Much Respek for Luke Cage’s Anansi (Sahr Ngaujah)

12 08 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

Ok. I just finished watching Luke Cage Season 2, and I am not going to spoil it for those who have not seen it, but I thought it was descent.  The best character and the most profound scene was by Sahr Ngaujah who plays the character Anansi. His performance and monologue was so profound that I found it interesting that no one in the “woke” community caught it.

But, before I go into it, this season 2 has several antagonists. First, there is Mariah “Black Mariah” Dillard (Cornell’s “Cottonmouth” Stoke’s cousin) and Hernan “Shades” Alvarez returns from last season, but there is a villain named John “Bushmaster” McIver.

Bushmaster (Luke Cage 2)

Now, Bushmaster is portrayed as a crazed Jamaican who is obsessed with killing Mariah and any other Stokes that is alive. When he first encounters the protagonist Luke Cage, Bushmaster gives him a serious beatdown because he uses a Maroon fighting style known as Bangaran, which is similar to Capoeira minus the “jinga” dancing step. Sidebar: Denzel Washington and Robert Townsend did a form of bangaran in the classic film The Mighty Quinn. Anyway, you find out later that reason Bushmaster is out to kill Mariah is because the Stokes murdered his family and stole his inheritance.

Bushmaster fight Luke Cage

So, like I said, I am not going through the whole season. I am just going to say that the best, the coldest, the most relevant to our situation and the most profound scene that explains most of our situation occurs between in episode 24 “The Creator.”

In the scene, Shades and Mariah kidnaps Bushmaster’s Uncle Paul “Anansi” McIntosh. (Sidebar: Anansi is the name of the Akan Ellegua or trickster spirit who manifests himself as a spider, who became Aunt Nancy in the United States. The name Anansi is also featured in the show American Gods 2 as Mr. Nancy shown above.)

Anansi (Sahr Ngaujah) in Luke Cage 2.

Anyway, they are discussing how her grandfather “Buggy Stokes” stole Bushmaster’s father (Quincy McIver) distillery.

Mariah tells Anansi that afterwards, “The Italian gangsters took the liquor. The Irish cop’s protection but we (Stokes) kept the real-estate.”

Anansi responds saying “Yuh grandfather was a slave.”

Mariah retaliates, “Buggy Stokes was freer than you will ever be.”

Anansi, “That’s the problem with you, Yankee. Yuh nuh have the strength to fight yuh masters dem. Yuh lazy. Yuh content with the scraps. Yuh happy to sing and dance for dem.“

Mariah responds saying, “Oh, please. Every Jamaican talks that Marron bullshit.”

What, y;all didn’t get your freedom–What? 1962. And then you got enslaved by the World Bank.  All you’re known for is Marley, marijuana and murder.

Anansi tells Mariah, “Quincy McIver wanted to fight the Italians and di Irish. Him thought Buggy would’ve had him back.”

Mariah finishes saying, “Buggy could only fight for one family. And he chose the right one.”

And, it is here we see the entire psychological and social issue that most of us suffer from without even noticing. It interesting that none of the “woke” community has even spoke about it.  First, if you ever watched the first season of Luke Cage you know that Mariah has serious self-identity and self-love issues. She rose to power (spoiler alert for those who have not watched  season 1) because her cousin teased her by repeating a horrible nickname “Black Mariah,” which led to his death.  In the beginning of season 2, Mariah is persuaded to make a deal by another Black American gangster who discourages her from working with (paraphrase) “Cigar Smoking Blacks, Caribbean Blacks, Rum Drinking Blacks” (derogatory shots to Blacks in the Caribbean) and encourage her to work only with Mississippi Blacks (American Blacks).

Anansi’s statement to Mariah that, “That’s the problem with you, Yankee. Yuh nuh have the strength to fight yuh masters dem.  Yuh lazy. Yuh content with the scraps. Yuh happy to sing and dance for dem.“

She totally missed what Anansi was saying because like most people she did not know her history. The Maroon’s is a generic and derogatory term from the Spanish word cimarrón, that was corrupted in English to maroon to mean “wild, unruly and runaway slave.”

Family. The Maroons were not a single or separate race of people. They were Africans forcefully brought to the Americans and forced to be slaves, who had had enough and fled into the wild to make their own life. Many of the “Maroons” banded with the indigenous people of the land and built numerous communities all throughout the Americas and they warred with the Europeans to defend their land.  This is reflected in Bushmaster who has hazel colored eyes, was blessed by his grandmother who was an Obeah woman, etc.

Most people have only vaguely heard of the Jamaican Maroon community and think that the term Maroon only refers to escaped Africans there.  But, there were Maroons they escaped and settled with the Taino in Haiti, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Haiti, Cuba, and Puerto Rico. The Maroons in the United States were the infamous Seminoles in Florida, that no one wants to really talk about. Not to mention the Africans who joined forces with the indigenous in Louisiana and Mississippi.  In fact, any African American who has an affinity with the Native American spirit Black Hawk will be surprised to find that it has nothing to do with how many are portraying him. It is drawing back to this Maroon spiritual connection, which means you may have some African ancestry who were Maroons.

Maroon culture promoted in Jamaica courtesy of

There were Maroon cultures in Belize, Guatemala, Honduras and Nicaragua, and their descendants are the Garifuna.  There were Maroon cultures in Panama, Columbia, Ecuador and in Brazil, the most famous Maroon culture was called Palmares home of the legendary leader Zumbi dos Palmares, rumored to be the birthplace of the contemporary Capoeira.

There were also Maroons in Mexico where the most famous Angolan Maroon leader, Yanga Gaspar, was said to have beat the Spanish so bad that it led to a peace treaty, which eventually led to Mexico winning its independence. Yanga Gaspar is honored today in Veracruz, Mexico with a statue There were even Maroon communities in Canada.

In Jamaica the “Maroons” had two pivotal wars against the British that eventually led to the British signing a peace treaty with them. Jamaica’s independence had nothing to do with the Maroons but they tried to tie the two together to make “selling out” looking appeasing and make our indigenous culture look primitive, backwards and unimportant.

Killmonger of Black Panther

Again, it was another tip of the Marvel hat to put down indigenous African culture and African mindsets as they had done with the Killmonger character in Black Panther.

It makes you ask the question that if our indigenous mindset (culture and spirituality) is so primitive, backwards and unimportant, why don’t let us be?

It is because they know that it is not. The Maroon culture is the only culture within the Americas that has flipped the system because they know that they are the only ones who are mentally and spiritually free. Understand, Maroon culture focuses on going within. In fact, all throughout the series Anansi keeps reminding Bushmaster that true power comes from within.

The Maroons all over the Afro-Diaspora are the ones who understood that anyone you allow to give you your freedom is your slave master, and this is what Mariah missed as she was applauding her grandfather who murdered his own just to settle for scraps from the Italians and Irish mobs.

Family. I hope that this has inspired you to take a deeper look at Maroon culture so that you can understand what it really means to be mentally and spiritually free.  A lot of effort is being made so that we do not return to our original spiritual mindset. This world has nothing to offer us because our genius is within.

Don’t be fooled into thinking otherwise.


How to Escape the Cult and Get True Freedom

24 07 2014

Hetep Family. Greetings.


Funny thing. Some time ago, Martin Lawrence did an episode on his televsion show where he wanted to find himself before marrying the love of his life Gina, so he joined a cult.  His name was Brother Shaquille Sunflower and it was a very funny episode because Martin was basically taught to hate everything that he knew and only depend upon the cult and the cult leader, who later you find was a hypocrite herself. Anyway, I encourage you to watch it while it is syndication because it highlights how we were all enslaved to someone or something.

By now, most people have heard of the infamous Willie Lynch letter.  Although, it is not known if the letter or the author of it is fact or fiction, the process for making a slave essentially became the blueprint for enslaving all of humanity. And, since July 25 is the feast day of Saint James in Puerto Rico and Haiti, which forever changed the fate of humanity.  I felt it appropriate to title this post “How to Escape the Cult” because technically this is what we were all in. Let me explain.

Portuguese ship

Portuguese ship

Around 1419, Portuguese sailors began exploring how to navigate around the coast of Africa and in 1483.  Portuguese sailor Diogo Cão succeeded and managed to sail up the Congo River. As was the case in other areas where the Europeans first encountered an indigenous population, the people of the Kongo Kingdom initially avoided contact with the Portuguese sailors. Then most likely overwhelmed by the Portuguese technology contact had occurred, which eventually led to many in the Kongo Kingdom – particularly the Kongo nobles – to converting to Christianity around 1485.  When Cão returned back to Portugal, he left his men in the kingdom and took with him some Kongo nobles. Upon his return back around 1491, he brought with him Catholic priests, Portuguese soldiers and literate Kongo nobles.  It was at this time, the ruler of the Kongo Kingdom Nzinga a Nkuwu was baptized and in honor of the Portugual king changed his name to João I but is said to have later reverted back to his traditional beliefs.


St. James feast day is July 25.

João I ruled for a number years and died in 1506.  He was then succeeded by his son Mvemba a Nzinga also known as King Alphonso I.  According to Alphonso, he was challenged by his brother Mpanzu a Kitima but managed to defeat his brother through the help of Saint James and the Virgin Mary who appeared in the sky and frightened his adversaries. As a result, Alphonso I made Christianity the state religion. He then worked hard to establish a Catholic Church in the Kongo by creating a syncretic version of Christianity and sending his son Henrique who later became an ordained priest around 1518.

It is true that slavery was practiced throughout Africa and according to Alphonso’s records the slaves were prisoners of war most likely captives who opposed him and the kingdom’s expansion. These captives were sold to the Portuguese merchants but when Alphonso learned that many of the Portuguese were acquiring slaves illegally around 1526 he wrote the Portuguese king João II to put an end to the practice, but it continued.


When the first Africans were brought to the Americas, even though they were slaves initially they were treated as indentured servants whom the Portuguese sold to the Spanish. The status of these Africans and all other Africans changed when the enslaved indigenous Americans or Amerindians refused to work the mines and clear the land for their Portuguese and Spanish enslavers. As a result, the need for cheap yet strong workforce quickly became in demand, so the Portuguese and Spanish turned to the Africans for several reasons.  First, Old World diseases like smallpox and syphilis along with war inflicted upon the Amerindians, had just about decimated the indigenous population, but the Africans (who weren’t immune to these diseases) seemed to have a stronger resilience toward these illness.  Also, since the Africans weren’t indigenous to the land, it is also believed that they would not escape into the jungle as the Amerindians had done in the past.

The Atlantic African Slave Trade: Latin America--Cuba and Puerto Rico.  Courtesy of

The Atlantic African Slave Trade: Latin America–Cuba and Puerto Rico.
Courtesy of

Once the First Atlantic Slave Trade got along the way around the early 1500s, the Portuguese who kidnapped and enslaved the Africans, then traded them to the Spaniards, generated so much wealth in the process, that it attracted the Dutch, English and French to the trade.

Around the early 1600s, the English, Dutch, French and Portuguese initiated the Second Atlantic Slave Trade which kidnapped and traded slaves from the West of Africa, shipped them to the Caribbean and South America, and returned back to Europe with sugar, rum, hemp, tobacco, molasses and cotton. The first Africans to arrive at the English colony Jamestown, Virginia were from the Kongo – Angolan region around 1619, 41 years before slavery even began in North America in 1660.


Once the other European powers got involved in the trade, the English totally dominated it and slavery became totally race based, as Africans throughout West Africa were kidnapped, enslaved and shipped to the Americas. In response, Africans who were kidnapped and living in the Caribbean and South America had already begun revolting against the cruelty of the chattel system. Many had already begun revolting and/or creating “Maroon” colonies throughout the Caribbean and South America, like the revolt of San Miguel de Gualdape in 1526, the revolt of Gaspar Yanga near Veracruz, Mexico in 1570, and Quilombo dos Palmares led by numerous leaders including Zumbi, which existed in Brazil from 1605 to 1694.  It should be noted that when slavery began in 1660 in North America, the first documented revolt occurred in Gloucester Country, Virginia in 1663. Then in 1712 there was the New York Slave Revolt.


Revolts continued to take place wherever there were slaves. Although most people have heard about the Nat Turner revolt, there were numerous revolts that occurred in the North America.  These people resisted in every way they could from burning and sabotaging crop production to spiritually resisting, which led the Africans and their descendants in Hispanola to win Haiti’s independence in 1804.


It is not known if a clandestine group gathered together to conspire this act or not, but in response to the numerous revolts it would seem that around the start of the 18th century, King William III issued a charter to the Anglican Church establishing the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts or simply the SPG in 1701. The SPG was tasked with evangelizing to the slaves and Native Americans throughout the British colonies, but upon doing so they faced a dilemma. They noticed in North America, that the slave owners were staunchly against their slaves being Christianized because they didn’t want their captives confusing their freedom from sin to mean freedom from slavery. So, in a desperate attempt to placate the concerns of the slave owners and meet their religious charge, the missionaries from the SPG perverted the loving, peaceful, equal rights teachings of Jesus Christ to justify slavery, by introducing the Curse of Ham.  Thus, rationalizing that it was by divine decree that any person of dark skin was supposed to be a slave because they were children of Canaan and therefore wild, heathen, mindless beast and through slavery they could be civilized.

Again, it is not known if this was the original intention but the process totally dehumanize all people of color, especially those of African descent, so that they would continue to be slaves and not have to import slaves from Africa anymore. By teaching this perverted form of Christianity, the Anglican missionaries were in essence creating  docile, non-thinking human beings that would be forever dependent upon the dominating system. This new type of human being was different from all other human beings because all people naturally learn to love themselves by divine right. Anything that teaches otherwise is simply contrary to nature.

This new human being that slavery created believed that their origin is what the slave master, conquering culture or dominating system (religion, science, etc.) claims. Now, at this time it should be noted that every culture that has ever walked the earth, has had a theory on how they were created. And, I state again, they are all “theories,” but only one particular culture has come out and told others that their “theories” are incorrect, silly and wrong. In other words, only one culture has denied the rest of the world population that right to express their own beliefs and opinions.

Consequently, this new creature identifies first and foremost with the so-called children of Ham, the Canaanites (or any biblical reference) as a point of origin, because they have been convinced that their theories about life are incorrect. Therefore, they are coaxed to believe that everything the  Christian bible (or the Koran) states is historically accurate.  This coupled with the technology of the dominating group convinces people that ancestral and traditional way of life as compared to that of the Christian and Muslim, is not only inferior but silly, superstitious, backwards and uncivilized. This is why to this day, despite the fact that Africa is a continent and it has numerous countries with numerous major cities. People still to this day are under the impression that Africa is full of uncivilized, idol worshiping heathens dwelling in the jungle.

Maputo, Mozambique

Maputo, Mozambique

So anything associated with the old ways is seen by the new creature as being wild, uncivilized and therefore evil. For instance, the new creature sees the problems occurring in Haiti as being a punishment from God because of their involvement with Vodou, but fails to see or understand that it was Christianity and Western imperialism that forced the Haitians into slavery. The whole slavery system it was further contributed to their financial demise and like many of the countries in Africa, Haiti’s economy and government has suffered due to corruption and civil strife, encouraged and supported by the existing Western powers, and the only thing that helped them to survive was Vodou, which they used to win their independence.

Haitian Revolution

Haitian Revolution

Only keen individuals like the Kongo King João I are able to see that Christianity (and all of these dogmatic religions) are symbols of status quo that show social progress. In other words, if you want to be rich and on the winning team, you better belong to one of these major religions. If not, then you will be punished by their god’s wrath.

Kouzen Zaka

Kouzen Zaka the Minister of Agriculture

This is the reason Christianity is spreading throughout Latin America and Islam throughout Africa, again by force, because associated with their peace, love, god fearing, justice seeking and unity messages on one hand; is the hypocritical and brutal treatment of those who don’t believe as the masses do.  In other words, the brutal treatment of those who don’t want to be enslaved based upon their ethnicity, race, sex or creed and want to have the right to belief whatever they choose to believe.   This is why these people revolted against slavery, because they understood their God given right to exist and realized that no one can deny them of it.

The new creature has an extremely negative view about all people of color particularly people of African descent because it has been strongly impressed upon his and her psyche that the only God given rights they have are the one’s that are given to him or her by any of these major religions they belong to.Therefore, if you don’t belong to the same religious group, organization, political party, etc. then you are prime to be conquered.

As you can see, the process to create a slave, where one has no self-pride, no self-discipline and simply is docile, while waiting to be saved (physically, financially, emotionally, etc.) from a great savior in this life or the afterlife, and totally dependent upon his or her savior, was created during slavery, but this “cult show” was taken abroad to exploit all people.

Again, prior to this period you will find that people warred against each other but not based upon color, race, sex or creed. It was always over resources because another was infringing upon another’s God given rights.  The wars also didn’t last forever nor were the people trying to eradicate another off the face of the earth. This all changed due to slavery.


Now, the untold story is that the Africans and their descendants didn’t just lie down and accept their fate. Many of them like the Native Americans saw through the hypocrisy like Frederick Douglas who was quoted saying:

“I love the pure, peaceable, and impartial Christianity of Christ: I therefore hate the corrupt, slaveholding, women-whipping, cradle-plundering, partial and hypocritical Christianity of this land. Indeed, I can see no reason, but the most deceitful one, for calling the religion of this land Christianity. I look upon it as the climax of all misnomers, the boldest of all frauds, and the grossest of all libels. Never was there a clearer case of “stealing the livery of the court of heaven to serve the devil in.” I am filled with unutterable loathing when I contemplate the religious pomp and show, together with the horrible inconsistencies, which everywhere surround me. We have men-stealers for ministers, women whippers for missionaries, and cradle-plunderers for church members. The man who wields the blood clotted cow skin during the week fills the pulpit on Sunday, and claims to be a minister of the meek and lowly Jesus. The man who robs me of my earnings at the end of each week meets me as a class-leader on Sunday morning, to show me the way of life, and the path of salvation. He who sells my sister, for purposes of prostitution, stands forth as the pious advocate of purity. He who proclaims it a religious duty to read the Bible denies me the right of learning to read the name of the God who made me. He who is the religious advocate of marriage robs whole millions of its sacred influence, and leaves them to the ravages of wholesale pollution. The warm defender of the sacredness of the family relation is the same that scatters whole families,–sundering husbands and wives, parents and children, sisters and brothers,–leaving the hut vacant, and the hearth desolate. We see the thief preaching against theft, and the adulterer against adultery. We have men sold to build churches, women sold to support the gospel, and babes sold to purchase Bibles for the POOR HEATHEN! ALL FOR THE GLORY OF GOD AND THE GOOD OF SOULS! The slave auctioneer’s bell and the church-going bell chime in with each other, and the bitter cries of the heart-broken slave are drowned in the religious shouts of his pious master. Revivals of religion and revivals in the slave-trade go hand in hand together. The slave prison and the church stand near each other. The clanking of fetters and the rattling of chains in the prison, and the pious psalm and solemn prayer in the church, may be heard at the same time. The dealers in the bodies and souls of men erect their stand in the presence of the pulpit, and they mutually help each other. The dealer gives his blood-stained gold to support the pulpit, and the pulpit, in return, covers his infernal business with the garb of Christianity. Here we have religion and robbery the allies of each other -devils dressed in angels’ robes, and hell presenting the semblance of paradise.” 

– Frederick Douglass,Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass


Part of the reason, many Africans and their descendants were able to see through the hypocrisy was because remember, the first Africans brought to the Americas – particularly North America – were from the Kongo – Angolan region.


Kongo Cross

The Kongo-Angolan people you will recall were either Christian or already had a working knowledge of the Christian faith prior to the Gospel being perverted, because King Alphonso I created a practical syncretism between their traditional and the Christian beliefs. Part of the syncretic process consisted of merging the Kongo Cross with the Christian crucifix, which is why the Kongo Cross survived in America, along with other remnants of our Kongo ancestral past.

Kongo Cross used for Ventilation during Underground Railroad

Kongo Cross used for Ventilation during Underground Railroad

Although, everything is not known about the role the Kongo Cross played in the survival of our ancestors and their legacy, it is known that it was one of the key markers used in the Underground Railroad in Savannah, Georgia.

First African Baptist Sanctuary stain glass windows

First African Baptist Sanctuary stain glass windows

In fact, the church is full of Kongo motifs, which have been found throughout the southern United States.   This means that the way to reverse the cult making process is to invest in the traditional ways of their ancestors. This is the only way to overcome the self-hatred, self-loathing, self-destructive and idle behavior that forces us to become slaves to any system except the spirit of the Divine dwelling within us.


It all boils down to the fact that no religion can promise you what is already yours, which is freedom – a God given right. This is what Martin had to learn in the episode and what we all need to realize.  As Children of the Divine, we were all born free and there is no man made rhetoric that is needed to explain who, what and how it happened. This I believe is what Alphonso I realized, which is why he created a syncretic or Africanized Christianity prior to the Second Atlantic Slave Trade.

 baphomet devil

Now, so that we don’t get distracted, diverted and make something the scapegoat, we have to understand that the true enemy is not a particular group of people, congregation, affiliation, etc. It is not even the original teachers of these religions or the religions themselves, because most of the original concepts are all universal truths.  The problem as I showed earlier, was that our ancestors – the Africans and the Native Americans – fell for this trick bag in the first place is because they failed to see their own self-worth. As a result, it became easy for the Europeans and their descendants to enslave nations of people based upon the color of one’s skin and creed. The reason they failed to see their own self – worth is because they were influenced by the devil, who is the only one that convinces people to hate themselves and idolize another.

Now, when I say the devil, I am not talking about the  pointed ear, red horned, goat head man running around with a pitchfork described as being the epitome of evil and the one who fights against his own Creator. No. The devil is described as being a low, beast like, half human creature because he is our Ego and every culture has a similar description of evil as being egocentric energy that seduces us based upon passions. This is why if you read the history of all of dogmatic religions you will find that they enslaved and forced people to convert to their religious beliefs.

Hru and Set - Fighting the Devil Within

Hru and Set – Fighting the Devil Within

You will find it always had to do with sex, money and power, which is the reason the Kamitic people called this egocentric energy – Set who later became Satan.  It is our own lower self that we have to fight.  This is why if you look at the corruption occurring in the major religions, organizations and government you will find it is the same vices, sex, money and power, which are all Ego driven. This means that essentially regardless of the name, there is only one religion and it is really the Cult of the Ego.

This is why our liberation from these Egocentric Cults is to  adopt a nondogmatic traditional belief like the Maa Aankh, which will reteach us about our divinity, self-worth and self – discipline. The reason is because if not we will continue to active members in the Cults of the Ego.


That’s right we are all members belonging to the Cults of the Ego. Want proof? Well, only our Ego is the only force that will tell us that we are not worthy, ugly and inhuman.  It is the only force that will encourage us to alter our appearance (usually chemically) and to give up that which has helped us to survive this far, for something that is greener on the other side of the fence.  It is the only power that will convince us that in order to receive approval we need to conquer others through either sex, money and/or power.  Most of the higher officials know that it is all a ploy, which is why they are not that devout and usually many of them get caught in some sex scandal, money scheme, etc. This is why in the Martin episode, the cult leader after seeing she had Martin under her thumb and totally depended upon her financially, emotionally and spiritually tried to seduce him.

If you still don’t believe that you are an active member of this cult. The ultimate test is this, if you can’t observe a people practicing a traditional or pagan religion, objectively without criticizing and accusing them of being idol worshipers, heathens, etc. and seeing the beauty of their tradition. Then the devil has you in his trick bag, because you are only a few steps away of condemning and persecuting others for not believing what you believe.

In order to escape the Cult of the Ego and see your true enemy, you need to ask yourself two question:

1. Who has the most to gain from your involvement in this Cult? Or, what happens if you leave the Cult?

2. Is it really improving your life?

Again, it is important that you understand this for several reasons.  The first is so that you don’t throw out the baby with the bathwater and have an enmity against everything and everyone associated with the cult, because you will do yourself a disservice if you do this. Not to mention that at this point in the game, every friend is not an ally and every enemy is not a foe. The second reason, is so that you leave one Cult of the Ego and join another Cult of the Ego, which usually occurs with people leaving one religion and joining another, or one movement and joining another, or looking for a particular savior or leader.  Remember, the Cult of the Ego teaches that one is not worthy, one is ugly, one cannot prosper unless they receive approval from others, etc. It suffocates your divinity.

When you truly understand that your true enemy is your Ego, then you will see that anything and everyone that your Ego endorses is against your divine nature, and it will show through their actions and words. Once you see the devil for what he is – your lower self – and understand how your Ego tricks you into staying in the Cult of Ego.

Then you can break free of him, because you will see that the only power the devil has over you, is the power you give him.