How Are Truly Spiritual People Supposed to Live

27 11 2019


Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know, since the destruction of the Kemetic Library of Alexandria, the suppression of shamanic cultures all around the world and oppression of spiritual societies, humanity has lost all models of how true spiritual men and women or gods and goddesses are supposed to act, behave and live in this physical world of illusion.

We have no real heroes and she-roes, so the enemy tries to give us the ones they think are best for us. Don’t you find it interesting that they are always publicizing films about insurrection and revolution, yet quelling true movements?

Consequently, we have all been given subconscious models (programs) of what “spiritual people” or “heroes and she-roes” are supposed to be by the media, which is actually a ruse from the enemy.  The reason these warped models were given to us, was to discourage us from following the spiritual path.  Sidebar: This is the second way the enemy discourages us from spiritual practices. The first method is to demonize spiritual practices so that we fear them and view them as demonic and evil.

But, the thing that we have to remember is that if the enemy truly wanted us to come into our own and be the spiritual individuals (gods and goddesses) we are supposed to be. They would have publicized the truth about our history and cease demonizing our ancestral spirituality.  They will not because it does not serve their interest which is why we must look beyond the ordinary to see truth.  For instance, If you were like me and raised as a kid in the 1970s you probably were influenced by Kwai Chang Caine, the fictional kung-fu fighting Buddhist monk of the Kung Fu TV series who constantly meditated and walked on rice paper without leaving a footprint. Yes, I am not going to lie, I tried to walk as if I was walking on rice paper.  Hell, it was one of the 36 Chambers you had to pass (Laugh. For you all you old kung fu flicks and Wu Tang fans).

Kwai Chang Caine of the western martial arts TV series Kung Fu

For those raised in the late 1970s, the 1980s through the early 1990s, you probably were mostly influenced by George Lucas’ Jedi order from the Star Wars franchise. With that being the case, the most influential spiritual model would be Obi-Wan Kenobi and Yoda. (BTW, those who were raised during the late 1990s and early 2000s would probably see Neo and Morpheus as spiritual role models but I will not include them in this because the authors of this franchise lost their way in the sequels).

All of these “spiritual” characters are archetypes of what people FEAR about spirituality, which drawn from Western psychology and cultural norms. To be clear, most people new to spiritual culture are under the impression that you must live your life like a Buddhist monk by following 348 ascetics rules, which includes no consuming of alcohol, no sensual misconduct, no consuming of meat, no possession of material objects, and constant meditation to reach enlightenment. Again, this is a ploy created by Set (our Ego/lower self) to discourage us from investing in our own spiritual salvation.  The truth of the matter is that while some spiritual practitioners may follow this ascetic lifestyle. It is not a requirement to be more spiritual. Yes, you heard it here, the ascetic lifestyle is one of the ways to be spiritual but it is not the only way.  There are numerous ways and they are all waiting for you to take your own heroic journey.  Below is the path I outlined based upon the Maa Aankh cosmogram that I had to undergo and continue to follow to some extent. Caution: Any time someone tells you that there is only “one” way, they are priming you for social control. Let’s read, on

The thing about the TRUTH is that the “enemy” cannot keep you from it. The enemy can only create obstacles to prevent you from learning the TRUTH. This is why the TRUTH was originally hidden in libraries because they knew that people are lazy and will not read.  It is the same reason they give an image that being “spiritual” is living an ascetic lifestyle because they know most people would be turned off by ascetic practices.  So, they have to put the TRUTH out and if you look deep enough you will see. That one of the best models of how spiritual people act, behave and live their lives can actually be seen in the Star Wars but to see it.  I need to explain it first.Before we begin, let me say that I am a Star Wars fan from the original trilogy when Lucas was directly influenced by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung’s protégé and famed mythologist Joseph Campbell, the author of a Hero’s Journey and The Hero With A Thousand Faces.  This is before the Star Wars epic was transformed into what it is now, a political agenda medium for social control.

Figure 1 – George Lucas at a banquet honoring Joseph Campbell for his book “A Hero with a Thousand Faces.” Courtesy of:

Now, if you watched any of the Star Wars films you know that Obi-Wan Kenobi tells the young protagonist Luke Skywalker that his father Anakin Skywalker was seduced by the dark side of the force and became Darth Vader. So, when you watch the prequels, Episode I, II and III, and you see how Anakin Skywalker was seduced, you see it really wasn’t a seduction. It was that the Jedis truly lost their way and became that which they were against like a lot “spiritual people” do.

Obi Wan Kenobi talking to Luke

I do not want to turn this into a rant about Star Wars or theories about what the new Star War film is going be about.  But my problem with the whole Episodes I, II and III are that the Jedis are supposed to be like Buddhist monks.  For instance, Yoda is 900+ years old and we are led to believe that he and the other Jedis have never had a sexual relationship. Then, here comes Anakin who not only has an intimate relationship with a woman (who is at least ten years older than him. Yep). But, no other Jedi picks up on the fact that this kid is not a virgin. The other thing is that the Jedis didn’t pick up on the fact that Emperor Palpatine was a Sith Lord either and he was sitting right in front of them (Yoda, Obi-Wan, Mace, etc.).

Jedi Counsel

The reason Anakin switched to the dark side and the Jedis could not detect anything was because the Jedi Order had become a religion, and religion is basically a set of established cultural rules that morphs into dogma. Dogma is a tool of your lower self and when you subscribe to a dogma.  You judge others and create prejudices, thus becoming the opposite of what spirituality is.  Isn’t one of the things that “spiritual people” complain about church people is that they judge others and claim to be better than everyone else, yet live by a set of double-standards? Do you see now how the “conscious”, “spiritual” or “woke” concept has been hijacked?

Chancellor Palpatine who later becomes Emperor Palpatine was the Sith Lord Darth Sidious, who reminds us that evil is when you give into your Ego and are blinded by your Ego as the Jedi were.

Now, that being said, as I said earlier, the TRUTH cannot be dismissed. The TRUTH can only be hidden because it will always come out, so the one Jedi that did not adhere totally to the Jedi dogma was the character Qui Quan Jin. (Actually, there was another and her name was Ahsoka Tano but she is not included in the films.)

In Episode I, when Qui Quan Jin finds Anakin and sees that he is a slave. He initially was like sorry for your fate but we got to move on. It wasn’t until he meditated that he decided to help the young Anakin and take him on as an apprentice. When the Jedi Order ruled that Anakin was too old, they were speaking out of fear (dogma) and Qui Quan Jin realized it and said, he would train the kid anyway, hence going against the norm.

It is difficult for a lot of people to see that this character is actually being Spirit-led because we live in a society that is very much against listening to your Spirit, and instead encourages us to follow the whims of our feeling or intellect. This is the reason emphasis is placed on more colorful Jedis and Siths. But, what most people do not understand is that spirituality means following your Spirit particularly your Higher Self instead of your lower-self.  In other words, spirituality is about Fearing Nothing and trusting your Higher Self. It is about moving beyond our conditional subconscious four walls and venturing into the unknown realms of the Spirit.  To quote my Brah Cliff Green of  25, Black & Alive, “In order to grow you have to go above and beyond what you are used too.”

The point that I am making is that a truly spiritual person does not follow the whims of any group, no matter who they claim to be. A truly spiritual person listens to their Spirit and follows the Will of the Spirit, which is scary but you have to trust that the Spirit knows best.

What does this mean specifically? It means to follow what the Divine tells you from within. I know a lot of people don’t want to hear this but you do not have to be a vegetarian or vegan to be spiritual. If the Spirit tells you that you should be vegetarian or vegan, then so be it but doing it because everyone else is doing it is not following the Spirit. Vegetarianism and veganism are some of the new dogmatic religions that are preventing us from unifying nowadays. As soon as a vegetarian or vegan hears that a person eats pork, they immediately turn their nose up like the Jedi did to young Anakin. In fact, I have seen a lot of “spiritual people” who are so health-conscious turn their nose up to people who have any illnesses such as diabetes and so on. That’s not spiritual, is it? Meanwhile, people who claim not to be spiritual are more helpful to others regardless of their conditions, decisions and health status.

Some of us even look down at people who have chemicals or had perm their hair, thus making spirituality superficial. This is not spiritual, this is that same church mentality of old.

The simple truth is that if you want to be spiritual all you have to do is start listening to your Higher Self, which will lead you to do things that subconsciously you are not comfortable with, thus helping you to fight against your Ego, lower self or what is called in the Kemetic tradition as Set.  This is what is meant by being in the world but not of the world, which is why Hru sits in the center of the Mat Aankh and wears both the White and Red double Pschent Crown. It should also be noted that the astrological symbol for Hru and the Sun is a circle with dot in the center, which is another allusion to that spirituality is heroic.

Now, this does not mean that you subscribe to everything that someone does. It simply means you do for you and let others do what they think is best for them.  For instance, I do not eat pork but I am not going to unfriend someone and tell them that they are going to go to hell because they eat pork. That’s for them to decide for themselves, not me!

The enemy has tricked us into believing that we must save the world. No. Truly spiritual people are not here to save the world because the world does not need to be saved. This is an illusion created by religious groups to win the souls and minds of people.  We are here to save ourselves and help others who want to be saved help themselves. That’s it. We need to stop subscribing to this religious dogmatic thinking or said another way, stop superimposing our old Christian and Islamic beliefs on to spirituality.

The cool thing is that once we do this, we will really go far and write our own heroic (Hru) journey because we choose God/Goddess (The Spirit) as our role model.


How Come the Lord Did Not Tell You Not to Sin?

3 04 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

I remember one day I was talking to this individual who had converted to Christianity not too long ago. Like most new converts, this individual was very zealous and all they wanted to talk about how “good God has been” to them.  Now, I was happy that this individual had changed their life because I knew them prior to their conversion and they needed religion in a bad way.  But, in a relatively short time after this individual had converted, I noticed that they had become a borderline fanatic.

As I listened to them go on and on and start every sentence with, “The Lord told me…” I noticed that they were dressed differently than usual. Instead of the normal street clothes they were now donning conservative wear. Their hair was processed and their skin was covered in acne. When I asked about their relationship with their spouse, they told me that they were having problems but they were going to fix their problems through the power of prayer.

Then, this individual invited me to attend a church revival with them because there was this guest preacher who was exorcising demons. They had told me that this was the second time this preacher had come to the city and the last time, “the Lord really blessed because this guy was on fire.” This individual also told me that the last time this preacher came they brought another preacher with them who was from the Dominican Republic, who had the power of healing. So, this revival was going to focus primarily on healing and exorcising demons.

Looking at this individual with a ‘gas face (skepticism).’ I told them as politely as I could. “No thank you,” but you know these religious zealots cannot take “No” for an answer and they asked again. Again, I declined, a second and third time, but then they said something that should not have struck a nerve but it did, which was.

“Ok. You just don’t want any healing. God could really bless you if you just attend.”

WTH?  That was it. I did not want to go off but I had no choice and asked, “Why doesn’t the Lord tell you to love yourself by eating nutritious food and stop putting a host of chemicals in your body? Why doesn’t the Lord tell you how to manage your anger and watch what you say so that you can stop offending your spouse and others? Why doesn’t the Lord tell you to respect people regardless if they believe and instead of trying to force people to accept what you believe, that you should instead live by example? I am just curious why the Lord never tells you this.”

Instead of answering my questions, they claimed that they had to leave so that they could get a good seat for church service.

Now, I knew this individual was not going to answer my questions because that is how most religious zealots are. They always claim that the “Lord” told them to do something and that you should follow whatever they say, but when you put personal responsibility back on them. They immediately shift it to the devil and claim that it was “the Lord’s” doing.  It is interesting that “the Lord” never tells these people about vanity, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, lust, and gluttony, which is what most religious individuals (especially in the United States) suffer from.

I mean, isn’t it bizarre that the Lord speaks to these people and gives them all sorts of insight but never says, “Thou Shalt Not Get Cosmetic Surgery. Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Husband or Wife. Thou Shalt Not… (You get the point).”

Isn’t it interesting that the Lord talks to these people but never tells them how to avoid being overtaken by vanity, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, lust, and gluttony.  Better yet, how is it that these people are able to hear messages from the Lord telling them to do “his Will” in spreading the gospel, but not hear the Lord telling them not to offend others, have extramarital affairs, steal money, use drugs, etc.?

I propose that it was never the Lord talking to these people in the first place. If you look closely you will see that most of the religious leaders and most of the adherents who follow in their footsteps, are afflicted by three or more of the Seven Deadly Sins (vanity, greed, envy, sloth, wrath, lust, and gluttony).  The reason most adherents are not taught about the seven deadly sins is because they are not bible based.  In fact, the concept is said to be created by Evagrius of Pont, an Egyptian monk around 300AD. Evagrius compiled the list as a the “evil thoughts” that plague humanity, which circulated throughout Christendom. Although the Church denounced the sins and branded Evagrius a heretic, it was Dante’s Divine Comedy, which popular the sins as major transgressions against God that required the sinner confess and ask for repentance.

Now, the reason the Seven Deadly Sins were rejected was because it put a monkey wrench in the whole salvation scheme that claimed that Jesus died and washed away one’s sin.  According to theory, if Jesus died and washed away one’s sin, then the Seven Deadly Sin should not exist. If these concepts were allowed to flourish, salvation would have been put back in the hands of the individual.  The reason the Church banned the Seven Deadly Sins was because they could not profit from it. By banning this list and declaring Evagrius a heretic, the Church (and future Church leaders) could always claim that they are the mouthpiece of God.

Family. God exists within you and God is not going to give someone a message about you without telling you about it. This reminds me of a funny story.  My brother had helped this lady out one time by giving her a ride home from church, helping to carry things into her house, etc. Just to be nice. Apparently, this lady misinterpreted his kind gestures and told my brother, “The Lord said that you were going to be my husband.” To which, my brother replied, “Well, the Lord did not mention that to me” and that was the last time he talked to her. (Laugh).

Like I said, God exists within you and God is not going to give someone a message about you without telling you about it. This whole notion that the Lord is talking to people, is a manipulation and perversion of a metaphysical concept. The Lord talks to all of us but you need to know which Lord is talking to you.

Here are some more people who claimed that the Lord told them to do “His Will.”

By the way, should I mention that the “Lord” according to these religious zealots claimed to have told them to bomb churches.  This same “Lord” in history also told similar people to massacre the Amerindians and enslave the Africans because they did not worship Jesus.  The interesting thing is that even after they converted to Christianity, the “Lord” told them to continue to persecute the Native Americans and Black Americans. Oh, I forgot to mention that the “Lord” also told these men in Europe and the Americas to murder women and children because they were witches.

The “Lord” that these people worship is very violent and when he cannot get his way. He pouts, has a temper-tantrum and destroys whatever is in his midst because the Lord that most of these people are talking about is Satan. What the monk Evagrius was trying to convey to his ignorant Christian brethren is that we have two Lords: God and the devil, and they both exist within. The Seven Deadly Sins are the “evil thoughts” that lead to Satan.

No. Satan worshipers are not black robed people who meet on a Saturday night at 12 o’clock midnight and chant or read the bible verses backwards. Then, they disrobe and have a massive orgy and do all sorts of drugs. Nope, that’s the Greeks and Hollywood has been fascinated by this image because it models itself after the Greek city Athens, but these are real Satanic worshipers. The word Satan means Adversary and it was derived from the Kemetic Set-an, which refers to one’s lower self or ego. Thus, true Satan worshipers are worshipers of their Ego.    True salvation comes from self-control and self-discipline, and if these people would have listened to traditional African healers, priests and priestess. They would have explained to them that they have been worshiping the devil all along. This is the reason there is so much evil in the world and most of it is being committed by so-called God fearing individuals.

The real Lord that most of these people are worshiping is the Lord of Chaos, known in the Kemetic tradition as Set.  According to Kemetic legend, Set was so wild and uncontrollable that in order for Hru (Hrw, Heru or Horus) to defeat him, Hru had to castrate him.  Does it now make sense why our society has literally gone to hell in a gasoline basket with dynamite? Can you see how most of these people who are claiming that the Lord is talking to them are really listening to Set based upon their egotistical, prideful, selfish, lustful, vengeful, gluttonous, greedy and narcissistic behavior? Yes, it is Set who is ruling the world but there is nothing to fear. Unlike the religious fanatics who are bracing for the end of the world because they believe the devil is some physical impish red man running around with a pitchfork challenging God, so they believe they are helpless.

We know that the true devil is our lower self and the way to stop the devil is to simply deny him power. In other words, stop listening and following your ego and learn to follow your Higher Self.  This is what the battle between battle between Hru and Set is all about. Stop giving into your Set (Ego)! Fight him! Stop worshiping Jesus and BE JESUS by telling Set,

“Get ye behind me Set-an!” 

The obvious question is how do you know when it is the Lord (your Higher Self) speaking and not the Lord of Chaos? Well, when Set is talking to you, the Lord of Chaos usually is going to cater to your anxieties, fears, worries and guilt.  Think about that. Everything that you are afraid of, worried about, get anxious about, etc., this is what the devil preys upon.  In fact, every time you try to do what is Right, it is Set who whispers in your ear to do what is Easy by robbing, stealing, cheating, manipulating, exploiting, abusing and taking advantage of others emotionally, financially, physically, sexually, etc.  Proof of this can be seen in all of the cases of the corrupted public and religious official. Not only that Family. Your Set does not want you to embrace your divinity. Your Set wants you to believe you are powerless and that God has abandon you. Your Set preys upon using your fears.

Thankfully, we have a Higher Self or Osar.  When your Higher Self or Osar tells you to do something.  It is usually what you do not want to do but is the Right thing to do.  Your Higher Self or Osar encourages you to do what is Right instead of what is Easy. The cool thing about following your Osar is that the more you listen to your Higher Self, the louder this voice becomes and the stronger you become spiritually. To the point that no one or no thing will be able to sway and take advantage of you ever again. Not only that, you can generate your own prosperity and blessings instead of falling for these scams.

Understand. The true power of God is within and to use it requires self-control and self-discipline. If something or someone tells you differently, note that this is not Osar or the Lord speaking.  it is Set.


Kamitic Spirituality 101

12 05 2016

Hetepu (Peace & Blessing) Family.

I recently received an email asking that I explain the difference between the subconscious and superconscious, and how it relates to Kamitic spirituality, so I thought this might benefit others as well.

Blank Chalkboard

When we are born, our mind (subconscious and superconscious) is like an empty slate. Besides the normal subconscious programming which is used to regulate our heart, digest food, etc., we have no programming until our parents begin to tell us what to and not to do. As we grow, our subconscious mind is given a list of do’s and don’ts, which it associates with certain emotional experiences. We learn not to put our hands on the hot stove because we will burn ourselves and to look both ways before crossing the street, and all of these rules that we learned from our parents, grandparents, etc. are stored in our subconscious. We also have rules that we have created ourselves based upon our preferences. For instance, if you do not like Brussel sprouts, this becomes a rule that you tell yourself every time you see this vegetable. There are also other rules that are stored in your subconscious based upon your experience. For instance, if you were bitten by a dog, then you create the subconscious rule that all dogs are bad animals. If you saw your parents fighting, then you create the subconscious rule that parents are supposed to fight, and so on.

All of these rules basically become the programs that run your life, which you mistakenly identify as “You.” So you tell people things like, “I don’t do dogs” only because you had a negative experience.  You may say, “All men are dogs” or “All women are gold diggers,” etc. due to your experience, which steers you away from dating certain people. You may have been told when you were a child by your parents “I don’t have any money for that. Money doesn’t grow on trees.” So the subconscious rule is created where you think that in order for you to make any money. You have to struggle and work hard, which prevents you from starting a multi-billion dollar business.


So, you have all of these rules that exist in your subconscious like writings on a chalkboard, which dictate to you what you should and should not do. You believe you can and cannot achieve a particular goal because you have never experienced it or have seen anyone in your immediate circle achieve it.  Let me say that again, everything you tell yourself that you can or cannot do is only because your subconscious mind does not remember any of your family members, friends, people in the community, etc. achieving this same goal. Therefore you tell yourself: “I will never be in shape” because you grew up in a household of people who were simply trying to survive so they ate unhealthy foods and lived unhealthy lifestyles.   You may say, “I’ll never be wealthy” or “I will never get out of the hood” because your subconscious reminds you of your parent saying, “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and it does not remember anyone being wealthy, so it tells you it is impossible.

For the most part, you believe everything your subconscious tells you because it has been telling you what to do all of your life.  Your subconscious is responsible for you living thus far, so it rationalizes with you by asking “Why would I tell you wrong?” You therefore succumb to your subconscious and believe everything it tells you can and cannot do because your subconscious is like a slate with a bunch of information and doodles on it.

Then something happens. One day you cross paths with someone who used to be in the same situation you are presently in but they changed. This could be anyone who overcame an addiction to someone who escaped the streets and is now a millionaire.  It could be someone recovering from an illness, etc. Whatever the case, you read or hear about people who changed their lives and this offers a glimpse of hope. Because what it means is that if they did it, you can too. Since your subconscious does not have the ability to reason, it will tell you that it is impossible to do what these people have done. Or it will rationalize with you by saying that you have to have special talent, be born with a certain gift, luck, etc. in order to get ahead but when you read about these people’s lives you learn they are ordinary people with similar struggles as you.

Blank Chalkboard

A more in-depth study into these peoples’ lives reveals that these people tapped into the mind beyond their subconscious, or their superconscious mind. The superconscious mind is like the clean slate you were born with in the very beginning. It is the preconditioned, preprogrammed and pre-habitual mind you had when you were born. Think of this way. This was the initial state of your mind before you learned all of the rules that dictate to you how you are supposed to live now. In other words, before you were told what you “can” or “can’t” do.  Said another way, the superconscious can be thought of as before someone started writing on your “Wall.”

Anyway, people who managed to change their lives and do so over a long period of time simply learned how to return to that blank slate, the superconscious and give their mind a new rule.

How does the superconscious work? Well, trying to change a subconscious programming is an ongoing battle because as stated earlier, your subconscious is old and it will rationalize (argue) with you until you yield. If you think of the chalkboard or a dry-erase board analogy, you know that sometimes if you write on the board and do not erase it immediately. The previous writing stays on the board and is hard to get rid of. It stains the board.  Let me give you an example. Once upon a time, I wanted to do some capoeira conditioning in the morning because I wanted to lose a little weight, plus it helped with agility and would not require a lot of time. Not to mention that capoeira is fun, but as soon as I said, I want to do it. My subconscious gave me this whole list of reasons why I shouldn’t do it, like ‘It is going to be hard. You’re too old. You might break something. You got bad knees. You don’t really want to get up early to exercise,’ etc. You see, your subconscious knows what you like and do not like because it has been recording your memories since birth. But, I had to remind myself that there were capoeiristas doing capoeira in their 70s and 80s. In fact, Anthony Bourdain went to Bahia and interviewed a mestre who was well in his 60s (or older).  This meant it is possible to do any martial arts but my subconscious has never seen it so, it tried to convince me that it was impossible. So, you see the argument and excuses our subconscious gives us. It will tell you anything to convince you to go in the other direction.

What’s the solution?


Instead of wasting time arguing with your subconscious, simply bypass it and go to the superconscious. When I bypassed my subconscious and tapped into my superconscious, I simply focused on imagining how cool it would be to do handstands, flips or a role’ (cartwheel). I imagined what it would be like to meet some capoeiristas (players) and engage in a friendly game (jogo) of Capoeira. Now, I didn’t just visualize this and it happened because the subconscious governs our everyday life or what people call normal consciousness or beta state. I had to plant this seed when the subconscious was at its lowest and most vulnerable point, which is during twilight and in the evening. These are the times when your mind naturally enters into alpha state. Once I did it, I found myself waking up every morning with a new habit of doing capoeira conditioning. It continued do it until I decided I wanted to do something different.

I cannot tell you exactly what I did when I was in alpha state because what worked for me may not necessarily work for you. What I can tell you is that there are numerous methods that anyone can use that will plant a seed in their superconscious like using autosuggestions, sigils, meditation, repetition, symbols, etc. and these are only a few ways but there are a number of ways to bypass the subconscious.  That the uninitiated refers to as magic but it is simply occult science or what “mystery school teachings.”

The point of this post is that spirituality is all about reprogramming your mind and the most effective way I have found to accomplish this feat is bypassing the subconscious and tapping into your superconscious. Why argue with your subconscious on overcoming a habit when you start new by giving it a new rule?


How does this relate to Kamitic spirituality? Well, if you think about how our subconscious is adamant to change and will try its best to convince us to do everything that is contrary to what we want.  It is a great adversary, which is the reason the subconscious is symbolized as the Kamitic devil Set (Please do not make the error of thinking the subconscious is evil. Remember we need it survive. It simply lacks the ability to reason properly). Those who are familiar with Kamitic mythology will now understand why Set (or the devil) is consider the author (or god) of confusion, chaos and war.

Set: The author of confusion.

Set: The author of confusion.

The superconscious is symbolized as Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris) and it should now become clear that the reason Osar was so highly exalted was because he was the original redeemer that wiped one’s slate clean.

Clean Slate

Osar: The Kamitic author or divinity of purity and knowledge.

Therefore, metaphorically speaking, to bring about any change in our life we simply need to be like Hru (Heru, Hrw, Horus) and connect with our Osar.

HRU (Heru, Horus)

HRU (Heru, Horus)

So What Is Kamitic Spirituality?

I keep posting this question because people keep getting it twisted and bringing subconscious dogmatic religious, good versus evil or god versus the devil programming into the Kamitic mix. Thereby jeopardizing their ability to make some real strides spiritually. So I must say again, true Kamitic Spirituality is not about having a colorful name change, eating a particular diet and dressing in African attire, etc. None of this is going to make you more spiritual if you cannot control your mind.

It is not even about learning the history of the Kamitic people. Again, it is great and it helps if you know it but it is not necessary to practice Kamitic spirituality. It is not about trying to figure out why your enemy does what “he” or “she” does.  And last but not least, yet most importantly, Kamitic Spirituality is not about following anyone or joining a group.

If you’re looking for someone to follow, try following your Higher Self (Superconscious/Osar).

This is what Kamitic Spirituality is all about. This is Kamitic Spirituality 101.

Hope that helps.