The Reason You Are Discouraged from Practicing True Kemetic Spirituality

25 09 2017

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family

Have you ever wondered why filmmakers continue to make ridiculous sci-fi horror movies like X-Men Apocalypse, The Mummy and other films about the Kemetic/Kamitic (Ancient Africans of the Nile Valley) suggesting that they worshipped idols, glorified the dead and/or were fascinated with the end of the world?  I mean have you ever thought about how Kemet was the greatest civilization in the ancient world, yet Western religion and filmmakers tell us that these ancient people who lived for thousands of years and taught the Western fathers of thought, did not know there was a Supreme Being and they worshipped the dead? That’s ridiculous and does not make sense does it?

When we really study ancient world history we find that Kemet/Kamit is considered the greatest civilization that existed because it was the longest standing African society and the most influential culture in the history of the world. For generations Kemet has inspired millions of people from all over the world because just a glimpse at any of the Kemetic artifacts has the ability to strike awe. As a result, since Kemetic spirituality permeated every aspect of the Kemetic reality, Western scholars from all over the planet have tried to understand the spirituality of the Kemeic people, in order to better comprehend how this culture that gave the world philosophy, mathematics, science, engineering, medicine, etc. with such limited technology. Western scholars have speculated and created numerous ridiculous theories, from an alien culture descending from Eurasia into Africa, and creating the Kemetic culture then mysteriously disappearing, to alien race of beings descending from space and flying away in their UFOs.

But, the truth about Kemetic/Kamitic spirituality have never been hidden or a secret as Western scholars proclaim.  Think about it. The same people that have blatantly copied everything that they could from the Kemetic society does not understand what the basis of Kemetic/Kamitic spirituality.  No. Westerners have known for years what Kemetic/Kamitic spirituality was all about. They just refuse to publicize.

Westerners first learned about Kemetic/Kamitic spirituality when Howard Carter began investigating the tomb of King Tutankhamen.  It was at that moment Westerners learned that the deceased king was given food, drinks, building tools, sculptures, boats, weapons and everything that he needed.  The truth that Westerners refuse to publicize is that the human soul cannot die.

Consequently, to ensure that this spiritual truth is never realized by the greater majority, Westerners continue to propagate the myth the Kemetic/Kamitic people (and their Sub-Saharan African descendants) worship idols and the dead.

Why do Western scholars refuse to publicize that the basis of the Kemetic spirituality is that the human soul cannot die?

Because it is a direct contradiction to Western religious belief that there is only one individual who has survived death. When in truth, we all survive death. In other words, the Supreme Being does not have one son and does not favor one particular group of people. We are all Children of the Divine because we are all gods and goddesses having a human experience.  Westerners know that if people accept this concept, then people would cease relinquishing their power to external forces and instead take responsibility for their lives and salvation.

Once it is understood that it is a myth that God has an “only begotten son” and that it is a myth that this figure called Jesus is the only being to descend into hell and ascend to heaven, thus giving him the power to cast people into heaven or hell. Instead accepted that we are all the Divine’s “begotten sons and daughters,”  which means that just like the Divine cannot die the immortal part of our being (our Ab/human soul) cannot die.   Then, verify this theory by communicating with our ancestors via dreams and divination, that the human soul does not die.

Then the greatest fear that Western religion holds over us would cease and we will cease to fear death.

Therefore, the reason you are discouraged from truly practicing Kemetic/Kamitic spirituality is to prevent you from taking control of your life. However, once you realize that you cannot die, you lose your fear and will courageously accept any challenge knowing that in the end, you are destined to win. In other words, once you drop your religion, you will find God.




4 responses

25 09 2017

Reblogged this on irOk Woo and commented:
“Why do Western scholars refuse to publicize that the basis of the Kemetic spirituality is that the human soul cannot die?

Because it is a direct contradiction to Western religious belief that there is only one individual who has survived death. When in truth, we all survive death. In other words, the Supreme Being does not have one son and does not favor one particular group of people. We are all Children of the Divine because we are all gods and goddesses having a human experience. Westerners know that if people accept this concept, then people would cease relinquishing their power to external forces and instead take responsibility for their lives and salvation.”

26 09 2017

Most excellent!

Another reason why they continue to lie is to save their imagery of the most powerful, ingenious race that ever existed. White supremacy is based on black inferiority. To tell the truth would be catastrophic.

9 01 2018
Third time lucky! | One Tawny Stranger

[…] Not surprising since they have so little ancestral connection, if any. […]

18 04 2019

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Keep up the great writing.

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