F*** Karma! (What People Don’t Tell You About Karma)

13 10 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

OMG! I keep running into people who are ruled by this warped concept of karma.  I mean, I get it and I understand why so many people are stuck on it because we live in a western society that teaches us to focus on the superficial and the physical. In other words, we are taught to focus solely on everything that we see (and can assess with our five physical senses). Consequently, since most of the western religious institutions in the west only focus on what is “physically real” it creates a void in our spiritual education, which forces us to ask the question when things go wrong, s*** hits the fan and everything starts deviating from our plan:

“Why is this happening to me?”

“What did I do wrong?”

“What did I do to deserve this?”

That is when someone comes up and says, “It’s your karma.” Then, they explain it as such, “You are being punished for something you did in your past life.”

That’s BULLS***!  And, what’s worst is that they try to tie this BS karma concept to the Kemetic Maa.

Like I said, I get it! I used to err the same way until Spirit posed a few questions to me:

  1. Was it karma that brought about the genocide of many Amerindians (Native Americans) nations at the hands of the Europeans?
  2. Was it karma for the Africans to be bought, enslaved and forced to relinquish their cultural way of life by Arabs and Europeans?
  3. Is it karma for an antelope to die at the jaws of a lion, a sheep to a wolf, a chicken to a fox, a fly to a spider, etc.?

The idea that something wrong was done in the past, so to right the wrong suffering must exist in the present falls apart because if you know anything about history. Native Americans are not a homogenous group of people. I have not come across anything that states that one or several of their nations devastated and waged a genocidal war on another group of people or species.

Even, though we know that Africans (as well as other indigenous people) practiced a form of slavery, there are no records or stories that slavery was practiced  with such cruelty, brutality and so sadistically as it was practiced by Arabs and Europeans.   In fact, in the few African nations that practiced slavery, it was supposed to right the wrong that these individual committed, which is why after the enslaved individual served their life of servitude.  They were allowed to leave and/or rejoin the society. This was the case for both Native Americans and Africans.

My point is where was karma for these people who were done a great injustice and how come karma is not righting the wrong done to them by others?

Family. We have to understand that the whole idea that something bad happening to you is karma or the Universe punishing us for past life crimes is STUPID because it would mean that we are all locked in a vicious cycle of return. Meaning for instance, someone wronged me, so in the next life I am going to get them back, but in the next life. They are going to get me….but hold up! I am going to get them back in the next life and have the last laugh, or will I? Where is the evolution and growth in that? Answer: There is none.

I always wondered if karma would have existed if the Amerindians and Africans never heard of it?  I mean, before our ancestors met the Europeans and Arabs, I wonder did karma or the Christian concept “you reap what you sow (which functions along the same lines)” exist? Think about it, many of our Amerindian and African ancestors followed loosely an “eye for an eye” principle, which is the reason magick can be used to protect but also to retaliate against those who have wronged them. In fact, in most indigenous spiritual systems around the world, this is how balance is maintained because if an individual knows that if they wrong another, the victim is justified to retaliate (so long as the punishment fits the crime). It deters the offender or perpetrator from committing an injustice.

Where am I going with this? I propose that karma (and the whole “you reap what you sow”) is a cancerous thought seed that was deliberately designed for social control.  In other words, to put it bluntly…people don’t get what they deserve, they get what they attract. The atrocities that happened to our ancestors (the Amerindians and Africans) was not punishment. It was the result of them being taught by the conquerors that they were wrong for their way of life and wronged others.  Consequently, they thought they deserved to be punished by the Christian deity God or the Muslim deity Allah.

On the flip side, it is this same thought seed that allows people to continue to go through the world harming others and never feeling bad, never getting caught or righting the wrong for the crimes they have committed.

I am a firm believer that no one gets what they deserve, we get what we attract.

So what is karma? Karma means Cause and Effect but it is about what you attract to yourself. For instance, if you embrace the thought that you are healthy for a long time by saying something like “Thank you for perfect health.” This is the Cause and it will have the Effect that you will be healthy no matter what is going on. You will become conscientious about the food that you eat. You will become conscientious about your health and wellbeing. You will even be conscientious about the company you keep because it all corresponds to your original Cause and will manifest the appropriate Effect.  You made your own karma or your own Truth a physical reality. Your truth will continue to exist so long as you do not accept someone else’s truth.  As soon as you accept someone else’s truth (e.g. you have to adopt this or that dietary lifestyle or else, if you don’t get a flu shot (blank) will happen, etc. Things spiral out of our control because you have no confidence in your own truth.

Sidebar: Think about it. In honor of Christopher Columbus day (October 8), how could someone from an impoverish country go to a prosperous people and take their land?   Those who understood history and how psychology works knows that the Europeans created a loss of faith. Since our subconscious is both illogical and unquestioning, which means it will accept anything as truth especially when presented by someone who is in a position of authority. When the missionaries presented their truth and professed that the European culture was more advanced because they had clothes, weapons and ships, and that the Africans and Indian culture was primitive.  It resulted in the Africans and Indians losing faith in their ancestral ways and accepting the western truth hook, line and sinker, which led to their ultimate demise.    The only reason everyone did not fall for this allusion and most of us are waking up out of this allusion is because western religions have repressed our cultural expressions and practices by calling them evil such as, the veneration of ancestors.

How Did We Go Wrong? 

The reason most of us go wrong after accepting our ancestral ways because we were taught that God (or his helper Peter) has a book and is marking down every offense we made.

This concept was originally misunderstood from the Kemetic Judgement scene thousands of years ago, but since it was never corrected many people attracted to Kemetic spiritually today have superimposed their Christian understanding of the concept on to their interpretation of Kemetic philosophy.

But, we have to remember that the Creator is the creator of all things both the good and the bad because these are concepts (good/bad) based upon relative perspectives. For instance, you see an antelope being chased by a lioness. Well, that’s bad for the antelope if it dies because it could be a mother but it is good for the lioness who has to feed her cubs.   In other words, the Creator does not play favorites and good and bad does not exist in the Divine’s mind. They are both two different sides of the same coin, so the Creator is not punishing and rewarding us for anything because technically speaking. We cannot offend our Creator.

Copyright: Sony film Men In Black

To understand what I mean by this, remember in the first Men In Black where the universe was the size of a marble and at the end of the film there was this being that had a collection of marble (universes) that it was playing with.  This is how we look to the Creator.  If you really believe that our Creator is omnipotent, all-knowing and omnipresent, this means that to the Creator we are nothing more than children in a sandbox.

So, we cannot offend the Creator.  Case and point, the other day I heard a spoiled child who was put on punishment say they hate their parent. Do you know how many children have said they hate their parents and wished something happened to them because they could not get their way? Yes, it is endless, but do you really believe that the Creator is sitting back writing down these offenses so that we get punished for doing something because we don’t know any better? I highly doubt it because if so the Creator would not be as omnipotent and all-knowing as we claim it to be, but more like a cruel and tyrannical deity such as the god in Genesis, who punished his children (Adam and Eve) knowing good and damn well they are going to eat the fruit because they have no knowledge of self.  We have to understand that just like the Creator allows our parents to teach us the consequences of our actions. And, that it is through our parents we understand what unconditional love or Divine Love is all about. The Creator teaches us about Divine Love as well.

This means that if something bad happens to you, it is not a punishment. It is the results of something you did that brought you to this point. You simply made an unwise decision and here you are. You spent all your money on music, clothes and hair products, so guess what? Here you go struggling to make ends meet to eat and pay your bills to live.  I hear you. You say but, “I was born in a very bad time in a rough neighborhood.” Again, it is not punishment and it is not the result of some crap you did in a past life. You chose to be born into that situation in order for you to master a particular lesson (and usually it is to help others).

It is our Cause that generates or better said manifests our Effects, which the ancient Kemetic sages called Maa (Truth, Balance, Righteousness).

Djahuti (Thoth) is not writing down our offenses so we can be punished in this life or the next life. Djahuti, the Lord of science, wisdom, astronomy, mathematics, geometry, medicine, and writing is “Intuiting” where do we go next in our journey based upon the decisions that we have made. For this reason, Djahuti is sometimes called the husband of Maat indicating that the two concepts are intimately connected.

He is making a Judgment, hence the reason Djahuti is often shown as a guide.

We have to stop thinking of ourselves as being little, helpless human beings that are thrown around by the sea of fate and remember we are gods and goddesses that have returned. We created ourselves from our father’s seed and brought ourselves into being in our mother’s womb. We chose to be here. Let me say it again, We chose to be here. You just forgot that you made the decision but we chose every experience that we are having.  We are here so that we can master something and accomplish specific goals.  We just forgot, which is why we must relearn about Maa.

True karma or Maa is simply about giving us the opportunity to make adjustments in our decision so that we can change what we are experiencing. There is no cosmic deity punishing you for what you have done out of ignorance or deliberately.  There is not going to be any cosmic deity that is going to punish those who offend and vice versa, so stop sitting around waiting for universal retribution to occur.  You have the right to defend yourself because true karma or Maa is about giving one an opportunity to change and grow. So remember, people don’t get what they deserve, they get what they attract.


P.S. BTW. The reason many indigenous cultures practiced a sort of eye for an eye justice is because they understood that it was their actions and behaviors that offended one another, not the Creator. In other words, human beings, plants, animals, and even spirits can be offended but not the Divine who is beyond this petty thinking. So retributive justice was allowed to ensure that offenses were not corrected, which became taboos and later cultural practices and superstitions. For instance, you do not spit in the garbage can because it offends the spits who gather there. You do not whistle in the house because it confuses the spirits and offends them thinking you are calling them.  You don’t criticize people because you are offending their ancestors who made the life of that individual, and so on.



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