Can You Be Spiritual and Still Have Enemies? (Pt.2 How to Attack/Defend the Kemetic Shaman Way)

17 01 2020

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

If you have not read Part 1 of this discussion, please do so that you can put things in perspective.

As I mentioned in Part 1, a lot of my mind control in regards to dealing with enemies comes from watching the television series Kung Fu, but to be fair. The mind programming did not just come from this series. I was brainwashed by the Church not to defend myself and to let God deal with those who oppose us (enemies).  My parents reaffirmed what the Church taught me, which was also communicated to me in history class whenever I was taught about Dr. Martin L. King, Jr.

Now, there’s a lot of new information coming out about King that people did not know. For instance, there are reports that King stated to his friend, actor, singer and activist Harry Belafonte”

“According to Belafonte, King responded, “I’ve come upon something that disturbs me deeply. We have fought hard and long for integration, as I believe we should have, and I know we will win, but I have come to believe that we are integrating into a burning house. I’m afraid that America has lost the moral vision she may have had, and I’m afraid that even as we integrate, we are walking into a place that does not understand that this nation needs to be deeply concerned with the plight of the poor and disenfranchised. Until we commit ourselves to ensure that the underclass is given justice and opportunity, we will continue to perpetuate the anger and violence that tears the soul of this nation. I fear I am integrating my people into a burning house.”

The reason for noting this is because almost 52 years later, it is easy to criticize the lack of foresight that individuals had in the past.  We have all talked about and heard discussions on the pros and cons of the Civil Rights Movement. However, what I have failed to hear a lot of discussion on is where King’s error in thinking came from.  Remember, King was inspired by Gandhi.

By Ashwin Desai and Goolem Vahed. Courtesy of:

Did you know that Gandhi supported racial segregation and stated that the “Indians are a little better if at all than savages or the Natives of Africa.” In The South African Gandhi: Stretcher-Bearer of Empire by Ashwin Desai and Goolem Vahed, we find that Gandhi believed in the Aryan brotherhood and believed that Whites and Indians were superior to the Black Africans. We also find that he supported racist policies such as overtaxing the impoverished Africans of South Africa and turning a blind eye to the European brutality of the Africans whin the country, to support his belief that Indians were better.

Of course, I am pretty sure King did not know about Gandhi and his beliefs at the time. He was simply inspired by Gandhi’s nonviolent approach against imperialism because he saw Black people in the United States as being militarily powerless like the Indian people that Gandhi fought for. What King did not know is that the Indians’ nonviolent protest was also a tax resistance against the monopoly the British had on salt  (see the Salt March).

The point that I am making is that King did not know how to deal with enemies because he was looking for a solution outside of himself.

What we have to understand is that our situation is unique. There is no other group of people in the world that has undergone our experience, which means we are the only ones who can create a solution because of understanding the problem. So, how do you defend and protect yourself from enemies?

Well, our universe according to the Maa Aankh is composed of two realities: a spiritual (KAMTA) and physical (TASETT) realm separated by the watery Nyun and is connected by Maa, which mirrors what exists “Above, so below.” This means that our physical reality is a reflection of what is going on within our being and vice versa. Therefore, if your life is chaotic, then your soul is in turmoil. If your life is pleasant and happy, then your soul is pleasant and happy within. This is known as the Law of Correspondence, which basically means “likes attract likes.”

To defend and protect yourself the Kamta way, I would recommend you make a home for your warrior netchar Hru Aakhuti.  To do this simply purchase a cast-iron cauldron in Hru Aakhuti’s honor. If you cannot get a cast-iron cauldron then clay pottery or a woven straw mat will suffice because Hru Aakhuti is a wild guardian warrior.  He is about defense and protection. So, you need to purchase items that he can use to defend and protect you like a machete, knife or knives. You can place any item that you want inside the pot that symbolizes defense and protection including herbs, crystals, weapons, toy weapons, toy soldiers, protection oil, protection incense, etc. because of the Law of Correspondence. Whatever you do, I recommend that you also place 11 small plaster or ceramic skulls to symbolize unknown warrior spirits who are willing to work under Hru Aakhuti’s banner.

When you build or create a home for your netchar Hru Aakhuti and you create an electro-magnetic field specifically for defense and protection. The more you see your altar, which is giving it attention. The stronger your altar becomes or the more charged it will be. In fact, after a 28-day lunar cycle, the altar will be charged, which means any item placed on the altar and carried with you will be charged with the defensive and protective energy of Hru Aakhuti. For instance, you can take a small pocket knife and ask Hru Aakhuti to bless it so that it defends and protects you like a charm. Then, leave the pocket knife with him for 24 hr. The next morning you can carry it in your pocket. In exchange offer Hru Aakhuti an offering such as a red or purple candle, money, spicy foods, cigars, spirits (rum, vodka, gin, etc.), and so on. You can also add protection baths, oils and perfumes on the altar to change your aura.

If your enemy is harassing you and getting on your nerves. Take an item of theirs and place it on the altar, then ask Hru Aakhuti to protect you by removing the individual away from you. You do not need to worry about the details. Simply know and trust that Hru Aakhuti will deal with them appropriately.


Can You Be Spiritual and Still Have Enemies? (Pt. 1)

17 01 2020

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

It will be MLK Day here soon and just in time because the other day my best friend sent me a djvlad video of an interview with Michael Jai White.  I have been a longtime fan of White’s martial arts movie since the 1990s and I am glad he continues to do films. Anyway, in one of the videos, he shatters the myths about Shaolin monks, ninjas and how most of the celebrities we see in the film doing martial arts are really actors and not combat martial artists the way the films portray them. It was a really good interview but the one subject that came up about Shaolin monks is how people were coaxed into believing Shaolin monks still existed because of the television series Kung Fu.

Kung Fu television series starring David Carradine

Now, for those of you who have read other posts that I have done, you know that I talk about this television series a lot because it portrayals “spiritual people” as these meek individuals walking around barefoot living an ascetic lifestyle.  It is really too bad that this TV series, which was originally pitched by and supposed to cast the legendary Bruce Lee in the lead role, ended up with David Carradine because Lee was considered to be too Asian.

The television series Kung Fu starring David Carradine.

It might have got some real Eastern philosophy inputted into the series, but instead those of us who grew up watching this series got a lot of fake imagery on what it meant to be a martial artist and fake imagery on what it means to be “spiritual.”

Consequently, I heard an individual the other day say on dealing with enemies, “When you’re really spiritual. Enemies, do not exist.”

Are you FRIGGIN kidding me? Then, the whole Story of Osar with Hru battling Set was about what? Your friends? I hate when people get spiritual concepts mixed up and have no commonsense.

Yes. Technically we do not have any enemies because we are all gods and goddesses, but if an individual does not recognize their divinity and they oppose you. They are your enemy.

Family. Being “spiritual” does not mean being “naïve” or “stupid.” I have said it before and I may be the only one who has said it because I approach Kemetic spirituality from a shamanic perspective, but Osar symbolizes an individual who is “too spiritual.” This is why he was murdered by his younger brother Set.

It does not matter how “spiritual” you are, you will always have “haters.”

The character Morpheus in the 1999 film The Matrix says it best when he told Neo about the agents. He states:

“You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so  inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system, that they will fight to protect it.”

When Neo looks at the woman in the red dress who turns into an agent. Morpheus tells Neo when he asks if it was the Matrix:

“No. It’s another program, designed to teach you one thing: If you are not one of us, you are one of them. “

Morpheus continues by saying that agents are sentient programs that can move in and out of software while still being hard-wired to the system.  In other words, agents are our enemies which are people who act solely based upon their feelings because they have no spiritual culture.

Understand. This does not make us better than them or vice versa. It simply means that you being a “spiritually” minded individual recognizes that the Divine is within you and everything, including your enemy.  The Divine is within a poisonous snake but you would be a fool to put yourself in danger by appealing to the snake’s higher self.

Commonsense is what a lot of us (myself included) lost from watching fake spiritual shows like Kung Fu. We must remember that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, so we must protect ourselves and defend ourselves if necessary.

Again, technically we do not have any enemies because we are all gods and goddesses, but if an individual does not recognize their divinity and they oppose you. They are your enemy.


(See Part 2)

Kamitic Spirituality 101

12 05 2016

Hetepu (Peace & Blessing) Family.

I recently received an email asking that I explain the difference between the subconscious and superconscious, and how it relates to Kamitic spirituality, so I thought this might benefit others as well.

Blank Chalkboard

When we are born, our mind (subconscious and superconscious) is like an empty slate. Besides the normal subconscious programming which is used to regulate our heart, digest food, etc., we have no programming until our parents begin to tell us what to and not to do. As we grow, our subconscious mind is given a list of do’s and don’ts, which it associates with certain emotional experiences. We learn not to put our hands on the hot stove because we will burn ourselves and to look both ways before crossing the street, and all of these rules that we learned from our parents, grandparents, etc. are stored in our subconscious. We also have rules that we have created ourselves based upon our preferences. For instance, if you do not like Brussel sprouts, this becomes a rule that you tell yourself every time you see this vegetable. There are also other rules that are stored in your subconscious based upon your experience. For instance, if you were bitten by a dog, then you create the subconscious rule that all dogs are bad animals. If you saw your parents fighting, then you create the subconscious rule that parents are supposed to fight, and so on.

All of these rules basically become the programs that run your life, which you mistakenly identify as “You.” So you tell people things like, “I don’t do dogs” only because you had a negative experience.  You may say, “All men are dogs” or “All women are gold diggers,” etc. due to your experience, which steers you away from dating certain people. You may have been told when you were a child by your parents “I don’t have any money for that. Money doesn’t grow on trees.” So the subconscious rule is created where you think that in order for you to make any money. You have to struggle and work hard, which prevents you from starting a multi-billion dollar business.


So, you have all of these rules that exist in your subconscious like writings on a chalkboard, which dictate to you what you should and should not do. You believe you can and cannot achieve a particular goal because you have never experienced it or have seen anyone in your immediate circle achieve it.  Let me say that again, everything you tell yourself that you can or cannot do is only because your subconscious mind does not remember any of your family members, friends, people in the community, etc. achieving this same goal. Therefore you tell yourself: “I will never be in shape” because you grew up in a household of people who were simply trying to survive so they ate unhealthy foods and lived unhealthy lifestyles.   You may say, “I’ll never be wealthy” or “I will never get out of the hood” because your subconscious reminds you of your parent saying, “Money doesn’t grow on trees” and it does not remember anyone being wealthy, so it tells you it is impossible.

For the most part, you believe everything your subconscious tells you because it has been telling you what to do all of your life.  Your subconscious is responsible for you living thus far, so it rationalizes with you by asking “Why would I tell you wrong?” You therefore succumb to your subconscious and believe everything it tells you can and cannot do because your subconscious is like a slate with a bunch of information and doodles on it.

Then something happens. One day you cross paths with someone who used to be in the same situation you are presently in but they changed. This could be anyone who overcame an addiction to someone who escaped the streets and is now a millionaire.  It could be someone recovering from an illness, etc. Whatever the case, you read or hear about people who changed their lives and this offers a glimpse of hope. Because what it means is that if they did it, you can too. Since your subconscious does not have the ability to reason, it will tell you that it is impossible to do what these people have done. Or it will rationalize with you by saying that you have to have special talent, be born with a certain gift, luck, etc. in order to get ahead but when you read about these people’s lives you learn they are ordinary people with similar struggles as you.

Blank Chalkboard

A more in-depth study into these peoples’ lives reveals that these people tapped into the mind beyond their subconscious, or their superconscious mind. The superconscious mind is like the clean slate you were born with in the very beginning. It is the preconditioned, preprogrammed and pre-habitual mind you had when you were born. Think of this way. This was the initial state of your mind before you learned all of the rules that dictate to you how you are supposed to live now. In other words, before you were told what you “can” or “can’t” do.  Said another way, the superconscious can be thought of as before someone started writing on your “Wall.”

Anyway, people who managed to change their lives and do so over a long period of time simply learned how to return to that blank slate, the superconscious and give their mind a new rule.

How does the superconscious work? Well, trying to change a subconscious programming is an ongoing battle because as stated earlier, your subconscious is old and it will rationalize (argue) with you until you yield. If you think of the chalkboard or a dry-erase board analogy, you know that sometimes if you write on the board and do not erase it immediately. The previous writing stays on the board and is hard to get rid of. It stains the board.  Let me give you an example. Once upon a time, I wanted to do some capoeira conditioning in the morning because I wanted to lose a little weight, plus it helped with agility and would not require a lot of time. Not to mention that capoeira is fun, but as soon as I said, I want to do it. My subconscious gave me this whole list of reasons why I shouldn’t do it, like ‘It is going to be hard. You’re too old. You might break something. You got bad knees. You don’t really want to get up early to exercise,’ etc. You see, your subconscious knows what you like and do not like because it has been recording your memories since birth. But, I had to remind myself that there were capoeiristas doing capoeira in their 70s and 80s. In fact, Anthony Bourdain went to Bahia and interviewed a mestre who was well in his 60s (or older).  This meant it is possible to do any martial arts but my subconscious has never seen it so, it tried to convince me that it was impossible. So, you see the argument and excuses our subconscious gives us. It will tell you anything to convince you to go in the other direction.

What’s the solution?


Instead of wasting time arguing with your subconscious, simply bypass it and go to the superconscious. When I bypassed my subconscious and tapped into my superconscious, I simply focused on imagining how cool it would be to do handstands, flips or a role’ (cartwheel). I imagined what it would be like to meet some capoeiristas (players) and engage in a friendly game (jogo) of Capoeira. Now, I didn’t just visualize this and it happened because the subconscious governs our everyday life or what people call normal consciousness or beta state. I had to plant this seed when the subconscious was at its lowest and most vulnerable point, which is during twilight and in the evening. These are the times when your mind naturally enters into alpha state. Once I did it, I found myself waking up every morning with a new habit of doing capoeira conditioning. It continued do it until I decided I wanted to do something different.

I cannot tell you exactly what I did when I was in alpha state because what worked for me may not necessarily work for you. What I can tell you is that there are numerous methods that anyone can use that will plant a seed in their superconscious like using autosuggestions, sigils, meditation, repetition, symbols, etc. and these are only a few ways but there are a number of ways to bypass the subconscious.  That the uninitiated refers to as magic but it is simply occult science or what “mystery school teachings.”

The point of this post is that spirituality is all about reprogramming your mind and the most effective way I have found to accomplish this feat is bypassing the subconscious and tapping into your superconscious. Why argue with your subconscious on overcoming a habit when you start new by giving it a new rule?


How does this relate to Kamitic spirituality? Well, if you think about how our subconscious is adamant to change and will try its best to convince us to do everything that is contrary to what we want.  It is a great adversary, which is the reason the subconscious is symbolized as the Kamitic devil Set (Please do not make the error of thinking the subconscious is evil. Remember we need it survive. It simply lacks the ability to reason properly). Those who are familiar with Kamitic mythology will now understand why Set (or the devil) is consider the author (or god) of confusion, chaos and war.

Set: The author of confusion.

Set: The author of confusion.

The superconscious is symbolized as Osar (Asar, Ausar or Osiris) and it should now become clear that the reason Osar was so highly exalted was because he was the original redeemer that wiped one’s slate clean.

Clean Slate

Osar: The Kamitic author or divinity of purity and knowledge.

Therefore, metaphorically speaking, to bring about any change in our life we simply need to be like Hru (Heru, Hrw, Horus) and connect with our Osar.

HRU (Heru, Horus)

HRU (Heru, Horus)

So What Is Kamitic Spirituality?

I keep posting this question because people keep getting it twisted and bringing subconscious dogmatic religious, good versus evil or god versus the devil programming into the Kamitic mix. Thereby jeopardizing their ability to make some real strides spiritually. So I must say again, true Kamitic Spirituality is not about having a colorful name change, eating a particular diet and dressing in African attire, etc. None of this is going to make you more spiritual if you cannot control your mind.

It is not even about learning the history of the Kamitic people. Again, it is great and it helps if you know it but it is not necessary to practice Kamitic spirituality. It is not about trying to figure out why your enemy does what “he” or “she” does.  And last but not least, yet most importantly, Kamitic Spirituality is not about following anyone or joining a group.

If you’re looking for someone to follow, try following your Higher Self (Superconscious/Osar).

This is what Kamitic Spirituality is all about. This is Kamitic Spirituality 101.

Hope that helps.