’s Law or the nature of the Spirit (See Maa).

Hru and Set - Fighting the Devil Within

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

If however, you accept that the only devil that exists in your life is that which you fear, and that fear exists only to reveal an imbalance.  Then you will see all texts as tools for tapping into your higher superconscious self in order to get what you want. For instance, instead of focusing on not getting diabetes, hypertension, etc. you focus on perfect health or maintaining perfect health.  Consequently, you get perfect health. You see, when a god or goddess understands that the devil is within them and it is their lower self they have to resist. When he or she says, “The Lord is my shepherd”, they know they are talking about their higher superconscious self, personified as Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris) within them who will guide them and give them the solution through supernatural means to overcome any obstacle as he had done his son Hru (Heru, Horus). You won’t care if certain characters in the bible or other holy books are real or not.


Not only that, you won’t care about a lot of things.  Not that it isn’t important but as a god or goddess you know that you create your own reality through your own beliefs.  You are conscientious about your spirit and understand that all spiritual texts was specifically written to free your spirit.
Hope that helps. Peace

Why Aren’t You Free Yet?

4 10 2014

Hetepu Family. Greetings

Have you ever thought about why after 400+ years, people are still marching and demanding that they be set free?  Well, as many of you know, I am the eldest son of a preacher who was groomed to be like my father. When I was growing up, the one thing I hated the most was when the adults who knew I was my father’s son would continue to comment and prophesied on how I would be a great preacher. Well, I proved them wrong by taking a completely alternative path to find God.  When I look back at how I decided to take this path, it comes to me that I was motivated to rebel against the church primarily out spite. - 284 × 450 - Search by image

Unfortunately, because I spiritually left the church for the wrong reasons, even though I didn’t physically attend church, spiritually I was still a member.  You see, I still attended church spiritually because I still believed in the existence of a devil or some evil force that existed outside of me.  I remember when I was attending PVA&MU and was coming into the knowledge of self, I didn’t necessarily call this evil force the devil but I referred to it as different names depending upon one mode of thinking and who I was with.  When I changed my diet and adopted a vegetarian lifestyle this evil force was everything that was not vegan including the entire healthcare system.  When I was dealing with the Rasta I called this evil Babylon. When I got with the Five Percenters we called it the evil 10 %.  When I was just kicking it and dealing with the family that knew about secret societies, we called this evil force the Masons and other secret societies, all while claiming that we were gods and goddesses.

Things changed when I got ill and had to focus on improving my health. It was during this period of my life I began to reevaluate all that I believed. One of the things I realized was that you can’t get healthy by focusing on illness. In order to recover from an illness you have to focus on perfect health and the things you would do, if you were perfectly healthy.  It was this perspective that made see that everything happens for a reason and that from a holistic perspective, the purpose of illness is to reveal that there exists an imbalance.

Expounding upon this idea led me to see all of the fallacies of my beliefs and thinking. For instance, you can’t say that you are a god or goddess yet claim that there is a devil or some other evil force that exist and is out to get you. If you believe there is some evil force out to destroy you, then you are not a god or goddess, you are an angel opposing another angel, because technically speaking a God or Goddess has no equal called a devil.  Just like illnesses or ill-nesses reveal that there is an imbalance, the purpose of the devil is to also to reveal the imbalances that exist within your soul.

baphomet devil

When I made this discovery, it opened up the doors and led me to realize what some people might not want to hear but need to accept, that the devil is not some impish red-tailed, goat headed man running around tempting people to worship him and buy certain artists’ albums. No. The devil is within you – more specifically – it is your lower self, your subconscious self, or your ego self that has you living in the chains of fear.  It is that energy that makes you afraid to use the “Lord’s Name in vain” out of fear that you will be struck down.  It is that energy that makes you afraid to admit to your loved ones why you don’t go to church, to the temple or to the mosques.  That’s right, the devil is that energy that has you believing in the boogey man and romanticizing traditional African culture by claiming to accept everything Kamitic but refusing to embrace the Yoruba, Fon and other traditional African cultures because they honor their ancestors and worship so-called deities. You’re afraid to talk about anything magical and metaphysical because it is too close to Vodou/Voodoo. You will salute and honor the ancestral traditions of others, but for some odd reason refuse to acknowledge your own.  That’s right; meet your devil, the one that keeps telling you that your ancestors were all forced to accept Christianity, instead of acknowledging that many of them willingly converted to it. Yes, it is Fear.

Never Forget

Never Forget

Understand if you feel that you can’t do something because something bad is going to happen to you by you doing it with no true knowledge of it. You are essentially enslaved by fear.

It is a hard pill to swallow. I know it is but I got tired of living in fear and doing things that I didn’t agree with or weren’t going to help me. Once I decided to face my devil and ask the real reason why I left the church, I learned that it wasn’t because I did not like the prophesizing, but I had a real fear of the unknown. In my eyes, God had a bad habit of doing things just for the fun of it like the wager that was made between him and the devil. When I was younger and we would visit smaller churches around Detroit, I saw numerous struggling storefront preachers and it always made me wonder if God was just testing them.  I refused to be put in that situation where I had to live on faith and that’s the real reason why I left.  As soon as I acknowledged that, a mental wall came crumbling down and I found the book Conjuring Culture: Biblical Formations of Black America by Theophus H. Smith, which revealed that many of our ancestors understood the nature of their spirit (superconscious self), so they used the King James Bible as conjuring book – that is a book used to program their spirit self (subconscious and superconscious self). This is because they understood (even if they weren’t able to explain it metaphysically or psychologically) that the devil was within them. This is why many of the elders would read in the evening the Book of Proverbs.  Most of our elders all knew the 23rd Psalms and most likely made you to remember it as well or some other Psalms along with it.


What many people need to understand is that the greatest atrocity that occurred due to slavery was convincing people that they were not already free, in other words gods and goddesses free to do whatsoever we willed. Many of our ancestors were aware of this which is why fictional or not, the biblical Moses became a spirit guide, an African American archetype and role model known as the great conjureman of the bible, who inspired the likes of Harriet Tubman and Dr. King.


The point of this discourse is to help you to see that if you believe that the devil or some other evil force is out to get you, then you will see the bible and other holy books as being sacred books (or not) containing silly texts, used to save you from some evil and alien force that you fear.  And, unfortunately, that which you fear will only become stronger in your life. For instance, if you believe it is the devil, then devil will exist.  If you changed your diet out of fear becoming ill., guess what?  You will eventually become ill because what you are focusing on what you don’t want to happen.  It’s Murphy’s Law or the nature of the Spirit (See Maa).

Hru and Set - Fighting the Devil Within

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

If however, you accept that the only devil that exists in your life is that which you fear, and that fear exists only to reveal an imbalance.  Then you will see all texts as tools for tapping into your higher superconscious self in order to get what you want. For instance, instead of focusing on not getting diabetes, hypertension, etc. you focus on perfect health or maintaining perfect health.  Consequently, you get perfect health. You see, when a god or goddess understands that the devil is within them and it is their lower self they have to resist. When he or she says, “The Lord is my shepherd”, they know they are talking about their higher superconscious self, personified as Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris) within them who will guide them and give them the solution through supernatural means to overcome any obstacle as he had done his son Hru (Heru, Horus). You won’t care if certain characters in the bible or other holy books are real or not.


Not only that, you won’t care about a lot of things.  Not that it isn’t important but as a god or goddess you know that you create your own reality through your own beliefs.  You are conscientious about your spirit and understand that all spiritual texts was specifically written to free your spirit.

Hope that helps. Peace