Are There Aliens Among Us?

25 10 2013

Hetepu (Peace) Family


Let’s discuss some thing about aliens.  Recently, the “History Channels” has been airing a show called Ancient Aliens, which entertains the idea that all of the great civilizations where there are pyramid structures were aliens.  A real slap in the face.

nefertiti statue showing elongated skull

nefertiti statue showing elongated skull

The so-called premises of this is due to the elongate skull of Nefertiti and the heretic king Akhenaten.


Now, never mind the fact that similar elongated skulls can be found in other areas of Africa, which indicates that it is cultural practice. Western scholars prefer to reach for a farfetched idea and claim that the Kamitic people and every other ancient civilization that has a pyramid structure (such as those found in (Kamit, Sudan, Mexico, Honduras, Central America, off the coast of Cuba, etc.) were visited by aliens. So…


Let’s go back…Way back…before Columbus stumbled upon the Americas…back before the Spanish were given the go ahead to come to the “New World”…Before the Portuguese met the Kongo-Angola people. Yes, back before Western exploration, colonization, the Transatlantic Slavery and imperialism.


Back when our ancestors walked the land free, naked and unashamed because they didn’t see their nude body as being evil. Back when our ancestors ate the food that their ancestors ate because that’s what made them healthy and sustained their wellbeing.


Back when our ancestors wore numerous trinkets of gold and silver because they didn’t have a monetary value but spiritual value.


Back when our ancestors wore gold and silver identifying their status in our society based upon their spiritual knowledge, wisdom and maturity.

Back when our ancestors walked the land, we sat at their feet while they taught us to live in balance and harmony with everything, which meant each other and the environment, or suffer the consequences. This was our TRUTH based upon commonsense.


Now, let us jump to the Now.


In the Now where we must wear clothes because it is viewed as being indecent for not doing so. In the Now, we depend upon the research conducted by this university or that university to tell us what is good to eat, which often contradicts itself in the same month, year or several years from now based upon scientific understanding. The research conducted by those foreign to our ways of life, is now considered the Truth.


If it can’t be proven in a lab and if the “white man” doesn’t say it is true, then it must not be true, because it can’t be proven scientifically.


In the Now, the people that wear the most gold and silver are the poorest in the nation mentally, physically and spiritually, and they will harm another for it.


In the Now, people refuse to fight for what is right and will even fight each other instead because they subscribe to the belief that, “Vengeance is mine sayeth the Lord,” or “Bad karma.”


In the Now we believe that we are born in sin and that the ways of our ancestors is backwards, evil and of the devil. As a result, we conclude that because hell is a place where the epitome of evil resides, because we essentially good people. We can live any way we want just so long as we don’t anything that is really evil.


You want to know who are the aliens amongst us?

Foreign ideologies, beliefs, philosophies, theories, diets, lifestyles, etc. that have nothing to do with our ancestry or Spirit that bring instant gratification to the flesh but long-term misery and suffering to the soul.

Statue of Hyskos or Shepherd Kings

Statue of Hyskos or Shepherd Kings

I am talking about so-called god of the Hyskos or the Shepherd Kings.

The Kamitic people referred to the so-called god of the Hyskos as Set, who according to legend joined forces to kill Osar (Osiris). You may know Set as Set-an or Satan, the original alien that introduced foreign ways, that makes brother fight against brother (See the Legend of Osar). This is why Set is known as the author of confusion, the spirit of war and chaos.  Yes….we could rightfully call it, “Set-Foolery!

Hru and Set - Fighting the Devil Within

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

Does it make sense now why Set and Apepu were the chief enemies of Rau (the Spirit of God) and Osar (the Higher Self) in Kamitic lore? Does it make sense now why TASETT – the Red Lands not only symbolizes the geographical region the Kamitic people called Lower Kamit (northern Ancient Egypt), which early Western writers borrowed and called it Hell. (Remember Satan or Santa comes from the north bringing his bag of tricks). But, TASETT also symbolizes the physical realm and the Lower Self, which is where our personal devils dwell?

TASETT - The Red Lands. Literally also known as the desert region of Lower Kamit or Egypt. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Lower Self.

TASETT – The Red Lands. Literally also known as the desert region of Lower Kamit or Egypt. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Lower Self.

Now, I am not suggesting that we go back to the old ways, because we couldn’t if we tried.  I am not even suggesting that we abandon our technology or stop attending school because that is foolish.

KAMTA - The Black Lands. Literally also known as the fertile region of Upper Kamit in the southern part of the country. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Higher Self.

KAMTA – The Black Lands. Literally also known as the fertile region of Upper Kamit in the southern part of the country. Metaphorically, it symbolizes our Higher Self.

What I am suggesting is that we need to learn to follow our Higher Self or our Osar, by retreating back to those mysterious Black Lands, the lands of our Ancestors, the Land that can’t be tampered with because it can only be found within.  That’s right, the realm of the spirits that the Kamitic people called KAMTA – The Black Lands. It is the land of the south (metaphorically speaking) is where we find our personal spirit guide who will keep us from losing our minds or being, “abducted by aliens (foreign ways).”

Peace & Blessings

Hope that helps.

Enjoy the following video, which proves that these great edifices weren’t built by aliens.

Why is KAMTA (Kamitic/Kemetic Shamanism and the Maa Aankh Kamitic/Kemetic Cosmogram), so Important to Me?

8 05 2010

Peace Family.

I was recently asked why is KAMTA and the maa aankh so important to me?  It was a loaded question.

So, I began by stating that it was Brother Arthur Flower’s Hoodooway list (which I had the honor and priviliege of participating on) and the Orb of Djenra blog that first brought to my attention that although early African Americans weren’t able to preserve a large portion of their religious culture as their kin had done in the Caribbean and Latin America. Early African Americans did manage to preserve a great deal of it through dances, folk practices, proverbs, songs and history.  It was through these various cultural practices that early African Americans were able to preserve their cultural way by passing on traditions, which became the basis of African American shaman tradition known today as Hoodoo or Rootwork, as it was called in the northern states where I am from.

Contrary to popular belief, Hoodoo/Rootwork has never been all about casting spells for ill, doing magical work and making pacts with the devil.  This is all sensational nonsense that was created years ago by racist individuals and promoted through a stereotypical media that took advantage of the public’s ignorance about people of African descent.  Unknown to most Hoodoo/Rootwork is an African American folk practice that was created by African Christians during slavery. Like most folk practices such as the European folk practice of reading of the Psalms, praying and saying grace before a meal, the use of sacred objects like blessed oil, blessed water, the Holy Bible and so on.  Hoodoo/Rootwork in employed to obtain spiritual and often divine remedies for material and physical ailments such as problems with money, obtaining love, protection from evil and so on.  Hoodoo/Rootwork as you can see is very similar to European folk practices.  The only difference between the two is that the African American folk practice was created and used by African slaves in order to fight, resist and struggle against the cruelties of slavery.

It was through this folk tradition that the shamanistic practices brought from Africa were able to survive the tragic slave experience and contribute greatly to African American spirituality. As a result, early African Americans were able to continue to mark very important events that occurred in his or her life through a spiritual blueprint or cosmogram called the Kongo Cross.

As I mention in MAA AANKH Vol. 1, I first learned of the Kongo Cross through my deceased grandparents. One day while contemplating how to do something that I remembered my grandparents use to do.  Shortly after, my attention was drawn to my grandmother’s obituary notice and there it listed her birthday and the day she died, but most African Americans have a strong ingrained cultural taboo against saying death or that someone died, especially when the individual was a godly-minded individual. Instead most African Americans say that the person “passed” or “passed away”, because although physically they do not exist something within our psyche knows that their soul continues to exist. On my grandmother’s obituary instead of saying like I have seen on other cultures obituary birth and death date, it stated Sunrise and Sunset.

This was amazing to me because I had, had this obituary for the longest time and looked at it numerous times and never saw that.  I could’ve called it mere coincidence that I was thinking about doing something that drew my attention to look at my grandmother’s obituary notice. I could if I was arrogant, naïve and didn’t believe in spiritual (invisible, non-material) intercession, but I do, which is how I “humbly” came to realize that ancestral spirits do exist. It was proof that the righteous souls do continue to exist and do not die. In other words, there is “life after death”; these ancestral beings just continually to exist as spirits.

This is how I truly learned about the Kongo Cross and came to really understand African American spirituality. It was this understanding that led me to see that the Kongo Cosmogram besides marking one’s birthday and their death.  Also signified other important events like the initiation into African American fraternities and sororities, as well as significant spiritual events like the day an individual was baptized, came to God or converted to their chosen religious faith.   It was all a reminder of one of the things older African Americans were known for saying, which is, “That we all have to go through something, in order to get something.” This something I later discovered as I analyzed my life helped me to see that life is all about the choices that we make.  It made me realize that many of our choices are ill-informed choices and unwise decisions. Some of us continue to keep making these same choices, which lead us into the same unproductive relationships, same unwise money purchases, etc. All because someone never told us that this is our life and it is up to us to make the best out of it. This means that just like everything else we have to learn how to make better decisions, which means learn from the past (your past and the past of others-ancestors-history).

This is one of the most valuable lessons that I learned from the Kongo Cross, which led to the creation of the maa aankh, a cosmogram inspired by the Kongo Cross but based upon the Kamitic/Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) concepts and principles.  It was through the maa aankh it became apparent that when we learn from our mistakes, face our fears, and overcome our faults, that our spiritual talents are activated. This is our initiation system where we become great healers, musicians, entertainers, speakers, politicians, etc. There are countless stories of African Americans that have had this spiritual awakening.  This is why most grown people don’t particular care for teen boppers singing about love because deep down we know that this 15 to 24 years old doesn’t have any real experience with the subject matter. The older folks use to say, “They don’t have any SOUL”. Before then, it was called in our churches ANOINTING.

When you have ANOINTING, it is truly a powerful, cultural experience that can’t be explained in words because it is a mystical connection between you and the Divine.  It is similar to an assurance that everything is going to work out but it is also a pledge that you have to do your part.

It is for these reasons I can truly say that the maa aankh is not a New Age, magical circle creation based upon syncretic beliefs with sacred technology.  It is truly an initiation system that has been handed down to us from the first Africans brought to North America. The early African Americans just never called it an initiation/spiritual system or “religion” because like most indigenous people.  They didn’t regard their spiritual beliefs and practices as a “religion” in the way religion is viewed today as a set of beliefs and practices only performed one or a couple of days out of the week.  No, their spiritual beliefs and practices were an integral and seamless part of their way of life.  It is this understanding of the maa aankh that makes it so special to me, because it helped me to move beyond intellectualizing about being religious and spiritual, to actually Being

It is from this understanding that I have been informed to refer to this African American cross-spiritual practice as Kamitic/Kemetic shamanism because it offers various forms of healing including giving one a sense of purpose and access to forgotten knowledge (traditions). This is accomplished by entering into an altered mind state or a meditative/mediumistic state of mind, similar to dreaming, except one obtains information and power that can help them in their physical life. It works because it has always been a part of the plan for us to seek and connect with the Divine within our being in order to succeed in life.

I am aware that there are other Kamitic/Kemetic initiation systems that exist and I applaud the creators and founders of those systems, because they assisted me in realizing my divinity, as well. But the maa aankh is truly dear to me for several reasons.  The first is because it was derived from my most recent ancestors (my grandparents and great grandparents).  Second, since the maa aankh was derived from the Kongo Cross, which was created by the Kongo-Angolan people, a Bantu ethnic group, through it I was able to get a glimpse of my ancestral past. Last but not least, since the maa aankh also helped me to stretch back into time and get a glimpse of my Bantu ancestral memories, I was able to imagine and thus reconnect to those Bantu people that walked alongside the Nile River.  There simply is no greater joy than being able to reconnect to the Divine through your ancestral, cultural heritage, because once that connection is made there are unlimited possibilities as to how it can be expressed.  Another great advantage is that suddenly your small, limitless world all of sudden expands as you sense the cultural connection between you and others. Everything takes on a new meaning not because you intellectualize it but, because you see the spiritual significance of it. Like Capoeira before I saw it as a beautiful Afro-Brazilian art, but after my experience I see it as totally integral with my way of life.  When I do play in a a roda, I found myself easily going into the au (cartwheel) to access power or axe’ (ashe) from below (within, from the ancestors, etc. however you want to look at it).  Dancing rather it be to Mary Mary’s God in Me, Machel Montano’s Too Young to Soca, Bob Marley’s Soul Shake Down Party, Holwin Wolf Smokestack Lightnin to Celena Gonzalez’ Santa Barbara or Bamboleo’s Tecapacita.  It all has new meaning because even dancing helps to propel into the mystical realm some refer to as Zen.   It is all part of the awakening experience where one is blessed, and his or her talents are awakened, as they feel the Spirit, hence ANOINTING.

Simply put, it is a spiritual system that acknowledges our divinity because it is based upon our biological and cultural identity/self.

Amun Ra

For more information see MAA AANKH: Finding God the Afro-American Spiritual Way,
by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits
by Derric Moore

Copyright 2010 Land of Kam

Was Jesus Initiated in Kemet?

17 04 2010

HTP (Peace) Fam.

A lot of people would like to know was Jesus a Kamitic initiate. Well, it is not known for sure if he was or wasn’t. I wondered about this when I was growing up, which is part of the reason why I embarked upon this journey so many years ago.  You see, I remember being told when I was younger that the Egyptians were a horrible idol worshipping people that enslaved the “Chosen People” of God. But, I couldn’t for the like of me understand that if the Kamitic people were so evil, why the Daniel, the kid that had the coat of many colors, serve as a vizier? Why did the Joseph flee with Mary and Jesus to Kemet or Kamit, and stay for so long if they were enemies of God?

Then when I got older and continued my research, I wondered why was Moses according to Acts 7:20-22 educated in the ways of the Kamitic people, if the Kamitic people were so evil? It would take years for me to discover that it is because God never cursed or considered the Kamitic people to be evil. This was a gross assumption that someone made and they ran with it. It was another way of trying to promote the twisted theory that the descendants of Ham or Kam were a cursed and wicked people. People swallowed it hook and bait because the bible was interpreted literally and has been used as a world history book.

When it is understood that the bible is all about the genealogical seed of Adam and it is interpreted from that perspective of how anyone can achieve great things. It becomes easy to see why our ancestors in the Americas, kin in Caribbean (Rastafarians) and martyrs like Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, Marcus Garvey, Elijah Muhammad, Haile Selassie, Malcolm X, and Civil Rights leaders like Martin L. King Jr. and others were able to use the bible as a tool against racism and slavery. They understood the ancient African science of conjuring.

When you understand the power of the Spirit in relation to the Soul, Kamit metaphorically and metaphysically speaking becomes a port of entry. We enter Kamit every time we close our eyes, but only a few of the biblical characters actually were initiated into it. Does it make sense now, why Moses and Jesus went to Kamit?

For a complete discourse and in-depth analysis see:
MAA AANKH: Finding God the Afro-American Way, by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits.

The Truth About Kamitic/Kemetic Spirituality: What about Jesus Part 2

11 04 2010

Hey Fam.

Interesting thing. This just came to me…Acts 17:20 “You are bringing some strange ideas to our ears, we want to know what they mean.”

So, I want people to understand that true spirituality from my experience is not anti-religion and for that matter it is not anti-Christian.  Hell.  Since I have embarked upon this journey I have practiced more Christian tenets than I ever wanted to and you know the reason why? Because the true tenets or laws of Christianity aren’t Christian, they are Ancient Egyptian! (Actually they are older than that but, that’s another story).

People get this confused I think because they are so mesmerized by the Kamitic mental science. All of these scholars have come out saying that the Western religions are derived from the Kamitic religion. Then when life puts them in a situation where they have to practice what they preach like “oneness” or forgive (“not forget“) but forgive, they say, “Oh. That’s teaching from the enemy”.  They think that Jesus created this whole thing about forgiveness…umm. If you read the Story of Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris), Oset (Aset, Auset, Isis) was the first one that taught about forgiveness, she had to forgive Set for all of the evil that he had done.  Forgiveness by the way is a Kamitic concept and principle based upon Maa, which is Kamitic/Kemetic for balance, law, order, justice and righteousness. Jesus simply broke it down in terms that the people he was talking to could understand, but he didn’t invent this concept and principle.  Did the Kamitic people invent it? Probably not, remember their ancestors were from the south. The point is who cares who invented it. What’s important is that we understand it and implement it to improve our lives.

You see, the problem with principles like these is that no one explained why you are supposed to forgive. Many of us are still screwed up by the Civil Rights Movement and can’t believe that our folks didn’t strike back when the dogs, fire hydrant, spit and all sorts of other things were done to them.  I can still hear it, “Couldn’t have been me.” Right?

Well, I can’t explain it because it is something you have to experience…that is true spirituality. It can’t be theorized. When all you do is think about it, all you are doing is intellectualizing it and not applying it, which doesn’t go far. is what I mean by throwing out the baby and the bathwater.  If you accept that the origins of the Western religion comes from Kamit/Kemet, then Kamitic/Kemetic spirituality is all about getting the FULL PICTURE, the whole message straight from the horse’s mouth sort of speak. When you have confusion, setbacks, etc. it is because from the Kamitic perspective, you only got one side of the picture, one piece of the pie, one eye (which is why Hru had to flee in the Story of Osar) because Set gouged his eye out. This is illustrated on the maa aankh as being in the red or the RED LANDS, which is TASETT, the land of confusion, conflict and chaos ruled by Set. You have to focus on getting out of the a chaotic, war state because you’re at the Ra moment.

The full picture comes from traveling to the other side, to the fertile lands below, the mysterious land of our ancestors, the spiritual realm within our being, the beautiful BLACK LANDS OF KAMTA. It requires that you become receptive and you move to the Amun Ra moment.  Oh come and go with me, it is so peaceful :).

You know, I had the hardest time trying to make things work for me spiritually because I threw out everything. It wasn’t until I dragged myself to this realization (like Hru) that things began to change and I was reborn.  It wasn’t until I was reminded that the whole purpose of me embarking upon this journey was to learn how the Kamitic/Kemetic people used the same Holy Ghost that Christians talked about to build their society.
An example of what I mean by practicing Kamitic or shall we say pre-Christian tenets, I once upon a time had to bite a hole in my tongue, suck in my gut and swallow that pride in the face of my enemy, and after I did it. Surprisingly, he donated some money to me and my cause, about a $150 worth.  Now, some can call it magic, others can call it a miracle; I call it the Power of God or Rau at work because I didn’t pick and choose what principles I would follow. What would you call it?

For more info check out:

What about Jesus & Kamitic/Kemetic Spirituality?, Why other people’s faiths don’t work for us? , Message from the Spirit through the WIZ

For a complete discourse and in-depth analysis see:
MAA AANKH: Finding God the Afro-American Way, by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits.