Who’s Right? Who’s Wrong? Dr. Claud Anderson or Yvette Carnell?

28 12 2019

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

OMG! So, everyone is talking about the interview that Dr. Claud Anderson author of Black Labor, White Wealth and Powernomics, did on the Breakfast Club on December 24, and how ADOS founder Yvette Carnell basically blasted on him. I wasn’t really following this subject on YouTube but I quickly learned that apparently Carnell had done a few videos blasting Dr. Anderson because she disagrees with his views. So, as I watched her videos and other videos that supported her point of view and opposed it. I felt myself, slowly getting sucked into the debate, which led me to email a couple of friends who have been following this debate when it first started, and I asked their opinion on the subject.  When I read my friends’ replies, I returned to watching both sides of the videos that were posted and then it hit me.

Regardless of what side you believe is right or wrong, why aren’t these people having this discussion behind closed doors?

I mean who openly and publicly announces what their political agenda and strategy is so that everyone (enemies included) knows what you are thinking?


Then, the next thought that came to me as I breathed a deep sigh of relief and turned it all off was:

“Thank God, I have an oracle that will help me to see through the BS.”

Family. We can’t claim to be gods and goddesses but continue to act like human beings thinking that our intellect is going to solve the problems we face on this earthly plane. I mean what part of the Story of Osar do people not understand when it is said that Set usurped the throne of Osar and stole all of Hru (OUR) inheritance? Then, Set created an unjust system to ensure that the laws, policies, etc. will always work against us. So, what makes people think that we are going to succeed and win the ordinary and regular way?  When will we realize that we must use metaphysical and spiritual means to overthrow the Setian forces in our life? This is what the Eye of Hru means.

The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition and spiritual sight, hence insight.)

The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition, metaphysics, magick, and spiritual sight, hence insight.)

I am telling you Family that I just did a reading about a situation and my aakhu (ancestors) told me that it was best that I walk away. So, I walked away and later learned that if I hadn’t walked away I would have been caught up in some deep poo!

The same divination process can be done for every aspect of our life including politics.  When you do not use an oracle (or some other form of divination), you basically have a bunch of opinionated debates where the TRUTH gets buried by who can sling and throw the most mud.

If you are not in a spiritual culture you need to get into one because it will help you to navigate away from these distractions and focus on the true business at hand. Who’s right and wrong? Who has the best plan? Who is for and against? Are all questions that we can take to the oracle and let the indwelling intelligence within us all tell us who speaks for Set (selfishly for their own interest) and who speaks Maa (Truth) for the people.




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