Damn! Aren’t You Tired of Trying to Overcome Someday? (Why the 60s Failed)

22 02 2019

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

First, let me start by saying one more time that I am grateful for the sacrifices and contributions that those before us have made. It is the main reason we are able to talk and express ourselves freely. In fact, I recall Brother Bobby Hemmit saying in one lecture how because of the Civil Rights Movement, he could go any  occult and metaphysical shop in the south, which could not be achieved had it not been for desegregation.  Now, that being said, let’s use this time and platform to talk real.

So, every time it is Black History Month, after going through the list of names of people and the contributions they made. Eventually we come to that period in time that leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, the Civil Rights era where we see the same images of people having fire hoses turned against them, dogs attack them and literally folks being beat down for basic rights.  For some strange odd reason (or not) after listing all of the sacrifices and contributions that were made, Black History Month celebrated in most churches and communities around the country always seems to conclude with us all singing (all together…yes I am a bit cynical today) “We Shall Overcome.”

You might get mad with me but so what. It needs to be said. It always concludes with folks begging to be treated equal.

When we folks get it? After all of the contributions, all of the sacrifices, all of the inventions, all of the advancements, etc. If you still have to sing, “We shall overcome…” They are not going to let you OVERCOME.

I mean seriously…am I the only one who can see this? Why are folks so concerned with trying to get other people to accept and respect them? I mean, when you see a bum on the street begging for change, do you respect them as your equal? No. You respect them as a human being but that’s it. If you respect them as your equal, then take them inside of your home with your family them.  If you have commonsense you will not, but this is what folks keep doing every year by asking to be accepted by compromising their ancestral principles.

Now, let’s talk spiritually plain.  The reason folks keep singing this and coming back asking about “What happened in the 1960s?” Is because a type of soul loss occurred. Yeah, folks lost their mind because it was a traumatic era but it has never been recovered because we keep looking at history from a western cultural perspective.

In western society, the purpose of history is to tell his-story which is simply a list of names, dates and faces.  We read and study history from a western cultural perspective much like we do with Kemetic, Akan, Yoruba, Kongo, etc. history. We don’t study history from our own cultural perspective, which is to invoke it by talking to our Ancestors who lived during that time.

Family. In the Story of Osar, Hru (Heru, Horus) defeats Set because Djahuti (Tahuti, Tehuti, Thoth) performs a ceremony that allows the deceased Osar (Ancestor) to speak.

The reason the 60s, 70s and every decade afterward has failed us is because our folks did not invoke their Ancestors and Spirit Guides. If they had invoked their Ancestors and Guides, our spirits of the dead would have reminded them just like Osar reminded the tribunal of the evils that were perpetrated on folks for 400+ years prior to the 1960s.  Instead, folks want to forgive and forget that slavery ever occurred, yet complain about how things are not fair in contemporary times.  If they had invoked the ancestors, the ancestors would have given them dreams of deals being made in secret, etc.

It is interesting that folks are willing to forgive and forget slavery so easily yet, they can’t even forgive or forget the $20 they lent a family member or friend.

HRU (Heru, Horus)

Family, we need to change this. If you know how to work with your ancestors and spirit guides, you need to start really communicating with them because if not. These people who are chasing the selfish American dream are going to lead everyone off the cliff.  This is the time we need our ancestors and spirit guides foresight and insight more than ever.  The only way we as Hru can reclaim our birthright is with the help of our Osares.


Damn! Aren't You Tired of Trying to Overcome Someday? (Why the 60s Failed)

22 02 2019

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
First, let me start by saying one more time that I am grateful for the sacrifices and contributions that those before us have made. It is the main reason we are able to talk and express ourselves freely. In fact, I recall Brother Bobby Hemmit saying in one lecture how because of the Civil Rights Movement, he could go any  occult and metaphysical shop in the south, which could not be achieved had it not been for desegregation.  Now, that being said, let’s use this time and platform to talk real.

So, every time it is Black History Month, after going through the list of names of people and the contributions they made. Eventually we come to that period in time that leaves a bad taste in everyone’s mouth, the Civil Rights era where we see the same images of people having fire hoses turned against them, dogs attack them and literally folks being beat down for basic rights.  For some strange odd reason (or not) after listing all of the sacrifices and contributions that were made, Black History Month celebrated in most churches and communities around the country always seems to conclude with us all singing (all together…yes I am a bit cynical today) “We Shall Overcome.”
You might get mad with me but so what. It needs to be said. It always concludes with folks begging to be treated equal.
When we folks get it? After all of the contributions, all of the sacrifices, all of the inventions, all of the advancements, etc. If you still have to sing, “We shall overcome…” They are not going to let you OVERCOME.
I mean seriously…am I the only one who can see this? Why are folks so concerned with trying to get other people to accept and respect them? I mean, when you see a bum on the street begging for change, do you respect them as your equal? No. You respect them as a human being but that’s it. If you respect them as your equal, then take them inside of your home with your family them.  If you have commonsense you will not, but this is what folks keep doing every year by asking to be accepted by compromising their ancestral principles.
Now, let’s talk spiritually plain.  The reason folks keep singing this and coming back asking about “What happened in the 1960s?” Is because a type of soul loss occurred. Yeah, folks lost their mind because it was a traumatic era but it has never been recovered because we keep looking at history from a western cultural perspective.
In western society, the purpose of history is to tell his-story which is simply a list of names, dates and faces.  We read and study history from a western cultural perspective much like we do with Kemetic, Akan, Yoruba, Kongo, etc. history. We don’t study history from our own cultural perspective, which is to invoke it by talking to our Ancestors who lived during that time.
Family. In the Story of Osar, Hru (Heru, Horus) defeats Set because Djahuti (Tahuti, Tehuti, Thoth) performs a ceremony that allows the deceased Osar (Ancestor) to speak.
The reason the 60s, 70s and every decade afterward has failed us is because our folks did not invoke their Ancestors and Spirit Guides. If they had invoked their Ancestors and Guides, our spirits of the dead would have reminded them just like Osar reminded the tribunal of the evils that were perpetrated on folks for 400+ years prior to the 1960s.  Instead, folks want to forgive and forget that slavery ever occurred, yet complain about how things are not fair in contemporary times.  If they had invoked the ancestors, the ancestors would have given them dreams of deals being made in secret, etc.
It is interesting that folks are willing to forgive and forget slavery so easily yet, they can’t even forgive or forget the $20 they lent a family member or friend.

HRU (Heru, Horus)

Family, we need to change this. If you know how to work with your ancestors and spirit guides, you need to start really communicating with them because if not. These people who are chasing the selfish American dream are going to lead everyone off the cliff.  This is the time we need our ancestors and spirit guides foresight and insight more than ever.  The only way we as Hru can reclaim our birthright is with the help of our Osares.

Why You Have Bad Luck and How the Ancestors Can Help

22 01 2019

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

We all know or have at least heard of someone who has a lot of bad luck. Such as the lady who keeps getting bad men or the guy who loses all of his savings by investing in a bad deal sponsored by his girlfriend. We also know or at least have heard of someone who just seems to be born lucky, but why aren’t we lucky and how can our spirits (the ancestors and spirit guides) help.

Well, first the reason most of us are not lucky because of our Christian upbringing.  If you were like me, you were most likely raised as a child in a strong Christian household and surrounded by overzealous believers who taught not to believe in luck but in the power of God.  The problem with this approach is that God is so ambiguous and abstract, it is hard for most people to focus on something that they do not understand. Besides no one really knows how God blesses people and what is the criteria for being blessed by God since the rules or laws seem to change per church and denomination.  For this reason, we continue to wish each other good luck in academics, performances, sporting events, etc. because it is awkward saying God bless you not knowing if God is going to bless you or not.  The other thing is, when people say “God bless you.”  It implies that your life is in “God’s” hands, so God can choose to bless you or not.

Consequently, most people have lost their luck because they were taught not to believe in it even though they do and taught to replace good luck with God’s blessings, but they do not know who God is.

I used to believe this as well but I learned that good and bad luck is not some supernatural force rooting in favor for us, but is basically a resulting force created by our beliefs and behaviors. I discovered this one day after buying my first car at a used car dealership lot. I remember I bought the car the day before payday so I was not able to get insurance until the next day.  So, I drove the car off the lot constantly thinking, “I hope I do not get into an accident.”  Well, to make a long story short, the next day it rain real hard and then it stopped and the sun shined like it does all the time in Florida. I was exiting the highway and as I looked into my rearview mirror, I saw this pickup trying its best to come to screeching stop. I remember saying, “He is going to hit me” and sure enough the driver in the pickup did just that.  The guy actually totaled my car.  I was alright and everyone involved was fine but because I did not have insurance I had to pay a fine.

Now, this taught me that my bad luck was created by my beliefs and behavior. It was my constant worrying about not having car insurance and not getting in accident that put me in a position to have an accident.

So, how does working with your spirits prevent you from having bad luck and increase your good luck. Well, when you work with your spirits you eventually come to the conclusion that many do not want you to realize, which is that your soul will survive death, hence you are immortal. The next thing you realize when working with the spirits of the dead is that you have a host of spirits surrounding and rooting in your favor because if you are successful then they are successful and vice versa.  Unlike “God” who has not vested interest in you.

This attitude that you will survive death and that you have a host of spirits surrounding you at all time, means that you can literally achieve any goal you set your mind to.  Since your spirits have no physical bodies, they can go anywhere at anytime and you can easily call upon them to offer you guidance.

That being said, here recently I was driving my car and suddenly I looked up and realized that I was going too fast, so I slowed down and let this driver that was riding my bumper pass.  As soon as I slowed down, a cop car pulled out and pulled over the car that has just passed me, hence the power of my spirits.

So, regularly honor and work with your spirits by keeping affirmative thoughts firmly in your mind and telling them what you want. For instance, when I want to be protected I say “Thank you for protecting me from danger seen and unseen.” I don’t worry how my spirits are going to protect me. I just know that they will.

Now, I know you might be wondering and asking if other people do this and if they don’t why should you. The simple answer to this is that historically our ancestors within this country did do this but stopped when we started giving a damn what other people think about our culture. As a result, we have fallen out of practice culturally but, if we take a proactive stance, instead of a reactive stance.  We can greatly improve all areas of our life.


When Did You Realize You Were A God/Goddess?

16 12 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

When did you realize you were a god/goddess? What was the first successful magick/miracle you performed that convinced you of your divinity?

For me, although I had heard people all over recite Psalms 82:6  which states: “I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.” And, John 10:34 that says “Jesus answered them, Is it not written in your law, I said, Ye are gods?”  I was not convinced that I was a god because I did not have any experience that supported this belief.

I didn’t realized I was a god until I studied the Maa Aankh cosmogram and understood that the flesh part of me, the physical part of my being, or the sahu (subconscious) part of my being is not the whole me.  Although I walk around and conduct my day-to-day affairs through my sahu out of habit, it is not only the physical manifestation of me but a very limited and minute part of my entire being. Hidden from physical sight is my more powerful and advanced spiritual self called my BA (Superconscious).

I remember that when it finally dawned on me that I am the Divine Being and that one part of my being is known (the sahu part), while the other part of me is an unknown mystery (the BA part).  It immediately made sense to me that the reason we all have so many problems in our life is because we try to solve our problems based upon our subconscious, habitual and conditioned sahu understanding personified as Set; instead of tapping into the Superconscious, infinite and unconditional BA personified as Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris).

In other words, the BA is the part of me that performs magick and miracles, which I will never understand because as soon as I comprehend it, that is when the magick and miracles ceases.

God allows magick to work, to show you that it is possible. – Unknown

I remember the first time, I tested my theory, I was unable to walk due to an illness and I had read a story of how a lady healed herself by promising to take Lazarus (Lazaro) statue’s crutches away from him.  Upon reading the story, automatically I heard thoughts of how this lady’s story was fake, silly and stupid. Immediately, all sorts of thoughts rushed my head about how ridiculous and impossible it would be to heal myself by taking away the crutches of a statue. I quickly identified this voice as my ego-self, my sahu personified as my Set, which only believes in what it sees and has been conditioned to accept as truth based upon my family and society’s standards.

When I did the little ritual to heal my body so that I could walk again by focusing on dancing and remembering that when the Yoruba orisha Babaluaiye was healed he danced out of sheer joy and excitement.  It was strange and weird to have the image of an old white man with crutches before me, but when I made the same promise to take away the crutches when I was healed. That is when it became apparent that the strangeness of the ritual triggered the Higher part of my being.  I know the ritual triggered it because I could feel my spidey-sense (scalp of my head) tingle.   That is when I realized that the BA does not distinguish between black and white images, which is something that a lot of people get hung up on because we like to see images of our selves instead of others. The BA understands that everything was Spirt and that Lazarus (Lazaro) symbolized that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be transformed like the soil of a cemetery becomes resting spot or container for departed souls. Therefore, Lazarus is Sokar, the Kemetic lord of the cemetery, which some also call Sekert (the feminine energy of death and resurrection), called Lazarus in Christianity also known as Omolu or Obaluwaye (Babaluaiye) the son of Nana Buluku.

Yes, my Higher Spirit knew this and even though I did not know how this miracle/magick was going to work.  This Higher part of my being understood it because as the Swiss psychiatrists stated, It is composed of “collective unconsciousness.”  This in strict laymen folk terms means “spirits” and when I issued a command  for the higher part of my being to accomplish the task of making me walk. I realized that it could work on multiple tasks all at the same time, while I live my day-to-day life dealing with other things. Metaphorically speaking, spirits and/or angels are working on my behalf based upon the command issued to them because they are an extension of my true Self.

That’s when it became clear, I am a god and later when I found myself running up and down the stairs because of an emergency. That’s when I realized that I created my own miracle/magick and therefore, I am the author of my own reality.

Family.  We have all been tricked into believing that we are powerless creatures of fate and that this physical reality that we have been born into is final. This thousand year old trick is due to us being taught that God is outside of our being and therefore even when we leave our birth religion.  We superimpose this same belief to other spiritual practices which results in us worshipping our ancestors and worshipping other entities outside of our being.

The Right Eye of Ra (Also known as the Solar Eye corresponds to literal and physical sight.)

The Right Eye of Ra , which is associated with the Ra moment on the Maa Aankh. It is also known as the Solar Eye and corresponds to literal and physical sight, hence the failure to see abstract and spiritual concepts.

The truth is that we are powerless if we rely solely upon the sahu part of our being, which is totally based upon what we have physically learned and been conditioned to accept, hence the Right Eye of Ra.

We cannot change our current situation using the same mindset that created them, hence the reason Set is called the Lord of Chaos and Confusion.

The only way to change our reality is by relying upon our Higher Self.  When we rely upon the Higher part of our being, the mystical and magickal part of our being, the BA (Divine Spark) gives us access to the power of the Divine.

All we need to do to change our reality is impress upon our Higher Spirit what we desire and want.

The key that we need to remember is that we need to stop worrying and thinking about how it works and accept that it works. You don’t know how electricity works yet, you are able to use it. The same approaches needs to be taken in regards to our BA.

We need to stop trying to convince and prove to other people that it works and just let it work. Magick is our cultural technology, which we have been taught to be ashamed of because others don’t understand it.

Family. If other people don’t believe it, so what. It is not our job to convince them or try to convert them to our way because our spirituality is not their (or anyone else’s for that matter) religion.

It is your religion, which means all that matters is that you believe it works.

All that matters is that you find a way to temporarily shut your sahu (subconscious) off so that you can access your BA (Superconscious).

 This means work your maa (truth, way)!

The Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

              The Two Eyes of Ra (Provide a Holistic Perspective)

So learn how to manifest what you want using candles. Learn how to work with spirits because quiet as kept, this is the Kemetic Way.


What Does Malcolm X Mean to You? (No Revolution without Money)

15 05 2010

May 19th marks one of the most heroic individuals in American history, the birthday of El Hajj Malik Shabazz better known to the world, as Malcolm X. Malcolm X was one of the most extraordinary individuals to walk this earth because unlike a lot of other heroes and martyrs that just appear on the scene as born leaders. Through Malcolm’s autobiography one is able to see Malcolm’s evolution from a young man unable to accomplish his dreams because of racism turned pimp, thief and street hustler to a champion of world causes after his pilgrimage to Mecca.

There are a lot of things that Malcolm accomplished in his lifetime and I am particular grateful for him and King for reasons not commonly mentioned and noticed. This is because I like a number of people see him as being what I refer to as a heroic ancestor, an aakhu. That is an ancestor that people from all over the world can look to for inspiration.

You see, coming from a Christian background and wondering if the faith my family professed to believe in was correct or not.  Both Malcolm and Martin in my eyes broke the religious dogma ceiling. To understand this it must be understood that prior to Malcolm and Martin coming on the scene.  I believe that a lot of people were still stuck in that spiritual rut that you had to belong to a particular faith or profess a particular belief in order to be saved.  If you did not belong to this particular faith, affiliation or denomination, it was assumed that you were going to hell. This dogmatic belief still exists in many religious organizations but it is slowly changing.

For me it changed after I learned that Malcolm met with a number of people from around the world. One of the individuals that Malcolm met with was Fidel Castro, which I forgot about until I met my padrino (godfather) a black Cuban, who talked extensively about Malcolm.  I remembered when I was learning about the Rastafarian Movement, I discovered that Malcolm’s autobiography was once banned in Jamaica.  Why I wondered.  It was because a lot of people could identify with Malcolm’s transformation and like Hon. Marcus Garvey his influence was strong and growing.

A lot of times, many of my Christian friends ask me how can I associate with people from various religious faiths? I tell them that it is because of Malcolm. Malcolm I remind them came from a Christian background. Malcolm’s father was a Christian preacher murdered by fellow men who claimed to be Christians.  There were a lot of traumatic events that took place in Malcolm’s young life, which made him hate God.  It was because of these events, there was no way that he was going to return to church.  God had to reach Malcolm another way, so it was through Hon. Elijah Muhammad’s Nation of Islam and finally Sunni Islam.   This is why he was able to accomplish so many things and appeared to be ahead of his time. It was because of Malcolm’s religious faith, he was able to meet with others and respect them for what they believe. A true example of what it means to be a follower of God is to be able to respect others regardless of what they believe. This takes a lot of spiritual courage and growth to do, which he and Martin both were able to accomplish.

It was through Malcolm and Martin’s heroic works and devotion that I came to understand that God is not concerned with our affiliation, background or what we call our selves. God is only concerned with the heroic works that we do for our loved ones, community and humanity overall.  Whatever affiliation, background, associations, etc. that we deal with is meant to help us to fulfill our destiny and do the works of God.  It has nothing to do directly with our relationship with the Divine.

This is important for us to understand because right now some of the most religious people in the world.  Are also the biggest warmongers and perpetrators of the most heinous crimes committed in the history of the world.  So, in this sense Malcolm symbolizes true revolution, true change by reestablishing what it means to be an ancestor, thus putting salvation back in man and woman’s hands. Meaning you are responsible for your own evolution, not God. Your spirituality is between you and God.  In other words if you were to physically die and see God, would God be pleased with what you are doing? This is one of the point symbolized on the maa aankh.

Another thing that Malcolm signified through his works is that you can’t have physical change without money. Could this be the reason why Malcolm met with Fidel to understand how to fund change? Not sure. What I am sure of is that you can’t create real lasting revolutionary change without any money. And, when I say money I am not talking about greenbacks, but assets baby!  This is something that we all need to learn about, the difference between assets and liabilities. Too many of us have liabilities and not enough assets.

So, this May 19 lets remember Malcolm not only for all of his cultural contributions.  Let’s honor his memory by reflecting upon what we need to do to become an honorable ancestors ourselves.   Let’s become more responsible for our own physical and spiritual salvation and the salvation of our communities.


Hope this helps.


Derric “Rau Khu” Moore

For a complete discourse see MAA AANKH: Finding God the Afro-American Way,
by Honoring the Ancestors and Guardian Spirits