How to Get MAAT to Teach You Balance, Holistic & Magickal Thinking

22 06 2021

Maa and Holistic Thinking

“How to get Maat to teach you balance, holistic and magickal thinking” is an important video that will help you to spiritually develop.  This is because a lot of what is riding on Maat deals with faith in yourself.

In this video, I share how Maat taught me this skill and how I use it in everyday life. I hope you enjoy it.    

Juneteenth DOES NOT RESTORE Maa (Balance)!

22 06 2021

Juneteenth and Maa

Juneteenth Does Not Restore Maa (Balance)! In fact, I am appalled at how many people really do not understand history.  From my understanding, after Lincoln emancipated the enslaved. Two years later, the news was received in Texas and they referred to it as Freedom Day. 

Now for the record, I have mixed feelings about this because I understand the need to celebrate the end of physical bondage. However, I know that historically right after this event. Many Blacks had to return to the same slave masters for employment, where they received even less pay for their labor.  In other words, here’s the start of the wealth gap that is haunting us today. You see, the former slave owner now had to pay wages of let’s say $0.20, while he made $40.00 off of goods.  So, do you think we should be celebrating Juneteenth which marked the beginning of financial slavery?  I don’t think so either. That’s not Maa (Balance, Righteousness, Truth). 

Basically, there’s a lot of people who don’t understand what Independence means. 

HOW TO setup an altar for the Netcharu (Neteru) the Kemetic Shaman Way

4 06 2021


In this video, “HOW TO setup an altar for the Netcharu (Neteru) the Kemetic Shaman Way” I share how to set up an altar for the Netcharu (Neteru) from a Kemetic Shaman perspective. What a lot of people don’t tell you about spirits, deities, gods/goddesses, saints, etc., is that you cannot just walk up to them, make an offering, ask for something you want, and expect to get it. Hollyweird makes it seem so simple but spirits are no different from people. If someone walked up to you and gave you the things you like and asked for a favor, would you help them?

So, you have to establish a rapport with them.  Here are some general instructions that can be adapted and modified for any of the Kemetic netcharu or deities and spirits you are working with.  For the record, based upon my experience, the Netcharu are not gods and goddesses but laws and principles of nature, NTR, or Netchar.  The laws or principles of Netachar exist throughout the Universe and within our being. Our spirit guides will help us to work with the netcharu and its spirits, but you have to establish a rapport to do so. Once you do, there will be little subtle signs that the spirits will give you. That will let you know there is a bridge built between you and them.   

The altar setup that I am sharing in this video is for the Npu (aka Anubis in Greek), who is the Kemetic equivalent of the Santeria Ellegua and Palo Monte Lucero.  Although, this is a mock altar and I am sharing general instructions.  If you are working with your ancestors and spirit guides, you will get the general idea of how to setup an altar space for any netcharu, deity, god/goddess, saint, etc.  

I like this altar setup the most because it grows over time and really works when you connect with the spirits of Npu. Once you establish a connection with your Npus, they will ask for more tools to assist you. For instance, as you can see in the photo, there is an open padlock (to unlock doors denying you access), a key (to open all doors), etc.  As mentioned in the video, the earth inside of this altar can come from your front door, cemetery, bank, place of business, etc. 

I also discussed simple rituals that you can use to petition the netcharu using candles, as well as how to pay your spirits for their assistance.  

I hope you enjoy “HOW TO setup an altar for the Netcharu (Neteru) the Kemetic Shaman Way” and that the video is helpful.

Do you honor, venerate or worship your Ancestors?

11 04 2021

So, do you honor, venerate or worship your Ancestors? This is a question that I have asked years ago, but it is also a question that some people ask when trying to understand the importance of working with Ancestors. So, do you honor, venerate or worship your Ancestors?  The best way to answer this is by briefly sharing my story.

When I first started honoring my Ancestors, there was not a lot of information around on the subject. In fact, the only information on working with the Ancestors when I first picked up this practice was, Luisah Teish’s Jambalaya: The Natural Woman’s Book of Personal Charms and Practical Rituals and Awo Fa’Lokun Fatunmbi’s Iwa-Pele: Ifa Quest: The Search for the Source of Santeria and Lucumi. These two books were basically the only books in English at the time that actually explained how to do the setup. All of the other books were in Spanish and were written for the growing Santeria/Lucumi community. Most of the other books written in English were typically about Haitian Vodun, and. Most authors focused primarily on how odd and different working with the Ancestors was compared to western religious ideas. This is why it trips me out when I hear ‘other’ people saying they have been working with the Ancestors for x, y years and taught to them by their grandparents.

Because I am like, where were you at when Blacks and Latinos were being ridiculed and persecuted for working with their Ancestors? I am not saying that there aren’t any people who were legitimately working with their ancestors, for the record. But as I mentioned before, working with the Ancestors is a popular topic. Many people are just on the bandwagon just to make money, but I digress.

When I started working with my ancestors since there was not much information published, and there were not many elders who were publicly around that practiced it. I learned about this practice through trial and error.

Malcolm X Spirit Guide

When I first started working with my paternal grandfather, maternal great-grandparents, and Malcolm X on my small shrine. When I was working with Malcolm, I had read his autobiography a few years before Spike Lee’s Malcolm X film debuted. I remember I had emulated Malcolm so much that I found myself wearing glasses even though I don’t wear glasses. Then, I stopped eating pork and even imitated how Malcolm spoke and his mannerism. Then, one day I discovered that Malcolm’s picture had fallen off of my little shrine. It was around the same time I had learned that Malcolm didn’t dance because Muslims didn’t believe in it. Dancing was one of the things that stopped me from converting to Islam because I knew in my heart that dancing was an ancient form of expression. When I heard someone saying that it was evil or making a commandment that you could not do, it was a big turn-off. I just left the church for this; there was no way I would get into something else that told me what I could and could not do.

Prince Ra Hetep

Then, I remember working with this Kemetic prince named Ra Hetep. I don’t know; for some reason, I thought he resembled me so, I got a picture of him, and I placed it on my shrine. Then, I would pour libations to my Ancestors and include him by asking for his help in understanding the Kemetic religion. When I worked with him, I found myself getting headaches for some reason. Still, I kept trying to mimic the Kemetic religion as best I could. Again, this was all trial and error.

Later, when I met my godfather and mentor, Papa. He taught me about Spiritism, and one of the things he told me was that I needed to restrict my time with my Ancestors. After a little while, I finally took Ra Hetep’s photo down, and I stopped working with him.

As I said before, a lot of what Papa taught me I didn’t understand until much later, but when I got it. That’s when I began to tie the terms with the practice.

So What’s the Difference Between Honoring, Venerating, and Worshipping?

I know that some people would disagree and say they are the same but to me.  But, when I asked others “Do You Honor, Venerate or Worship Your Ancestors?” I noticed that some people wondered but never really thought about it.   This made me really look at this spiritual practice so, I studied how people in Africa, China, and Latin America worked with their Ancestors.

Today if someone were to ask me, “Do You Honor, Venerate or Worship Your Ancestors?”  I would explain that to honor the ancestors means to remember them. When you honor the Ancestors, you are “remembering” who they were and give them the energy to continue their spiritual progress. To venerate the Ancestors is to pay respect to Ancestors, which means there are attributes that they possess that you admire. To worship the Ancestors is to give the Ancestor devotion, so the act of pour libations daily and calling their name is Ancestor worship.

When Papa suggested that I restrict my time with my Ancestors. He was telling me in so many words that I was giving devotion to the wrong Ancestors. I later learned that the problem I was having was that I was trying to work with Ra Hetep, although I had no connection to him. This was the reason I kept getting headaches. (Don’t ask me why. It didn’t make sense to me, but it happened.) It was also was attributed to me being stuck in mimicking the Kemetic religion and not growing.

I eventually was able to establish a rapport with Ra Hetep indirectly. Still, this experience helped me understand that there was a difference between honoring, venerating, and worshiping the Ancestors. It also helped me realize that what most people refer to as ancestors were their biological ancestors. However, we also have historical ancestors, cultural ancestors, mystical ancestors, and teaching ancestors that act and behave more like spirit guides.

Today, I honor my biological ancestors and give them energy to continue to spiritually grow. However, I venerate my spirit guides because these are the spirits that help me to deal with issues in my daily life. I think that when you venerate Ancestors who have not spiritually grown. They don’t contribute to your wellbeing. If they were selfish individuals, then if you venerate these individuals you take on their characteristics.  This in my opinion is the reason when you see people get the Holy Ghost. They return to their heathenistic ways once the Holy Ghost leaves because they are actually channeling a low ancestral spirit.  It is only a “holy spirit” because they refuse to study metaphysics and spiritism.

So, this might not work for everyone, but for me. I know my biological ancestors are spiritually growing because, as I have mentioned throughout my books and in previous blog posts. My grandmother helped me to discover the Maa Aankh. But, I know my grandmother did not know anything about the Kemetic religion or culture. She was a devout Christian, but she had a strong Kongo-Angolan influence like many Black people from the Mississippi Delta region. How did my grandmother help me connect the Kongo Cross to the Kemetic Ra philosophy and theology when she didn’t know anything about the Kemetic religion? She partnered with a Kemetic spirit guide. That is the only way.

This is why it is important to honor your biological ancestors regardless of where they were in life. That means respecting their religion and even offering them the foods they enjoyed in life, such as pork. They will help you as best they can because they do continue to love and miss you. But, if they can’t help you, they will get you to someone who can like a venerated ancestor. However, I recommend venerating your historical, mystical, and cultural ancestors who will help you elevate yourself and others.

Why The Egyptian Book of the Dead is Obsolete

13 03 2021
Have you ever wondered why the Kemetic Pert em Hru doesn’t make sense?

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Fam.  Yes. I said it and I will say it again. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is Obsolete and the reason I said this is because in one of my earlier posts, “How Should Beginners Practice Kemetic Spirituality?” I stated how some people had asked me how they should start practicing Kemetic Spirituality. So I responded that I was against beginners studying the 42 Laws of Maat, (which are not laws but are declarations) and reading the Pert em Hru (the so-called Egyptian Book of Dead) because, in my opinion.  They are outdated and obsolete.

OMG! The responses I got from people were truly interesting, to say the least. I had Fam who wanted to lecture me on how I was not being spiritual and how ATR was not for me because I was promoting a microwave version of Kemetic Spirituality.

Egyptian Book of the Dead

For the record, I don’t do that back and forth stuff. I put forth my perspective and allow the other individual to put forth their perspective. If after stating my view a second time and allowing the other individual to express their perspective, we don’t see eye to eye. The road is closed, and it ain’t my job to open it. I do not argue beliefs. I talk about what I know. Not what I have read. Not what I think but what I have experienced because you can’t argue experience. You either have gone through it or not.

So let me clarify my position. I welcome anyone who has had a different experience to share their experience but here we go

I have recited the 42 Declarations of Maat, and I have read the Pert em Hru, and it did not stir my Spirit. As I have said in previous posts and writings, the Kemetic Religion is obsolete and DEAD. That is trying to do things the way the Kemetic people did it. Please HEAR ME. I did not say it does not work at all, but for me, personally, the Egyptian Book of the Dead is obsolete. 

None of these books, nor most of those archaic books of shadows that are alleged to be so powerful, will create a significant change in your life. This is because, like all of those ancient books of shadows that are alleged to be so powerful. Were written years ago by people who did not experience any of the things we are experiencing now.

map of Ancient Egypt

The Kemetic people for some centuries lived in isolation from the rest of the world.

Fam. The Kemetic people were a society of farmers. They lived in what could best be described as a desert oasis surrounded by mountains and very arid terrain. So, for hundreds of years, no one could cross that terrain with a military and take them over. The biggest issue they had was some skirmish with neighboring societies, which did not last long because it was peacefully squashed. Read and study the Kemetic history if you don’t believe me. When the Nile flooded, it gave the Kemetic people enough food for the entire year and then some, so their basic needs were provided. Look at Maslow’s diagram. The Kemetic people had food and security already taken care of, which meant after they did their daily civic duties. They could spend the rest of the daydreaming and pondering the universe. Think about that.

Now, let’s shift here. First, we have systemic racism we got to deal with, affecting the first four tiers of Maslow’s diagram. Then, we have the first tier that many in our community struggle with. 

Many of us are trying to do what the Kemetic people did, which is be at tier 1 Self-Actualization and 2 Esteem on Maslow’s diagram. When we haven’t even gotten off the ground yet.  This is the equivalent of trying to teach something to someone and they are homeless and starving.  We are trying to dream of a better society like the Kemetic people did when we have Fam in Flint. Michigan just trying to get water to drink and bathe in. Fam.  We don’t control our community. We don’t control the economy in the community. We don’t control the community politics or the politics to occur on a national level. We don’t control the narrative about our community, people, etc. We barely control our family, which we have to fight for every day against media and other trivial influences. I mean, we are getting attack from every level (or at least it feels like it) and, you are telling me reading the Pert em Hru will save us? That learning how to turn into a golden hawk will save our family or someone in our community? I don’t think so.

There is not a spell in the Pert em Hru or any of the ancient texts that say “How to Stop Racism.” Ok. That’s not fair you say. Well, there is not a spell in the Pert em Hru Coffin Text, etc. that says “How to Become Prosperous.” Why? Because the Kemetic people didn’t think of prosperity, money, and wealth the way, we do. They didn’t live in a capitalistic society. They were not enslaved. They were not oppressed. They were not discriminated against because of the hue of their skin.  Are you starting to get the picture? 

So, let me repeat it.
The so-called Egyptian Book of the Dead is Obsolete. Meaning it does not and will empower us. It is outdated, which means the most powerful Kemetic rituals and spells are the ones you haven’t created yet.  They are the rituals and spells that you will receive from working with your Ancestors and Spirit Guides today.


I can attest to this because, as I have said before. 

Konog Dance

Through working with one of my Ancestors, I connected with a Spirit Guide who helped me solve the riddle in the Story of Ra and Oset (Isis), which led to the discovery of the Maa Aankh. Mind you,  did not know anything about the dikenga so that’s how I know it was Ancestral intervention. Ra Oset and Maa Aankh

We need to accept that we live differently from our Kemetic ancestors, so the same things they did do not apply some 4000 years later. We need to really understand that the Kemetic sages didn’t leave a textbook on how to practice their religion because they didn’t want people idolizing them and practicing their religion. It’s that simple.

When we ignore our Set just for a minute, we will see that there is a lot of updating that needs to be done. For instance, some of us need to recite a new commandment stating: “I do not condemn my Fam, just because I disagree with him/her.” “I do not condemn my Fam because of the complexion of his/her skin and the texture of his/her hair.” “I will not get in the bed with the enemy (like bait and switch Jay Z ) for selfish reasons and individual gain,” “I love and honor myself as a reflection of the Divine.” These are some of the declarations that we need today because it addresses our issues.

Understand. It is more efficient for you to work with your spirits than to do what our Kemetic Ancestors did thousands of years ago because it is more relevant. Your Aakhu (Ancestors and Spirit Guides) are more aware of the things you have to go through in this lifetime because they recently went through it in the past 100 or so years. This is more relevant than anything that the Scribe Ani or any of the Ancestors in Kemet had written about.

As I have said before, my Ancestor connected me with a Kemetic Spirit Guide. That’s how I discovered the Maa Aankh cosmogram. I didn’t know anything about the Kongo dikenga.  So, I believe that we need to simply work with our Ancestors and Spirit Guides instead of trying to do what the ancients did because we think it is more powerful.

If you are interested in learning more check out Maa Aankh volume one and two.


What Does Kemetic Spirituality mean to me?

28 02 2021
Kemetic priest and Ethiopian priest
Author unknown

Before I explain what does Kemetic Spirituality means to me, I must first define what Kemet is. As most of us know, Kemet or KMT is the name that the Ancient Egyptians called themselves. First, KM, Kem or Kam, means “black,” which refers to how the soil changed colors and became black after the annual flooding of the Nile River. Consequently, as our great ancestors of history, Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop (December 29, 1923 – February 7, 1986), Dr. John Henrik Clarke (January 1, 1915 – July 16, 1998), Dr. Yosef Alfredo Antonio Ben-Jochannan who is better known as Dr. Ben (December 31, 1918 – March 19, 2015), and many others have stated, the Kemetic people called themselves Black People.

Referred to the 4 Races of the World

Artist rendering of the so-called four races of the world: a Libyan (“Themehu”), a Nubian (“Nehesu”), an Asiatic (“Aamu”), and an Egyptian (“Reth”). An artistic rendering, based on a mural from the tomb of Seti I.

However, I would like to expound upon this concept from a metaphysical perspective. While I agree that the Kemetic people did call themselves “Black People” and were very detailed in reporting historical events.  The Kemetic people were not racist. I do not believe that the Kemetic people discriminated against others based upon their ethnicity or their skin’s hue, as taught through Western racism. This is why I call the above illustration the so-called Four races of the world.

The Kemetic people depicted all of the people they encountered (including themselves) the way they were to highlight cultural similarities and differences.  You see, by the time the above “Four Races” illustration was created, Kemet had become a cosmopolitan society consisting of numerous ethnic groups, cultures, tribal nations, or clans.

Nefertiti was white?

Interesting these researchers were happy to report how Nefertiti looked according to their reconstruction, but fail to mention that Nefertiti was Assyrian who married into the Kemetic royalty.

Many archeologists and historians either unintentionally or deliberately (I side with the latter) err in reporting who the Kemetic people were. It is a classic case of academic cherry-picking.  This err is made by not indicating that Kemet had an indigenous population who migrated from the south or Kush (Ancient Nubia). This migration occurred hundreds of years before the Kushites conquered Kemet.  You see, by failing to mention this, it gives the impression that all of the Kemetic people looked like the Nefertiti bust above.

There were other ancient Africans who migrated to Kemet as well, which all contributed to the Kemetic people’s racial identity. Therefore, when these so-called scholars and scientists are researching the Kemetic rulers’ mummified remains. When we put it in perspective, these scholars are studying the mummified remains of a particular tribal clan that ruled Kemet at that time.

To understand this ruse, let’s say a million years in the future, archeologists and historians decided to research the skeletal remains of the first U.S. president. Then, they choose to dig up other presidents and conduct research on their remains. Then, they compile all of their research and announce to the future public that, “We have concluded that the ethnicity of the American people is that they were of European descent.”

Is this accurate? Of course not. It is not valid because, in the United States alone, their research does not include the indigenous Americans (the Amerindians), nor the numerous Africans brought of the States. It also does not include the multiple ethnic groups that migrated to the United States voluntarily. This research does not include the diverse populations in Canada and Mexico, which are also a part of America.

Yet, this is the type of research and reporting that modern archeologists and egyptologists do all of the time, which creates a false narrative of the Kemetic people.  Understand that this is not about making Kemetic Spirituality about race.  It is about Eurocentric scholars refusing to acknowledge race and give an accurate depiction of what Kemetic Spirituality was all about.

hairstyles of africans and kemetic people

This is why we cannot exclude race and ethnicity from the discussion when trying to understand and explain what Kemetic spirituality means.

Bantu beadwork

When we keep in mind that the Kemetic people consisted of numerous ethnicities, tribal nations, and clans.

African hairstyles

It helps us to understand what Kemetic Spirituality was, how it was practiced and how it is practiced today.

Beaded collars

This is why we find the continuation of the Kemetic culture thousands of years later after Kemet has fallen because Kemet played host to numerous ethnic groups.

Ethiopian priest and leopard pelt

It is the reason why Sir E. A. Wallis Budge stated in Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection (1911):

“There is no doubt”, he said of Egyptian religions in Osiris and the Egyptian Resurrection (1911), “that the beliefs examined herein are of indigenous origin, Nilotic or Sûdânî in the broadest signification of the word, and I have endeavoured to explain those which cannot be elucidated in any other way, by the evidence which is afforded by the Religions of the modern peoples who live on the great rivers of East, West, and Central Africa . . . Now, if we examine the Religions of modern African peoples, we find that the beliefs underlying them are almost identical with those Ancient Egyptian ones described above. As they are not derived from the Egyptians, it follows that they are the natural product of the religious mind of the natives of certain parts of Africa, which is the same in all periods.”

Why did these numerous ethnic groups leave Kemet and scatter throughout the African continent? The same reason people migrate from one region to another in modern times. It was to escape civil unrest, war, and jihads.

When I take all of this into consideration, and someone asks me what KMT, Kemet, or Kam Ta Spirituality means to me. The term KMT, Kemet or as I like to call it Kam Ta, which means the “Black Lands,” is also a  metaphysical reference to all of the Kemetic people’s ancestry.

The Black Lands refers to the soil and a connection to that which is hidden and unknown. We all go to KAM TA every time we close our eyes, and when we open our eyes, we see that we are different shapes, sizes, complexions, etc., but when we close our eyes. We are all the same, united by the cloth of darkness like the pitch night sky. What do you see in the night sky? Stars, which are our Ancestors, symbolized as Osar (Asar, Osiris).

Kemetic cosmogram

From this perspective, if we all emerge from the same Source of Blackness, we are all ancestral spirits from this fertile realm who have incarnated to the physical realm or TASETT.

So what does Kemetic Spirituality means to me? Well, to me Kemetic Spirituality is about reconnecting and communicating with our Ancestral Spirits responsible for bringing us all together.

Interested in learning more? Check out the Maa Aankh.

How to Make Christmas Spiritual (Winter Solstice)

13 12 2020


The question some people ask me is “Why do you want to Make Christmas Spiritual (Winter Solstice)?” It is because every year I receive comments and questions on the origin of Christmas and how it corresponds to the Winter Solstice. Most of these questions are usually from Fam who has left the Church and is now interested in the Kemetic spiritual paths. A lot of times, these individuals have children who are mesmerized by the glitter and lights celebrating Christmas. Although most of us know that the real reason for Christmas is not the bustle and hustle.  Many of us struggle with how to reweave our ancestral ways into this season.  In other words, many of us struggle with how to make Christmas spiritual, so that our children will partake in it when they get older.

I wrote last year How to Celebrate the Birth of Hru (Winter Solstice) and several other Winter Solstice post in the previous years.  But, this year, I wanted to write the How to Make Christmas Spiritual (Winter Solstice) post to give you more insight into the origin of Christmas.  The hope is that your Spirits will guide you so that you can make Christmas more spiritual for you and your loved ones.

What is Winter Solstice?

As most of you know, December 21st marks the beginning of Winter Solstice, which continues to the 24th of December.  

If you are not familiar with this period, astronomically during this time of the year, the days become shorter and the nights longer because the Sun has reached its lowest point. Thus giving an allusion that the Sun is standing still, hence the Latin name for this period, solstitium – “Still Sun”.

Immediately, after December 25th, the Sun begins to rise until it peaks in the summer months between June 21st to June 24th, which is called the Summer Solstice.

The Transformation to Legend & Myth

Now during the Winter Solstice, because many of our ancestors were agriculturalists, ancient astronomers, scientists and who observed nature like a hawk because they depended upon Nature or Netchar (Netjer/God) for their physical survival. They codified their scientific understanding into myth so that everyone recognized it as being a sacred event. The first civilization to implement this according to history was the Kemetic people who associated the rising Sun with their hero Hru (Heru, Horus).  

One thing that should be understood is that the Kemetic people never interpreted their legends and myths literally. They always understood that the gods and goddesses were symbols of aspects within their spirit. Therefore, when foreigners visited Kemet and saw the grand celebrations of the Sun’s return but were ignorant of the Kemetic culture, Kemetic science, and Kemetic spirituality. These individuals interpreted the rising Sun as a returning messiah and they took this misunderstanding back to their respective lands and reinterpreted the event per their cultural understanding. Before you knew it, the Babylonians, and Persians, all had a similar celebration that celebrated their messiah. When the Greeks finally conquered the Persians, they modified the solstice lore to celebrate their hero Iesous Christos. Then, when the Romans conquered the ancient world they renamed Iesous Christos to Jesus Christ and officially made his birthday December 25th.  

Back to Spiritual Observance

tree of life christmas treeNow, for the longest time, I struggled with observing and practicing Winter Solstice, from Christmas because of all the cruelty committed by cultural Christians. That is those individuals who have claimed to be Christian by default who have perpetrated most of ill in the so-called name of god. I struggled because no matter how much I knew about the Kemetic origins and the Kemetic influence in Christianity. It was hard to separate the baby from the bathwater, sort-of-speak. It was even more difficult to do this for my child, but as I told you last year. I found a couple of ways to make Christmas spiritual.

Two suggestions that came to mind on how to make Christmas spiritual or rather return it back to a spiritual tradition is listed below:

 One of the recommendations is to decorate the Christmas tree as a Tree of Life (shown above). The star on the top of the tree symbolizes the top sphere is the Keter, or Osar (Osiris), and the other main ornaments represent the remaining spheres. The garlands and lights can be used to symbolize the Rau, while the other little ornaments can symbolize the spirits associated with those spheres. The bottom of the tree would symbolize the 10th Malkuth sphere or Geb, which is where you may want to place items or even petitions you want to physically manifest into your life.  

Chakra christmas treeAnother suggestion is to decorate the Christmas tree according to the chakras. Instead of the top star symbolizing Keter it can represent the Crown chakra. The bottom of the tree would symbolize the lowest chakra or root chakra mulhadra.

Please note that these are just a couple of ways you can make Christmas spiritual.  Regardless of what you choose, it is important to understand that this period is a time of sharing, and giving. But most importantly, it is a time for contemplating, and reflecting on what you want to manifest like the Sun.

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings). 

The Kemetic People Were Black, Now What?

13 09 2020

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

Family, the change is coming.  I know you feel it. More and more people are pulling the wool from their eyes.  So, I thought it would be a good idea to give you a friendly reminder of  why it is important to really move beyond the cultural and historical aspect of Kemetic Spirituality. 

Lately, a lot of Christians are losing their “lunch” because they just found out that in Numbers 23:22 and 24:8, the Bible speaks of the strength of a unicorn. Then, in Deuteronomy 33:17, Psalms 22: 21 and Psalms 92:10, the bible speaks of a unicorn’s horn. Also, in Job 39:10 and 39:10 both speak of the unicorn not tilling the earth, and in Psalms 29:6, the bible mentions that a unicorn is likened to a young calf skipping. Again, in Isiah 34:7 mentions unicorns in the same context as bulls and bullocks.  Oh, dragons are also mentioned in the bible. In Isaiah 27:1, Ezekiel 29:3, Job 41:1-34 and 21, and there is numerous mention of dragons throughout the book of Revelations. 

It is quite earth shattering for these people because they were taught all of their lives that the bible is historical truth. Now many of them are realizing that there is no way unicorns and dragons could be real.  Many Christians are forcefully being driven to the crossroad to either continue to believe in a false god or embrace their true lord and savior, the Divine within them.   In other words, people are seriously beginning to use commonsense and realize that the same people who enslaved and  oppressed our African and Indigenous American ancestors, would not give us a religion that would truly empower us.  

Part of the reason so many within the Christian faith are falling out, and having so much difficulty is because the authors of modern-day Christianity at the Council of Nicaea purposely chose to adopt, borrow and steal Kemetic and other ancient concepts for the sole purpose of social control. 

Understand, to accomplish this magical, sleight of hand feat, or level of mind-control, the early biblical writers led by the military emperor Constantine,  hashed it out and agreed to make everything within the bible historical, instead of fictional, mythical and metaphorical as it had been in the pre-Christian era.   By doing this, the Gods, and Goddesses, or the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine who have always been depicted as beings within were marginalized and made into one masculine Solar Deity who exists outside of our being, millions of miles in the heavens. (It should be noted that prior to the rise of the Christendom religion and spirituality were Lunar influenced, and emphasis was placed on the Moon.)

The interesting thing is that the early Christian fathers also stole the monotheistic template for global social control from Kemetic ruler Akhenaten, which is the reason he is considered to be the heretic king, (see Akhenaten is Not a Kemetic Hero) but I digress.  

The point is that here lies the reason it is so important that we move beyond knowing the ethnicity of the Kemetic people.  If not, you will find yourself in another trick bag like Christianity with just a Kemetic name. To be more specific, I have seen people actually honoring Akhenaten without understanding that the Aten religion and monotheism is anti-Divine because it teaches that the Divine is outside of your being. 

Now, don’t get me wrong. It is great to know that the true authors of Western civilization are the Kemetic people and that these ancient Nilotic dwellers were black and brown-skinned Africans. But, these facts do you no justice and they do not improve the quality of your life.  

So that we do not slip off the proverbial cliff as those who believe that the bible is historical, and do not understand that it is an astrotheological book. It is important to understand that if we embrace Kemetic Spirituality for the sole purpose of debating ethnicity and history. We are only boosting our ego or Set, and making a true ass of ourself.  Most people know that the Kemetic people were black and brown skinned Africans, so most discussions about this subject matter is nothing more than a diversion.  So, don’t waste your time trying to convince others what you and they know is true, but they choose not to accept and believe. 


Instead, our focus should be on educating ourselves and our children about the power of Self, so that we can decode the numerous messages that signal Osar’s (Osiris’s) return.  


Gods & Goddesses Don’t Care Who’s the President

30 08 2020


Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

So my wife and I were talking the other day and we were looking at something. If a person tells a lie, how do you know if it is a lie? The answer is that you disagree with it based upon what you know and your observations. So, when does a lie become truth? When everyone accepts the lie as being real based upon observation. Right?

Well, if you are reading this article, you most likely have read about our history. You probably know a considerable amount of history about the Kemetic (Ancient Egyptians), the Kushites (Ancient Nubians), and other great civilizations. You most likely know about the ancient Blacks in Sumer, Indus Kush, and other great black civilizations. You have learned a great deal about our historic ancestral past and the numerous contributions that have been made by black and brown people.

Then, after reading, learning, and studying about our glorious ancestral past, you close the history books and look outside to see all of the tragedies affecting black and brown people throughout the globe. You are taken back by the constant reporting of crimes and acts of violence occurring within our communities by one another and the various disparities due to racism.

The question I would like to ask you is how did we fall so low and why?

Think about this for a minute Family because if history reveals that our ancestors (or We) were at least 3,000 years ahead of Westerners. Then, how did a group of inferior individuals conquer the planet? Or did they?

If we go back to the Kemetic Story of Osar, you will recall that Osar became conscious and taught everyone the science of Maa. Then, he was murdered by his envious and inferior brother, Set. When Set usurped the throne, he ran the kingdom into the ground because he did not know anything about the principles of Maa, which Osar built the kingdom upon. The Osarian kingdom was eventually revived or resurrected when Osar’s heir, Hru, fought and defeated Set through the guidance of Djahuti.

The point that I am making is that why are so many of us complaining about this failed system of Set? In the past two weeks, I have had so many people upset with me because I told them that I don’t give a damn about the presidential election. And, these were people who are supposed to be “conscious”! They fell for the trick or forgot that the reason they keep showing all of these problems is to make us believe that voting (and other buy-ins into their system) is going to work.  I mean, I really cannot believe that Family is sitting up here trying to decide on which is the lesser of two evils, Biden or Trump, instead of siding with getting rid of the whole system.   

People forget that when the first Europeans came to this country, they did not have a Maa bone in their body, so how in the hell can make something that is corrupt in the beginning righteous? You can’t! 

The system is failed because it is not built upon the principles of Maa, which means it does it matter who is president? The Dali Lama could be president and things would still not get any better because the system is not built upon the principles of Maa.

Family. If we truly are the Children of Osar (Hrus). We should be celebrating the decline and fall of this system.  We need to remember that Osar deals with abundance symbolized as the black fertile grounds of KMT and the Universe, hence KAMTA.  Set on the other hand, deals with lack symbolized as the desert TASETT

So, if this system is built upon lack, there will never be enough resources because they lack the creativity of a GOD/GODDESS to foresee it. There will always be disparity because they do not see from a GOD/GODDESS perspective the divinity of all things.  

Again, my wife and I were talking and we were discussing why America banned the importation of African slaves.  We recalled that it was because as soon as the Africans got around the other slaves, they immediately incited a revolt. Why? Because the Africans had not been conditioned as the other slaves had been to think of having a master. 

What I am saying is that the reason for adopting Kemetic spirituality, is to liberate us from our conditioned slave mentality.   Seriously. What’s the purpose of having a Kemetic name, and claiming about being Kemetic if you still have the same slave mentality? 

You have not personalized the Story of Osar, to be Kemetically free. Just like to be Jewish you have to identify with Abraham. The slave perspective is the belief that we can make things better. 

We should be focusing on building our reality regardless of who the president, prime minister, etc. is or is not. 

We need to stop thinking that everything that we do is contingent upon what another group does. If we claim to be descendants of greatness, we should not be focused on something as minute as the presidency or any other thing. We should focus on world domination but from a higher perspective. Yes, I am talking about applying the Laws of Attraction, which our father’s vizier, Djahuti,  taught us. 

Stop giving into their reality and create your own.  Since 1619, when the first African was brought to this country,  they have historically continued to place us on the bottom. Our greatness will never be promoted by them, just like Set never promoted Osar, so stop looking for validation from them.  Expect them to always give you the shaft, to backstab you, dishonor you, etc. because Set has no honor, is not fair, and does not know Maa. 

So, stop being surprised that they appropriate your culture and other belongings, and recall that Set usurped Osar’s throne. 

Right now, a lot of people are concerned about the unemployment rates keep rising, disparity, violence, etc. are occurring but this is the time to really implement the Laws of Attraction and do for self.  Let me be clear, all of these real because we have not implemented our reality but continue to dwell in someone else’s. 

We have to understand that the best way to help ourselves and our people is by tapping into our Divinity and ancestral wisdom.


Are People Who Commit Crimes Still God?

21 08 2020

dead Osar

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

The beauty of the Kemetic tradition is that it was the first spiritual system in the world that taught about knowledge of self and true redemption.  According to Kemetic beliefs, our Superconscious or Higher Self is our God Self, which is what the Kemetic sages personified as Osar (Asar, Osiris). However, the subconscious or lower self is the animal, human or ego-self that is personified as Set (devil). 

This simply means that both God and the devil exists within our being.  So, when an individual is on an isfet (imbalanced) path where they are commit all sorts of heinous crimes and evils.  Kemetically speaking, their Set has usurped their Osar, which is code for Osar is dead within them.  In other words, we have all done some 

pretty wicked things because it was only because we did not know any better, due to being ruled by our Set. 

Malcolm X is proof that Knowledge of Self can redeem the Criminal Heart

To remind us of redemption, above is an image of the young Malcolm X (former Malcolm Little), who was involved in all sorts of self-destructive and chaotic behavior because he did not have knowledge of self. This is the state of many of our people. It does not mean that they are not God, it simply means that God is dead within them and has yet to be resurrected.


The only way that Osar can be resurrected within them is through Oset (Aset, Isis), who will magickally conceive Hru (Horus).

This simply means that when you get tired of sh** going the way it is. That’s when things begin to change. For instance, when Black people get tired of the American political system giving them symbols of hope while taking advantage of them for economic and political gain, then that’s when the revolution will begin.

When Hru matures, he will fight to resurrect Osar, which means you have to consciously choose to follow your Osar and do what is Right (Maat).

This must be understood because some people get it twisted and believe that if they give their life to some deity or cause that they are now Osar. No. Not at all. Remember, Malcolm was betrayed by those who were closest to him because these individuals were jealous (Set), hence not fully Osar, or rather. 

Osar was not fully resurrected within them.  Understand. Just because you are conscious does not mean you are Osar. That is just one step in several flights to full enlightenment.

True consciousness in Kemetic belief means that you are constantly working on resurrecting your Osar so that you have no fear and without any doubt, you follow your Osar.  It is a constant fight between Hru and Set.

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

As you can see, many of us are nowhere near this level because it took at least 18 years for us to be conditioned to follow our Set. So, just denouncing your ways and declaring your faith is not going to get rid of those conditionings that easily or quickly.

It is a work in progress. A lifelong work in progress, which is why the Scribe Ani recited daily his personal 42 declarations. So, when you see your brothers and sisters in the street, on the corners, on TV, etc. living a chaotic and confusing life. Don’t judge them but understand that their Osar needs to be resurrected. So don’t waste your time trying to save them if they don’t want to be saved.I know this sounds cliché-ish but the best thing you can do is lead by example, and hopefully, they will strive to be Osar as well.
