Juneteenth DOES NOT RESTORE Maa (Balance)!

22 06 2021

Juneteenth and Maa

Juneteenth Does Not Restore Maa (Balance)! In fact, I am appalled at how many people really do not understand history.  From my understanding, after Lincoln emancipated the enslaved. Two years later, the news was received in Texas and they referred to it as Freedom Day. 

Now for the record, I have mixed feelings about this because I understand the need to celebrate the end of physical bondage. However, I know that historically right after this event. Many Blacks had to return to the same slave masters for employment, where they received even less pay for their labor.  In other words, here’s the start of the wealth gap that is haunting us today. You see, the former slave owner now had to pay wages of let’s say $0.20, while he made $40.00 off of goods.  So, do you think we should be celebrating Juneteenth which marked the beginning of financial slavery?  I don’t think so either. That’s not Maa (Balance, Righteousness, Truth). 

Basically, there’s a lot of people who don’t understand what Independence means. 

Why The Egyptian Book of the Dead is Obsolete

13 03 2021
Have you ever wondered why the Kemetic Pert em Hru doesn’t make sense?

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Fam.  Yes. I said it and I will say it again. The Egyptian Book of the Dead is Obsolete and the reason I said this is because in one of my earlier posts, “How Should Beginners Practice Kemetic Spirituality?” I stated how some people had asked me how they should start practicing Kemetic Spirituality. So I responded that I was against beginners studying the 42 Laws of Maat, (which are not laws but are declarations) and reading the Pert em Hru (the so-called Egyptian Book of Dead) because, in my opinion.  They are outdated and obsolete.

OMG! The responses I got from people were truly interesting, to say the least. I had Fam who wanted to lecture me on how I was not being spiritual and how ATR was not for me because I was promoting a microwave version of Kemetic Spirituality.

Egyptian Book of the Dead

For the record, I don’t do that back and forth stuff. I put forth my perspective and allow the other individual to put forth their perspective. If after stating my view a second time and allowing the other individual to express their perspective, we don’t see eye to eye. The road is closed, and it ain’t my job to open it. I do not argue beliefs. I talk about what I know. Not what I have read. Not what I think but what I have experienced because you can’t argue experience. You either have gone through it or not.

So let me clarify my position. I welcome anyone who has had a different experience to share their experience but here we go

I have recited the 42 Declarations of Maat, and I have read the Pert em Hru, and it did not stir my Spirit. As I have said in previous posts and writings, the Kemetic Religion is obsolete and DEAD. That is trying to do things the way the Kemetic people did it. Please HEAR ME. I did not say it does not work at all, but for me, personally, the Egyptian Book of the Dead is obsolete. 

None of these books, nor most of those archaic books of shadows that are alleged to be so powerful, will create a significant change in your life. This is because, like all of those ancient books of shadows that are alleged to be so powerful. Were written years ago by people who did not experience any of the things we are experiencing now.

map of Ancient Egypt

The Kemetic people for some centuries lived in isolation from the rest of the world.

Fam. The Kemetic people were a society of farmers. They lived in what could best be described as a desert oasis surrounded by mountains and very arid terrain. So, for hundreds of years, no one could cross that terrain with a military and take them over. The biggest issue they had was some skirmish with neighboring societies, which did not last long because it was peacefully squashed. Read and study the Kemetic history if you don’t believe me. When the Nile flooded, it gave the Kemetic people enough food for the entire year and then some, so their basic needs were provided. Look at Maslow’s diagram. The Kemetic people had food and security already taken care of, which meant after they did their daily civic duties. They could spend the rest of the daydreaming and pondering the universe. Think about that.

Now, let’s shift here. First, we have systemic racism we got to deal with, affecting the first four tiers of Maslow’s diagram. Then, we have the first tier that many in our community struggle with. 

Many of us are trying to do what the Kemetic people did, which is be at tier 1 Self-Actualization and 2 Esteem on Maslow’s diagram. When we haven’t even gotten off the ground yet.  This is the equivalent of trying to teach something to someone and they are homeless and starving.  We are trying to dream of a better society like the Kemetic people did when we have Fam in Flint. Michigan just trying to get water to drink and bathe in. Fam.  We don’t control our community. We don’t control the economy in the community. We don’t control the community politics or the politics to occur on a national level. We don’t control the narrative about our community, people, etc. We barely control our family, which we have to fight for every day against media and other trivial influences. I mean, we are getting attack from every level (or at least it feels like it) and, you are telling me reading the Pert em Hru will save us? That learning how to turn into a golden hawk will save our family or someone in our community? I don’t think so.

There is not a spell in the Pert em Hru or any of the ancient texts that say “How to Stop Racism.” Ok. That’s not fair you say. Well, there is not a spell in the Pert em Hru Coffin Text, etc. that says “How to Become Prosperous.” Why? Because the Kemetic people didn’t think of prosperity, money, and wealth the way, we do. They didn’t live in a capitalistic society. They were not enslaved. They were not oppressed. They were not discriminated against because of the hue of their skin.  Are you starting to get the picture? 

So, let me repeat it.
The so-called Egyptian Book of the Dead is Obsolete. Meaning it does not and will empower us. It is outdated, which means the most powerful Kemetic rituals and spells are the ones you haven’t created yet.  They are the rituals and spells that you will receive from working with your Ancestors and Spirit Guides today.


I can attest to this because, as I have said before. 

Konog Dance

Through working with one of my Ancestors, I connected with a Spirit Guide who helped me solve the riddle in the Story of Ra and Oset (Isis), which led to the discovery of the Maa Aankh. Mind you,  did not know anything about the dikenga so that’s how I know it was Ancestral intervention. Ra Oset and Maa Aankh

We need to accept that we live differently from our Kemetic ancestors, so the same things they did do not apply some 4000 years later. We need to really understand that the Kemetic sages didn’t leave a textbook on how to practice their religion because they didn’t want people idolizing them and practicing their religion. It’s that simple.

When we ignore our Set just for a minute, we will see that there is a lot of updating that needs to be done. For instance, some of us need to recite a new commandment stating: “I do not condemn my Fam, just because I disagree with him/her.” “I do not condemn my Fam because of the complexion of his/her skin and the texture of his/her hair.” “I will not get in the bed with the enemy (like bait and switch Jay Z ) for selfish reasons and individual gain,” “I love and honor myself as a reflection of the Divine.” These are some of the declarations that we need today because it addresses our issues.

Understand. It is more efficient for you to work with your spirits than to do what our Kemetic Ancestors did thousands of years ago because it is more relevant. Your Aakhu (Ancestors and Spirit Guides) are more aware of the things you have to go through in this lifetime because they recently went through it in the past 100 or so years. This is more relevant than anything that the Scribe Ani or any of the Ancestors in Kemet had written about.

As I have said before, my Ancestor connected me with a Kemetic Spirit Guide. That’s how I discovered the Maa Aankh cosmogram. I didn’t know anything about the Kongo dikenga.  So, I believe that we need to simply work with our Ancestors and Spirit Guides instead of trying to do what the ancients did because we think it is more powerful.

If you are interested in learning more check out Maa Aankh volume one and two.


The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

22 11 2020

This is how most people think curses are placed.

The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

This is how most people think curses are placed.

They would be surprised to know how most curses are really placed. So, in the Kemetic Understanding of How Curses, I will explain what the most common curses are so that you will know if you have been cursed and what to do about it. 

First, there are two types of curses, and the most prevalent one is called self-hexing. Now, as I have mentioned in my books, I was raised in an Apostolic Pentecostal home, which was a blend of sanctified, holiness, and pentecostal churches. Yep, my parents’ church did and their denomination did it all, speaking-in-tongues, shouting or the Holy Ghost dance (Check out Lesson 8:What is the Holy Ghost “Kemeticly” Speaking), and faith healing. We did everything except danced around with snakes!

Basically, what it means is that I was raised “Jesus only”, so everything was given to Jesus because everything else was of the devil.

The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

It’s the Devil

Actually, my parents weren’t that bad but, we could not drink alcohol, smoke, gamble, and play card games, which were considered gateways to the devil.  In some churches the parishioners couldn’t listen to secular music, watch television, and had to dress very modestly.   Thankfully my parents weren’t that bad but my grandparents’ church was.   

The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

Every time there was a problem, I was instructed to pray to Jesus.

Anyway, whenever you had a problem you prayed to Jesus. Whenever you had any concerns or worries, you took (prayed) to Jesus, and Jesus delivered so long as you obey his commandments. I was never sure what those commandments were because they always seem to vary from church to church.  But that is what it was like being raised in an Apostolic Pentecostal Christian home.

This meant that things like luck, good luck, bad luck, curses, etc. was not talked about in our household. It wasn’t that it wasn’t believed that they didn’t exist. It was that curses, hexes, etc. did not stand a chance against the “blood of Jesus” (Hayshaka aqua psychoalphadiscobetabioaquadoloop…that was me speaking-in-tongues with a little P-Funk. Smile).

Kemetic Understanding of How Curses

Me Getting the Holy Ghost

Well, like I said. The “blood of Jesus”, which was blessed olive oil or blessed water, protected you from all sorts of spiritual maladies, as long as you followed Jesus’ commandment.  So, when I lost my faith in God and left the church, I lost my protection and was eventually cursed. After several herbal baths, the curses were removed, which I will discuss in a later post, but that whole thing got me wondering how do curses work and how are they removed.

What I learned was that our mind is composed of three parts which are like grocery store workers.
The conscious or Ab soul is the decision store manager, the subconscious or sahu (our lower self or personal spirit) is the store stocker, and the Superconscious of Ba (our Higher Self and all of the Infinite Spirits in the collective) is like the producer.

Now, I am not going to bore you with all of the details about these three parts. You can read about them here, but know that our subconscious is very impressionable for the early part of our life. By impressionable, I mean really logical and gullible. Don’t get me wrong, it is a remarkable faculty. It is responsible for maintaining all of the bodily functions that we don’t even think about like digestion, exchanging oxygen throughout the body, etc. One of its most important functions is the storing of memories – both the good and the bad. The issue is that because the subconscious is the seat of our emotions.  It categorizes everything based upon how we feel, like a child who does not like to eat vegetables.

The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

The subconscious like children does not know what is best for them.

Notice children don’t think “This is good for me, so I will eat it”. Children say, “It tastes yucky” and will not eat it no matter how good they are for them. Well, our subconscious does this for everything, which is why it is called the lower mind and the Kemetic sages called it Set.

Anyway, if a belief is accepted by our subconscious. The Superconscious part of the mind interprets that belief as truth and produces it in our life. This is the reason you have to consciously surround yourself with positive and uplifting images that remind you of your Godliness.   If not, your subconscious will easily be swayed and will have you chasing yourself, and your Superconscious will manifest that reality.  (See Why I Said F*** the Universe to Manifest My Reality). 

The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

If You Don’t Discipline Your Spirit/subconscious, your Spirit/subconscious will have you chasing nothing.

So most curses lead to self-hexing, which works on the understanding that our subconscious is very impressionable. If you make a strong enough impression, the subconscious of any individual will be affected. In other words, all it takes is for a disturbing image or message to be transferred and the curse will kick in.  Then the curse is fed through our fear.   If you understand this concept, then you will understand that we are constantly bombarded with disturbing images, which the subconscious simply stores based upon how we feel. For the record, one of the purposes of spiritual development is to strengthen the conscious mind, so that our subconscious is not so easily swayed.

Now, I know what you are thinking. You are thinking, “How did I get this curse?” Remember that I said that the subconscious is very impressionable? Well, you could have picked up the curse from anywhere. All it takes is an image, word, a song, whatever to get into your subconscious and your fear will feed it.

The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

Me in the doctor’s office.

For instance, every time I go to the doctor for a checkup and see all of those images posted on the wall of this illness, that side effect, etc. I am being cursed into self-hexing myself. I eventually had to start wearing charms to guard against this energy because if you don’t remind your subconscious of your Godliness. You will find yourself dwelling on various images and your Superconscious will make it a reality.

How Do You Rid Yourself of a Curse?

Well, the church folk had it partially right. You do have to give it to Jesus, which is what we know is nothing more than your Superconscious, but remember the Superconscious only produces what is believed. So, you have to replace the disturbing energy with another. In other words, impress a more pleasant and satisfying image/energy on to your subconscious.

This is not an intellectual feat, meaning you cannot intellectualize out of it. It is all about how you feel. For instance, water baptism removes all sorts of maladies because the subconscious knows that water is used for cleaning and removing filth. Herbal baths work the same way. The key is to make a strong impression on the subconscious to convince this part of you that you are blessed, healthy, prosperous, abundant, protected, etc., which is called changing your aura or auric body. If you were thinking does water baptism work this same way, you were right.  Water baptism changes your aura but Christians will not tell you this b/c then they would have to admit that they practice magick. 🙂

Kemetic Understanding of How Curses,

Christians be like “Yes, we practice magick but let’s let that be our secret”.

Ok, that’s the psychological babble. Spiritually speaking when you impress an idea upon your subconscious you are impressing it upon your spirit.  Once this is done, the Spirits are able to take instruction and manifest your request. 

Kemetic Understanding of How Curses

Spirits manifesting your desire once you discipline your spirit/subconscious.

BTW. The other curse which is actual hexing rarely occurs.  This is because it requires a tremendous amount of time, energy, and money to perform, which most people simply do not have. So unless the individual who is hexing you is wealthy, you really have no need to worry about this type of cursing.

Curses are all about how you feel. Not about what you think, so don’t get it twisted. Failure to understand this is how a lot of people end up being cursed. 

The Kemetic Understanding of Curses

Refusing to understand it is not what you think but how you feel that activates curses.

So, if you “feel” like things are off. They probably are so take a bath, clean your house, refresh your altar, etc. to make things feel blessed, healthy, prosperous, protected, abundant, etc.  Erecting an altar to your ancestor and spirit guides is also a great way of impressing this message to your subconscious/spirit.  

Altar to the Netcharu (Guardian Spirits)

I hope you enjoyed this post. 


Gifs courtesy of Gify.com

Cube’s CWBA Exposes the BAD Spades Hand

17 10 2020

I never learned how to play poker, but I learned how to play spades. This is one of the worst hands in spades because there are no SPADES.

This is one of the worst hands to have in the game of spades because there are no SPADES, to win any books. Thus, a perfect analogy of how Ice Cube’s CWBA exposed the alleged allies and leaders within the Black community. 

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

Bad Spades Hand

Those of you who played the game Spades know that one of the worse hands to have is the hand because without any spades you cannot win.  Well, this is a perfect analogy of what Ice Cube’s Contract With Black America or Cube’s CWBA  did. It exposed all of the so-call leaders who allege to be down for us. 

But, before explaining what I mean, my boy CultureFreedom89 was reminding me that Eva Longoria raised $50M for Obama’s campaign, and later when Obama was in office he began talking about naturalizing immigrants from Mexico who came over “illegally”? I don’t say this to hate on Longoria or the Hispanic/Latino community. My point is that she donated a large amount of money to Obama and he took care of those people who lined his pockets.

By the way, Obama did the same thing for the LGBTQ community as well, but why didn’t he do the same thing for his own people? Why is it that the only thing that people can say about Obama is that “We can tell our kids that being the president is possible”? 

Well, because we are not his people. He told you that all Americans are his people, which was code for whoever gives him “money” he is down with (BTW, this is the same thing that Biden is saying). 

Why did we expect Obama to do so much? Why do we expect any politician to do for us?  Because we are the only group of people in this country who doesn’t understand that politics is about business and not symbolism.  

Cube's CWBA

Maa Aankh with Utchat

In other words, metaphysically speaking we only see the top half of the Maa Aankh, which is only physical things (the illusion) with our solar eye at the Ra moment.

Cube's CWBA

When we only see life from the Right Eye we only see what is physically in front of us. When we only see with our Left Eye we see spiritual matters. When both eyes are united The Eyes of Ra provide a Holistic Perspective, thus allowing us to see everything and make strategic decisions.

We do not see behind the veil with our lunar eye at the Amun Ra moment, so we do not have a holistic perspective.  

For instance, we assume that because Obama was a brown-skinned man, who could play basketball in the white house, eat Five Guys, walk like a pimp, and sing an Al Green song (all symbols), that he would take care of Black People. Since 1964, we have been throwing our support behind people who never offer us anything tangible but symbols. 

Family. Let’s get real. 

Have you ever noticed that politicians only go to church, visit our community, and visit HBCUs during election time? If you noticed this it is because politicians know something that many of us refuse to acknowledge and accept, which is that we have no capital. We do not own a large number of businesses. We do not have strong political support. We do not have judicial or legal support. We do not have a strong devoted group of bipartisan leaders. We don’t even have a strong support for one another. We refuse to see ourselves as a nation within a nation with a common background and history despite our political and religious differences.  Therefore, we do not have a plan, and everyone else does not have a progressive plan for our community either. We have one thing and that is the symbol of HOPE. We HOPE that they (both political parties) will do right by us.  So, every politician knows to play against our bad spades hand of HOPE. They got all of the Aces, the Kings, the top Spades to trump any card, and both Jokers (the Wilds). 

In other words, our card hand is all based on sympathetic symbolism but no matter how we play that bad card hand. We ain’t going to win. We’ll be lucky to make one book with that hand. Most likely our opponent is about to run a Big 13 (take all the books) because most likely our partner can’t even play that right. 

In other words, while we’re playing with sympathy and HOPE. Our opponent is taking full advantage of us because we are vulnerable,  easy to be exploited, degraded, and can be oppressed by anyone who is in this country and everyone who comes to this country.

Politically, we are like the last kid picked in dodgeball who does not understand why they are the last ones picked in dodgeball. 

We are the only ones expecting people to do right by us. We are the only ones believing that politics is about doing the right thing. 


Big Upz to Crank Lucas

As a result, we are the only ones expecting others to do the right thing, because that is what we would do.  So the reason we keep getting F***** over is because we keep letting Oset (Aset, Isis) decide what to do with Set instead of facing him ourself. 

In the Story of Osar, after Hru defeated Set on the battlefield. He dragged his defeated uncle, Set to his mother Oset and asked her to pass judgment on Set because of his crimes.  Mind you, Set murdered Oset’s husband, robbed and pillaged, and has been trying to kill her, her son and all affiliates. 

Oset, following the guidance of Djahuti (Thoth), refused to kill Set on the basis that he was family (which is correct but inappropriate at this time), and then let Set go free. So, Hru in disgust was like “WTF?” and cut Oset’s head off.  Fortunately, Oset is a spirit so her head was miraculously replaced by the head of a cow to remind Hru that Oset was not the king (leader), he was. Meaning Cows follow, Bulls Lead. In other words, we keep letting our mother fight our battles instead of MANNING UP to fight our own!

This is not the time to see our enemies as children of God and sing Kumbaya. Every time we get into a fight with our enemies, we want to hold hands, be patient, be understanding, and appeal to them from a higher (begging) position. We don’t even treat each other like this but when it comes to opposition we are quick to be forgiving and try to convince them that our lives matter.  

Now, enters Ice Cube.  All people talked about was how Ice Cube allegedly “sold out” because he sat down and talked to Trump.   Are you FRIGGIN” Kidding ME. I mean, the rapper of Amerikkka’s Most Wanted, who has helped a number of actors get their careers started. Who has his own league, and has been building for his community. He’s a sellout? Family people don’t know what a sellout is because don’t know what it means to be a leader, hero or a HRU. 

I mean people are mad at Cube for sitting down with Trump to discuss the Platinum Plan.  

But, not mad that Black leaders or politicians didn’t come up with a similar contract since black people were “given” the right to vote in elections. An entertainer had to do it because he was fed up with both parties?

People were not mad that there were not a lot of leaders or politicians who even backed or supported Cube for his ingenuity and efforts (as far as I know) in even creating a CWBA?

I mean people didn’t even raise an eyebrow that after Cube presented the CWBA and the democratic nominee Biden told Cube he will not talk to him until after Black people help get him into office.  Not only that, in an effort to get young black peoples’ votes, the Biden campaign hired battle rappers Charlie Clips and DNA to talk about voting and not policy. How insulting. I guess he can’t sing any Al Green songs or play basketball! I mean, what’s next fried chicken, a gospel choir act, another kente cloth display or some other stereotype? 

No! People are mad because he sat down face-to-face with Set. (No I am not saying that Trump is Set but his energy is Setian. Focus). 

What Cube did was a typical HRU (Horus) move, which is SOMETHING! 

“When I got bus to school. Homies called me a sellout. When I started rapping in 1983. Bangers called me a sellout. When I left NWA. They called me a sellout. When I start doing movies. Rappers called me a sellout. When I started my own league. The arena said it was a sellout.😂” – Ice Cube

On another note, the CWBA exposed the agents and all of those individuals who simply want us to be complacent, receive handouts, and continue to be dependent on the white supremacy plantation and work a job like P Diddy, Charlemagne, and others within the hip hop community.  Yet, no one said anything about these jokers selling out trying to get a job from Biden. 

This is the main reason, as my Brother Kushite Prince reminded me that Malcolm said that singers and actors should not be a representation or the voice for the black community.

I am not sure if this was Cube’s intention, but the CWBA was demanding for tangibles.

Please Cut Oset’s head off regarding politics, so we can deal with these issues like adults.  Understand. Hru was symbolized as a hawk because hawks have the ability to see from afar and therefore make informed strategic decisions, hence circumspection. With no plan. No SPADE cards, how do you play? The Race Card? Appeal to their sympathetic side again?  Get Oset out of politics and let Hru lead! 

Hru was symbolized as a hawk because hawks have the ability to see from afar and therefore make informed strategic decisions, hence circumspection.

Please understand that to metaphysically cut the head of a statue means to free the spirit that was residing or housed inside. And right now, many of us have been conditioned to let Oset take the lead. 

It simply saddens me to see that Hru’s energy is here and instead of us embracing it.  So many people are fighting against it because they want change but are afraid to fight for what they want. This means that the situation is only going to get worse until we decide to do something about it. 

We only have two options at this point:

  1. Either we cut Oset’s head off in regards to politics so that we can circumspect like the Hrus we are, and read Malcolm’s The Ballot or the Bullet speech, or.
  2. Stop complaining to the Spirits about how bad things are, stop calling on Malcolm and his quotes, and keep waiting for our enemies to be sympathetic to our needs by marching.

Please understand that I am not telling you to vote or not to vote. I do support you voting for local elections because all of those propositions effect our community, but this whole campaign of get Trump out with no plan.  Just get Trump out and Biden in is stupid and reveals that the national presidential election is a farce.  We should have more than two choices. You can pick and choose what you want to eat at McDonalds, why not candidates?  BTW. HBCUs just got permanent federal funding as I write this, so is Cube’s strategy working or what? 


Gods & Goddesses Don’t Care Who’s the President

30 08 2020


Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

So my wife and I were talking the other day and we were looking at something. If a person tells a lie, how do you know if it is a lie? The answer is that you disagree with it based upon what you know and your observations. So, when does a lie become truth? When everyone accepts the lie as being real based upon observation. Right?

Well, if you are reading this article, you most likely have read about our history. You probably know a considerable amount of history about the Kemetic (Ancient Egyptians), the Kushites (Ancient Nubians), and other great civilizations. You most likely know about the ancient Blacks in Sumer, Indus Kush, and other great black civilizations. You have learned a great deal about our historic ancestral past and the numerous contributions that have been made by black and brown people.

Then, after reading, learning, and studying about our glorious ancestral past, you close the history books and look outside to see all of the tragedies affecting black and brown people throughout the globe. You are taken back by the constant reporting of crimes and acts of violence occurring within our communities by one another and the various disparities due to racism.

The question I would like to ask you is how did we fall so low and why?

Think about this for a minute Family because if history reveals that our ancestors (or We) were at least 3,000 years ahead of Westerners. Then, how did a group of inferior individuals conquer the planet? Or did they?

If we go back to the Kemetic Story of Osar, you will recall that Osar became conscious and taught everyone the science of Maa. Then, he was murdered by his envious and inferior brother, Set. When Set usurped the throne, he ran the kingdom into the ground because he did not know anything about the principles of Maa, which Osar built the kingdom upon. The Osarian kingdom was eventually revived or resurrected when Osar’s heir, Hru, fought and defeated Set through the guidance of Djahuti.

The point that I am making is that why are so many of us complaining about this failed system of Set? In the past two weeks, I have had so many people upset with me because I told them that I don’t give a damn about the presidential election. And, these were people who are supposed to be “conscious”! They fell for the trick or forgot that the reason they keep showing all of these problems is to make us believe that voting (and other buy-ins into their system) is going to work.  I mean, I really cannot believe that Family is sitting up here trying to decide on which is the lesser of two evils, Biden or Trump, instead of siding with getting rid of the whole system.   

People forget that when the first Europeans came to this country, they did not have a Maa bone in their body, so how in the hell can make something that is corrupt in the beginning righteous? You can’t! 

The system is failed because it is not built upon the principles of Maa, which means it does it matter who is president? The Dali Lama could be president and things would still not get any better because the system is not built upon the principles of Maa.

Family. If we truly are the Children of Osar (Hrus). We should be celebrating the decline and fall of this system.  We need to remember that Osar deals with abundance symbolized as the black fertile grounds of KMT and the Universe, hence KAMTA.  Set on the other hand, deals with lack symbolized as the desert TASETT

So, if this system is built upon lack, there will never be enough resources because they lack the creativity of a GOD/GODDESS to foresee it. There will always be disparity because they do not see from a GOD/GODDESS perspective the divinity of all things.  

Again, my wife and I were talking and we were discussing why America banned the importation of African slaves.  We recalled that it was because as soon as the Africans got around the other slaves, they immediately incited a revolt. Why? Because the Africans had not been conditioned as the other slaves had been to think of having a master. 

What I am saying is that the reason for adopting Kemetic spirituality, is to liberate us from our conditioned slave mentality.   Seriously. What’s the purpose of having a Kemetic name, and claiming about being Kemetic if you still have the same slave mentality? 

You have not personalized the Story of Osar, to be Kemetically free. Just like to be Jewish you have to identify with Abraham. The slave perspective is the belief that we can make things better. 

We should be focusing on building our reality regardless of who the president, prime minister, etc. is or is not. 

We need to stop thinking that everything that we do is contingent upon what another group does. If we claim to be descendants of greatness, we should not be focused on something as minute as the presidency or any other thing. We should focus on world domination but from a higher perspective. Yes, I am talking about applying the Laws of Attraction, which our father’s vizier, Djahuti,  taught us. 

Stop giving into their reality and create your own.  Since 1619, when the first African was brought to this country,  they have historically continued to place us on the bottom. Our greatness will never be promoted by them, just like Set never promoted Osar, so stop looking for validation from them.  Expect them to always give you the shaft, to backstab you, dishonor you, etc. because Set has no honor, is not fair, and does not know Maa. 

So, stop being surprised that they appropriate your culture and other belongings, and recall that Set usurped Osar’s throne. 

Right now, a lot of people are concerned about the unemployment rates keep rising, disparity, violence, etc. are occurring but this is the time to really implement the Laws of Attraction and do for self.  Let me be clear, all of these real because we have not implemented our reality but continue to dwell in someone else’s. 

We have to understand that the best way to help ourselves and our people is by tapping into our Divinity and ancestral wisdom.


The Kamta Origins: How Osar (Osiris) Became My Father

26 07 2020
Narmer (Menes) was the first king to unify Kemet and the first ancestor to be deified, thus becoming Osar (Osiris)

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

The Kamta cosmology is based upon the Ancient Egyptian or Kemetic legend known as the Story of Ra & Oset (Isis). In the Story, there were numerous plots made against Ra as he traveled across his kingdom from the east to the west. All of these plots failed except for the one enacted by Oset.

Spirituality means a lot of things to a lot of people. To me, since we are spiritual beings with a soul having a physical experience. Spirituality means reconnecting back to the original Spirit because as we walk in this physical plane, we tend to forget that we are spiritual beings. When we forget that we are spiritual beings, we identify with our physical nature and thus become powerless. So spirituality is the process of reminding ourselves that we are spiritual beings. Therefore, Kemetic spirituality is the Kemetic way of reminding ourselves that we are spiritual beings. In other words, it is all about remembering or re-membering.

In recent years Kemetic spirituality has become a very popular subject. Consequently, a lot of people are under the impression that to learn Kemetic spirituality simply means to study a bunch of historical facts and adopt a Kemetic name. Some have even taken steps to wear Kemetic symbolic clothing and adorning themselves with Kemetic-styled jewelry and/or tattoos. While I do not profess to be the Kemetic gatekeeper or Kemetic police, I can say that these cosmetic aspects do not make you Kemetic.

To be Kemetic is to know and understand that you are the last link of your ancestral line, but your ancestral lineage goes back thousands of years to Kemet (and beyond). It is not something you believe or can read in a book. It is something you know. 

You see, I didn’t use to believe and see things this way because I, like so many, today needed physical proof. I had read and studied Kemetic religion, history, and metaphysics for years, but I was not getting anywhere because. I wanted proof that my ancestral line was this old and connected to Kemet. If I didn’t see it in a book, I couldn’t believe it no matter how strong it resonated within me. It took me a while to overcome this conditioning of needing validation of my truth, my maa, from some western-trained scholar and their book. If you read some of my old blog posts, Origin of Kamta, you can see that I was still going through the definition stage of remembering.

So, that’s why my ancestors, who speak to all of us in our dreams, visions, and hunches, led me to find the Dikenga Kongo Cross (dikenga dia Kongo or tendwa kia nza-n’ Kongo). As I was reading about the Kongo people and how their way of life revolved around the Dikenga Kongo Cross (dikenga dia Kongo or tendwa kia nza-n’ Kongo), that’s when my ancestors reminded me about the Story of Ra and Oset.

RaIn the Story, Oset wanted to be as powerful as Ra, so she poisoned him into revealing his name. Ra tells Oset that he has a multitude of names and a multitude of forms” but as he grows weaker.  He states that he is Khepera in the morning, Ra at noon and Tmu (or Atum) in the evening. But, Oset comments that this was not his real name. Finally, Ra concedes and shares his real name with her in secret, and then the story ends leading the reader to believe that the name was not mentioned. But, my ancestors showed me that it was a riddle referring to Amun Ra – the Hidden Ra.

Maa Aankh with Utchat

When I put all of the Ras together, Amun Ra was directly opposite of the visible Ra, with Khepera and Ra Atum intersecting to create the east and west horizon, hence the Maa Aankh diagram was formed.

This was not just proof that my ancestral lineage goes back to Kemet. It was also proof to me that my ancestors were from the Kongo-Angolan region, and their predecessors were Bantu or BaNtu who resided once upon a time in Kemet.

It gets deeper.

In the Story of Ra and Oset, Oset tricks Ra so that she can be as powerful as Ra, but my ancestors told me that this was not interpreted correctly. They said that Oset tricked Ra so that she can be powerful, meaning so that she could have free will, hence a soul. So, when Ra shares his name with Oset in secret. Guess who was the first one Oset shared the Hidden name of Ra with?

Yes. That’s right. Her child Hru (Horus).

This means that we are all Oset’s children because we are all Hru (male and female) due to the fact that we each have a soul. Therefore, our father is Osar.

So, while most religions have a patriarchal lineage, those who are Kemetic have a real patriarchal and matriarchal lineage. What makes us Kemetic is that we can actually access our patriarch and matriarch, through our ancestral spirits because Osar and Oset were once real people. The reason we can do this is (and this experience was proof of it), is because all of our ancestral memories are locked up in our DNA and all we need to do is access them, is invoke our ancestors so that they can help us re-member our Osar.

And, who is Osar? Osar was the first of our ancestors to achieve greatness, which means the potential for greatness exists within us as well.


Narmer palette Courtesy of Wikipedia.

Hence, the beauty of Afrikan spirituality is that it is not just based upon belief (or superstitious beliefs). It is based upon knowledge, and all of the spiritual practices are based upon the application of that knowledge. 


How to Get the Gods to Answer Your Prayers

19 01 2020

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know, if you are new to spirituality and metaphysics, one of the most complex subjects to wrap your head around is the thought that the gods and goddesses are within you.  It is a rough transition to make from all of a sudden praying for a deity to save you, to you saving yourself. So, hopefully, this post will help you in your growth and understanding.

First, to get your prayers answered you must remember that you are a microcosm of a greater Macrocosm, which means that the entire Universe exists within you and that there are no outside forces that are going to save you. Psychologically speaking this means that we all have a conscious, subconscious and Superconscious. Remember, the conscious is the rational and decision making part of our being or our soul. The subconscious is the autonomous part of our being that maintains our physical wellness and helps us to physically survive. While the Superconscious is the divine spark or the collective unconscious part of our being that is commonly referred to as God within or simply put, God.

Now, our Superconscious mysteriously and intuitively gives us solutions to all of our problems but to access it we must relax, surrender and have faith in it. This is a challenge for a lot of us because most of us live in a western society that trains us to trust what we can physically see, hear, smell, touch, taste, and feel. In other words, we are taught that the only things that are real are those things we can assess with our five physical senses. So we feel that for something to work, we must logically understand it but the Superconscious (or God) does not operate this way. The Superconscious (or God) works in mysterious ways, which means it functions best when you are not concentrating on it. So, we must approach our Superconscious as if it were a light switch. The same way we trust that the lights will come on when we flip the switch. We have to trust that the Superconscious will act in our favor whenever we access or turn it on as well. If we approach the Superconscious with anxiety, worry, fear, fret, etc. Then it signifies that we do not have faith in our Superconscious and have more faith in what we have learned, which is the reason most prayers are not answered.

To increase our faith in the Superconscious, the sages of antiquity understanding the mysterious nature of the Superconscious and recognizing that It was so abstract, complex and vast. Categorized, labeled and called the Superconscious’ omnipotence and omniscience gods, goddesses, angels, etc. for simplicity purpose. For instance, instead of saying that our Superconscious is all-knowing, the Kemetic sages symbolized this attribute as an ibis (crane, stork, etc. while others symbolized it as an owl) because these birds standstill, which represents concentration and intense focus on one thought, hence wisdom. They called this attribute of the Superconscious Djahuti (Tahuti, Tehuti, and Thoth in Greek). So, if someone wanted to wisely solve a problem all they needed to do is focus on Djahuti, ask their question, relax, express your gratitude knowing that they will have the solution and go about their normal business.
To signify that the Superconscious will protect someone from physical and spiritual harm. The ancient sages symbolized the mysterious defensive and protective attributes of the Superconscious by a ferocious and fighting animal like a hawk, falcon, lion, etc. (instead of making it a symbol or mascot for a sports team). Then, they called this aspect of the Superconscious/God Hru Aakhuti.
All of the so-called gods and goddesses were created in this same manner, so:

  • Npu  (Sebek, Anubis to see a Npu altar click here ) represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to find a way out of no way or to create opportunities. Psychologically speaking he represents our beliefs. Thus, he is the master of all roads and doors, and owner of all keys. Consequently, nothing can be done without his permission, which is why every ceremony, ritual, and a new adventure starts and ends with him. His colors are red, black, white and/or yellow. His sacred color is 3 and multiples of like 9 and 21.
  • Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris) is the unifier of Kemet who introduced law, religion, and the science of agriculture, thus making Kemetic a very prosperous civilization. For this reason, Osar represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to unify and bring peace, morality, ethics, compassion, wisdom, prosperity, healing and purity to an individual. He is the Lord of the Underground (Superconscious) because he is seen as the first human being to be deified. His color is white and his totems are everything white.
  • Djahuti (Tahuti, Tehuti, Thoth) represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to resolve problems through wisdom.
  • Hru Aakhuti (Horusakhte) represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to protect, defend and clear the road that Npu opens of obstacles. Since he is the forger of iron, which can be used as a tool or weapon, he represents both creativity and violence and controls life and death. His colors are blood red and purple. 
  • Maat represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to find, restore and maintain balance. She has a close relationship with Osar being the lawgiver, Djahuti who is said to have married in some legends while being the sister in others. While other sources indicate that Maat walks alongside Hru Aakhuti and Npu to give direction so that their hunts are successful, orderly, righteous, just and balance. Her colors are sky blue and yellow. Her sacred number is 2.
  • Hru (Hrw, Heru, Horus) represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to make us victorious in day-to-day challenges. He symbolizes the fight that exists in every choice and decision that we make, as well as our determination to live life to its fullest. Physiologically he represents the heart. His colors are red and white, and his sacred number is 6.
  • Nebhet (Nephtys) represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to attract, harmonize and beautify. She is the patroness of music, art, poetry, etc. and represents pleasure and the easy flowing creative energy found in rivers, streams, brooks, and honey. Physiologically she represents the sexual organs. Her colors are yellow and green, pink and amber. Her sacred number is 5 and multiples including 25.
  • Oset (Aset, Auset, Isis) represents the Superconscious’ mysterious ability to nurture and transform a life. She is the Queen of all and so considered a fierce warrior but also the path to one’s heritage and riches. As the Mother of All, she is recognized as being the netcharu of mercy. Physiologically she represents the reproductive organs and digestive system. Her colors are blue and white, and her sacred number is 7.
  • Sokar (Sekher, Soqqar) represents Superconscious’s mysterious ability to overcome the impossible and recover from debilitating illnesses and diseases like smallpox, cancer, etc. Sokar has a simple taste and favors simple things and colors like black, and indigo, some say brown and purple. His sacred number is 13.
  • Set represents the Superconscious’s mysterious ability to create chaos and havoc based upon erroneous beliefs, ideas, fear, guilt, worry, jealousy, and ignorance. It is the lowest manifestation of the Superconscious, which is why it is associated primarily with the ego. As such, Set manifests himself as any chaotic energy symbolized as winds, whirlwinds, storms, and all-natural disasters. Therefore, when there is a thunderstorm it is said to be Hru and Set fighting. When there is an earthquake it is said to be Set usurping one’s Osar, and so on.

The simplest way to get answers from them is to clearly ask your question and allow the answer to come to you.  You can meditate on the question while focusing your eyes on your brow.  Another method that I have had a lot of success with is repeating to myself “Thank you for answering this question of  ___________.”

If you use any of these methods, make sure that you pay attention to your dreams and other synchronistic events that signify that the gods and goddesses are communicating with you. For instance, whenever I ask Npu to speak or give me a sign that a request has been heard. I usually will see a dog wandering around in the middle of the road. I remember one-time Npu communicated back to me by having three dogs walk diagonally across a crossroads. 

Funny thing.  I remember asking Nebhet to give me a sign and one time a black cat typically darts out in front of me while I am driving.  I remember that seemed a little coincidental, so a few days later on a Friday. I was driving and came to a stop because in the middle of the road was a peacock, which is one of her totems. No lie!  Apparently, one of the houses I normally passed had a peacock as a pet and it had gotten loose. 

There are other methods that exist as well. So if you have success with using any of the above methods or you have a proven way that works for you. Please share. 



The Occult Meaning Behind Star Wars’ Rey

21 12 2019

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

You know, I have been watching all of the reviews for this new Star Wars film and ever since the prequels, I have lost interest in this franchise but, something interesting happened today. Most of the reviews for this film have been mixed, while most of the fans are disgusted. This made me think, why would they spend millions of dollars to put out a film that they know is not going to do well? While some people are screaming that is this new social justice campaign, I thought it had to be more to it.  Here it was the last Terminator bombed and now it looks like this film will too, which made me see that whoever is backing these films don’t care about the money. So, it is not about money.

Then, I came across a review which led me to a report called What Research Says: Gender Typed Toys (link appears below). 

I remember the last time my brother and I played with Star Wars action figures, it was when the Empire Strikes Back came out. We had the snow beast and ironically we played with the masked characters like Darth Vader, the Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, Chewbacca, Yoda but not Luke or Han Solo.

Now, when I think back on it now,  Star Wars was just for boys because back in the day, that was the targeted audience. Period. So, when they created these characters, they had very distinctive attributes for boys to pick. There were only a few female characters in the original franchise so no one really wanted to play with these characters.  

So, when I look back at it now, I noticed was that the reason we only played with those figurines was that “psychologically” these were the characters that we identified with. Understand, the first reason we did not identify with them was that Black people were not represented.  When Lando Calrissian (Billy Dee Williams character) appeared in Star Wars, my brother and I did not want to be him because he betrayed the good guy to save his butt. In fact, sad to say Lando Calrissian was sort of like Winston in Ghostbusters, a token comic relief character that most Black boys didn’t like either.  It wasn’t until it was recognized that people liked these token character, that they began to develop more of a storyline for Lando and Winston in the sequels.

Interesting, most blonde and red boys identified with Luke, while dark-haired boys like Han Solo.  For the record, I am not saying that this was the case all the time but it seemed to be the norm. 

The second reason we liked Darth Vader, the Stormtroopers, Bobba Fett, Chewbacca, Yoda, etc. was because these were all male characters with distinct abilities that allowed them to control their fate.  For instance, never mind that Bobba Fett was considered a villain, he was respected by even the most feared villain, Darth Vader. That’s how boys think.

Girls and women do not think this way according to the Gender Typed Report.  Girls and women associate with things based upon attractiveness and appearance.  In other words, whereas boys choose toys based upon their aggressiveness and combativeness. Girls choose toys based upon how they want to look, which carries on into adulthood. The interesting thing, the study found that moderately masculine toys help to develop in boys and girls “building, spatial and science skills”  while moderately feminine toys develop “nurturance and domestic skills”.

This brings me to the character Rey. As everyone has indicated, she is incredibly powerful with no freakin’ training, which is what is called a Mary Sue. But, when I looked deeper, I noticed something. There is no character development for this Rey character. We are supposed to just accept her as she is…Let me say that again.  We are supposed to accept her as she is…Did you get it?

That’s right ladies and gentlemen. First, this Rey character was created for girls and women to buy into this franchise.  For three movies, we have been looking at the same desert looking girl with the perfect skin tone, perfect teeth, perfect muscles, wielding a lightsaber perfectly because she is a ritualized attempt to reestablish that this particular female is the epitome of strength and beauty. Yes, we are looking at the new and revised TRADEMARK.

Like any good trademark, it has to be the same logo repeated over and over again. Think about it, how many times have you seen Coca Cola, McDonald’s, etc. change their logo?  How many times have you seen this Rey character change her outfit?

So, why are “they” promoting this trademark?

To encourage women to get into the only “Force” traditions they can. Witchcraft. It is a rallying call to get into European (the Rey actress is British) witchcraft.

Now, you might be asking, “What’s wrong with that?” Well, it is that all other traditions especially African traditions that are demonized.  Most of the time, African traditions are portrayed as evil and wicked practices because we understand that Truth is subjective. Meaning what is right for one may not be right for another, which is the reason our enslaved ancestors conjured spirits to cursed plantation crops, to kill slave owners, or revolt against an entire corrupted system as was the case in Haiti. While, European traditions are depicted as having a bad or good witch who is typically loving, fun and powerful traditions as in the case of Charmed, Practical Magic, Bewitch,  Witches of Eastwick, Hansel and Gretel, The Wizard of Oz, and so on.  

Remember, movies are just modified ritual used to program certain behaviors in the general public.  So, if you don’t like the movies remember that it was not made for you.  

Anyway, that’s my thoughts. Feel free to leave a comment if you agree or disagree.



What Does It Mean to Honor Your Ancestors the Kemetic Shaman Way?

10 09 2019

The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

I am writing this post because I have received a few questions in regards to what it really means to honor your ancestors in the Kemetic Shaman way.  So, I will try not to make this too long but before explaining how to Honor Your Ancestors the Kemetic Shaman Way, what needs to be understood about African American spirituality is that it is uniquely different from Caribbean, Latin American spirituality and African spirituality, because the African American experience was not like any other.

As I have mentioned before when the Africans were brought to the Americas. Most of the Africans taken to Cuba, Haiti and Brazil were fortunate enough to smuggle some of their ancestral artifacts, which allowed them to transplant their religious beliefs into the “New World.”  As a result, when these Africans taken to the Spanish and Portuguese (and eventually French) controlled territories. They were able to syncretize their indigenous religious beliefs with the predominant European faith Roman Catholicism to create Lukumi (also known as Santeria), Vodun, Palo Mayombe, Candomble, Macumba, Umbanda and so on.  Consequently, these Africans were able to continue their religious beliefs and practices relatively undisturbed, which is termed La Regla (Spanish meaning “religious” Rule).

But, the Africans taken to North America did not have the same luck because the Europeans and Euro-Americans in the British controlled New World were Protestants.  This made it virtually impossible for those Africans who had an elaborate pantheon such as the Akan, Yoruba, Fon, etc. to syncretize their religious beliefs with no saints. Also, unlike the Africans taken to the Caribbean and South America countries, whose oppressors tried to justify the enslavement of Africans by forcing them to convert to Catholicism. The Protestants in North America for the longest time refused to Christianize the Africans in North America, out of fear that the concept of spiritual salvation would be confused with physical liberation.  This along with the fact, that many of the people from the Kongo-Angolan region were Christian or at least familiar with the Christian faith prior to the advent of the slave trade. Made it possible for many of the Africans taken to North America to practice their spiritual beliefs undisturbed based upon their ancestral recollection.

Consequently, most of the Africans in North America after relying upon their ancestral memories were able to syncretize their beliefs (as best as possible) with the indigenous populations’ beliefs and the fragmented Protestant Christianity teachings they received, to create a spirituality with no rule called in Spanish Sin la Regla (Without “religious” Rule).

Basically, what this meant was that African American spirituality developed and evolved out of trial and error.  If something did not work it was abandoned, but if it worked was incorporated and passed to succeeding generations.

Now, when Hippolyte Leon Denizard Rivail (Oct. 3, 1804 – March 31, 1869) or  Allan Kardec’s Spiritism began to spread throughout the western world in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.

Never Forget

Since the Caribbean and South America already had a La Regla (a strong religious foundation along with the Roman Catholic framework) in place. It was relatively simple for Spiritism to be organized and to flourish, which is the reason there are strong Spiritism traditions that can be found in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Venezuela, Brazil, Haiti and so on.  In North America, particularly the United States, the lack of a strong religious rule combined with attacks from the Protestant churches, prevented Spiritism from organizing and flourishing as it had done elsewhere.  However, these obstacles did not totally stop Spiritism from influencing spirituality in the United States.  It did, however, cause (quiet as kept) both the Holiness and the Pentecostal Movement to adopt, pervert and repackage concepts of the Spiritist doctrine as their own.

Consequently, most of us in the United States have been shunned by the horror film industry and the religious community from learning anything about spirits . When we ask questions about spirits, most preachers, evangelists, missionaries, theologians, etc. will try their best to discourage us from inquiring about the subject. Whenever we are in church and we witness someone get filled with the holy ghost or holy spirit. We are taught that it is not the same as possession (which it is) and that it is evidence of God, while other religions and traditions that practice spirit possession are of the devil.

Now. If you are reading this it probably because you are at a crossroad as to what to believe and all I can tell you is this. I was at a similar crossroad once upon a time at my life and a very interesting thought came to me, which was. If everyone in the church was filled with the Spirit of God, why haven’t these peoples’ lives changed? Why haven’t their communities been upgraded or improved, if according to scripture they should be renewed?  The answer that came back to me was that because these people refuse to educate themselves about the nature of spirits. Most do not know that they are possessing low ancestral spirits masquerading as “holy ghosts.” This is what made me learn about Spiritism.

Since our spirituality exists Sin La Regla (Within Any Rule), the man who introduced me to Spiritism was an old Cuban man whom I called Papa.  Papa basically taught me that Espiritisimo has no rules and goes according to how you feel. Following Papa’s advice and after communicating with my ancestors and spirits.  It was revealed to me that the Story of Osar (Asar, Osiris) was an allegory about ten tribal clans who once lived in Kemet who were immortalized. These ten clans were: Osar, Djahuti, Maat, Hru, Hru Aakhuti, Oset, Nebhet, Sokar, Npu and Set.Since our spirituality exists Sin La Regla (Within Any Rule), which means essentially no one has the right to tell us what is right or wrong, truth or untruth.  It is all about what produces the desired results and the man who introduced me to this aspect of Spiritism was an old Cuban man whom I called Papa.  Papa basically taught me that Espiritisimo has no rules and goes according to how you feel. Following Papa’s advice and after communicating with my ancestors and spirits.  It was revealed to me that the Story of Osar (Asar, Osiris) was an allegory about ten tribal clans who once lived in Kemet who were immortalized. These ten clans were: Osar, Djahuti, Maat, Hru, Hru Aakhuti, Oset, Nebhet, Sokar, Npu and Set.

  1. Osar symbolizes our main spirit guide who coordinates all of the other guides. As far as I can tell, this guide is responsible for the synchronicity occurring in our life. Our Osar symbolizes our Higher Consciousness, which is also why he is identified with the Superconscious.
  2. Djahuti symbolizes the spirit guide that gives us messages intuitively via clairvoyance, clairsentience, clairaudience, etc.
  3. Maat symbolizes the spirit guide who teaches us and helps us to bring balance and order in our life by learning from karmic experiences.
  4. Hru Aakhuti symbolizes our protective guide who shields us from danger seen and unseen.
  5. Sokar symbolizes our healing spirit guide. This is the spirit guide who taught me the ritual that helped me to walked when I was unable to do so years ago. I will talk about this a little later down below.
  6. Hru symbolizes our justice-seeking spirit guide that fights for what we want, justice and what we believe is right.
  7. Nebhet symbolizes our creative spirit guide
  8. Npu is our gatekeeper guide that opens and closes doors for us.
  9. Oset (Aset/Isis) is our helper guide who will bring other spirits in to assist us with whatever we need help with.

In addition, we also have aakhu or ancestor spirits who are our deceased blood relatives and/or people we may have known or may have known us from past lives, etc.

Again, without going too much into detail, together these nine tribal clans symbolize a unified consciousness within us. Since Set usurped the throne of Osar and created chaos throughout Kemet by destroying the unity among the clans.

  1. Set is the name used to symbolize our lowest (ego) nature, which is why he is personified as our lower consciousness and our subconscious. The aapepu (misguided, confused, chaotic ancestral spirits) symbolize our skeletons in the closes sort of speak.

I have found that building a rapport with our spirit guides is very helpful for numerous reasons, too many to mention.  For instance, as most of you know, my person was diagnosed with lupus and there was a time when I literally could not walk. It was so painful that I could not even stand to go to the restroom.  Enters my Sokar. I do not even know how I got the idea but all I know is that my Sokar came to me in the form of icon Lazarus. The ritual that was shared with me was to buy a Lazaro (Saint Lazarus) statue and promise to take his crutches away if he helped me to walk.  I was also inspired to dance, which is an activity that the Yoruba orisha Babaluaiye (who is syncretized with Saint Lazarus and Sokar) was fond of.  Now, I had done the ritual maybe for a couple of days, I can’t remember now. All I know is that one day, there was a leak in my basement and I found myself running up and down the stairs. I think after the seventh time of running down the stairs, that’s when it dawned on me that I was walking. So, now I continue to honor my Sokar with a Lazaro statue.

So, Honoring the Kemetic Shaman way refers to seeing the Kemetic energies/spirits within and outside of you. Family. Kemet is alive and well because it is within us who have been called to this path. Don’t get caught up in the Hotep Game thinking that you have to have Egyptian artifacts to be on the Kemetic path.  Your  Mind-Spirit does not know the difference between color, ethnicity, and creed.  You have to understand that these are energies and because we are a microcosm of a Great Macrocosm, these energies exist outside and within us.  To honor the Kemetic Shaman Way is to work the Spirit from the Kemetic perspective.  For instance,  Maat doesn’t always manifest herself rocking a single feather headdress. I know a lot of people who will tell you that their Maat has come to them as a Native American spirit or even as an indigenous African spirit. You never know, but this is the reason you have to build a rapport with your ancestors and guides.

Hope that helps.


Why They Don’t Want You to Honor Your Ancestors

10 07 2019

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

Did you know that in John 14:6; Hebrews 8:6l 9:15; 12:24 and 1 Timothy 2:5-6 that the bible tells us that there is only one mediator and that it is Jesus.   The bible also states in Luke 16:19-31;  2 Corinthians 5:6; Hebrews 9:27; and Revelations 20:11-15, that when people die they do not inhabit this world but they go to either heaven or hell.

What the bible fails to explain to us how we will know if our deceased loved ones have ascended to heaven or descended to hell.  The bible fails to explain to us why we see our deceased loved ones in our dreams and why some people have even reported that their deceased loved ones have come to them and given them warnings.

What most theologians gloss over and also fail to explain is why in Matthew 17:3, which states that Jesus went up to the mountain to Pray, while there  the disciples saw him speaking to Moses and Elijah who had long been dead (Jesus’ ancestors), when he came down, they saw no one with him, but Jesus reassured them and told them not to tell anyone what they had seen until he had risen from the dead.

It appears that the reason the bible fails to explain these phenomenon and other spiritual occurrences is either because they do not want us to truly be like Jesus who talked to his ancestors (Moses and Elijah) and/or they want us to be totally submissive to their religious dogma. Part of the reason most theologians gloss over this particular scripture is that it makes Jesus a human being with similar concerns as most of us, who talk to his ancestors for guidance and wisdom.

For the record, the Ancestors are not worshipped, they are honored and venerated.  The only reason ancestor honoring or ancestor veneration is called “ancestor worship” is because when the first Europeans encountered the practice among most non-Western cultures.  The Western culture fear of death and view that death is evil, made them assume that the African, Chinese, Japanese, Native American and other cultures that venerate their dead had a fascination with death, and demonized and branded the practice as “ancestor worship”.  Even when other Europeans engaged in ancestor veneration or a similar practice as the Roman Catholics who pray to the dead saints or have relics (skeletal remains) of famous apostles, they completely ignore it possibly because they are Europeans.

What these Europeans missed, if they were not so consumed in their ethnocentric views, is that the cultures that venerate their ancestors have a strong family bond and respect for one’s parents, grandparents, elders, and ancestors.  This is because ancestor veneration is proof that death is not to be feared because it is not the end.  Then again, maybe they wanted to miss this fact to encourage family dissension.

Ancestor veneration next to shamanism is humanity’s oldest spiritual tradition because the first man and woman walked the earth.  They have always wondered what happens after death. All of the burial rites that are performed all over the world in regards to wishing our deceased loved ones peace in the afterlife are the results of venerating the dead.

For instance, in Christianity, it is believed that a soul either goes to heaven or to hell.  Where heaven is imagined by most to be a place of rest and peace, while hell is believed to be a place of torment.  Ancestor veneration provides evidence that is missing from the bible on if our deceased loved ones have either gone to a place of rest or a place of torment.

Idealistically,  when a person dies and ascends to the heavens or a place of rest and peace, their passing is a peaceful event.  But, realistically speaking when most people die they have concerns that they carry over with them. Every deceased mother is concerned if her children are going to be taken care of after they are gone. Every deceased father is concerned if he has provided for his family all that they need when he has passed. Every grandparent is concerned if they have taught their children and grandchildren the wisdom they need to ensure family traditions, and so on.  According to some ancestral traditions rather we realize it or not, the reason we the living mourn our deceased loved ones is that deep within our soul, death has robbed us of an individual who can help guide us in life.

Thankfully through ancestor veneration, we are able to put our ancestors’ concerns for us–their living descendants–and our concerns–their guidance and wisdom– to rest.  By remembering our ancestor likes certain foods, drinks, specific scriptures out of the Bible, etc. Our ancestors are able to impart their guidance and wisdom regarding the difficulties we have in our life to us through inspiration.

Insight from the ancestors on what to expect in the afterlife is how the Kemetic people knew about the Final Judgment

So, as you can see, there is no “worship” involved at all. In fact, ancestor veneration is a very pragmatic practice, which is the reason it is the oldest spiritual practice in the history of the planet that is practiced all over the world.  It is also the reason the Kemetic people were able to develop their elaborate spiritual religion and tradition. Basically, it was insight from the ancestors about what to expect in the afterlife, which made the Kemetic sages develop their spiritual practices to prepare the living.

All of these weird tales about the ancestors being evil is crap that Hollywood created because people love the thrill of being frightened similar to riding a rollercoaster.  And, it is easier to scare people about their ancestors if they are ignorant of this spiritual practice.

Our ancestors are our greatest allies, friends, and helpers, and through honoring and remembering them. They guide us, protect us, move obstacles and teach us so that we can have a better life.  For more information on how to work with your ancestors see ​Honoring the Ancestors the Kemetic Shaman Way.
