Kemetic Spirituality and the Illuminati

13 10 2019

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

The other day I happened to be clicking through the channels and I saw that Stanley Kubrick’s Eyes Wide Shut was coming on, which made me reflect back on how I really got interested in the occult. 

The movie is basically  a psychological erotic mystery drama about a New York doctor, played by Tom Cruise, who stumbles across a clandestine orgiastic group after hearing that his wife fantasized about having an affair. 

I am not going to tell you about the whole movie but there were a couple of parts in the movie that stood out. In the film after Cruise’s character takes a taxi (of all rides) to an upstate mansion where the event is taking place. He finds that everyone in attendance is wearing a mask and is robed, except for several women who are masked and walk around naked. When Cruise’s character is exposed, he is forced to unmasked so that all of the masked attendants can see his face.  After doing so, the masked host (who is sporting a red gown) is about to issue a decree for Cruise’s character to be killed judging from the cadence. Until one of the naked masked women pleads for him not to be punished and sacrifices herself for him. After it is decided that the group will accept her sacrifice, they issue a warning to the doctor to forget what he has seen or he will be punished since they all know who he is. Then, he is forced to leave but of course, he can’t unsee what he saw and attempts to harass the people who hosted the event. It isn’t until he identifies the body of a former beauty queen whom he had saved previously from overdosing, that he realizes that this was the lady who sacrificed herself for him.  Then, when the doctor pays one of his wealthy clients a visit who reveals that he was one of the masked attendees. That’s when the doctor realizes how powerful this group was and decides to adhere to their warnings. 

Now as you know, a movie is just not a movie. Most movies have a deeper meaning to them and if you ever seen Kubrick’s Clockwork Orange or The Shining, then you know he does not put scenes in a film arbitrarily.  The other interesting thing is that Kubrick died six days after the final cut of Eyes Wide Shut.

While some people want to claim that the movie is about the illuminati and that there are a lot of bizarre scenes in this film for any theorist to use as evidence.  What I saw in this movie was a host of ritualistic practices that were meant to discourage people from exploring the occult. 

It made me think of how we are told not to do something because it is evil while others are encouraged to do it. For instance, on the surface Christians condemn people for communicating with their ancestors yet call their mock spiritualist practice receiving the Holy Ghost.  While completely ignoring the fact that Jesus talked to his ancestor Moses and Elijah (Matthew 17:2). 

Image result for jesus talks to moses and elijah

Why is this so important yet discouraged and conducted in secret?  It is because there is only One Divine Being or Consciousness which exists in all of us and everything. We all are connected to the Divine and therefore have access to the Supreme Being. When human beings were created, we were all given a soul, which gives us free will to choose and makes decisions. Therefore, we can all choose to improve our life by simply accessing the Divine from within through (drumroll please) our Ancestors. But, if you do not know that you are a Divine Being who is connected to the Divine, then you are forced to accept your fate as a powerless human being. 

To get an idea of what I am talking about, imagine the Divine is a giant public library. We can all go to this library and learn whatever we want. We just need a library card (our ancestors). Well, what I am telling you is that there is a small group that does not want you to have a library card to the Library of Divine Consciousness.  Understand, while theorists may believe that these individuals are all powerful. The truth of the matter is that they are only powerful as you believe they are because this small group cannot deny you from getting your divine access.  They can only trick, discourage and coax you into believing you do not your Divine library card, which is accessible through your ancestors. They can even convince you that they are so powerful that they are invincible but you have access just as much as they do.   

Why do they want to discourage you from venerating your Ancestors? Well, think about it. When we are all born, we incarnate into this life to our family, friends, society, etc. that will place upon us all types of erroneous beliefs. Consequently, most of us will have a host of anxieties, inhibitions, fears, etc. that will prevent us doing things that will connect us to our Divine nature. For instance, we will say based upon our conditionings that “I cannot heal myself. I cannot have a successful career. I cannot make money. I cannot have a prosperous relationship” and so on. And, this is only because you subconsciously have learned (or been programmed) that you are a human, which is limited. But, if you switch to your Higher Self you can access the consciousness or spirits of individuals who can show you how to have all of these things and more. This is because contrary to popular belief, when an individual dies it is their body that ceases to exist not their spirit. This means that everything that have learned and know continues to exist. As a spirit they simply do not have a body but by evoking/invoking them you give them a vehicle to work through.  So what does this mean?  It means you do not have to reinvent the wheel. 

Yes. If you are having problems with your marriage. You can evoke/invoke an ancestor who had a good marriage and have them teach you how to improve your marriage. You can evoke/invoke an ancestor to teach you anything, which is what was alluded to in the Matrix when Trinity asks the Operator for a helicopter program.

I hear you…what if you want to know something from an individual who was not of your family lineage? Answer. We are all part of the Divine, which means even though someone may not be a direct biological relative. They are a Divine relative, hence the term spirit guides or aakhu.  In fact, anyone who has ever taken an Asian martial arts class or watched Karate Kid knows that it is etiquette.  To bow before entering the dojo, bow towards the teachers’ teacher and lastly bow to the teacher. Why? So that the teacher’s ancestors can assist you in learning that martial art as well. The teacher’s deceased teacher just became your spirit guide.  

Does it now make sense why Jesus was communicating with his ancestors? Do you understand now how the Kemetic society was able to progress in such a relatively short time? Does it make sense why you are discouraged from learning how to venerate your ancestors, meditate, conduct ritual work, etc.? Does it make sense why Haiti, the only nation of ex-slaves to successfully revolt and free itself from colonialism is the poorest nation in the Western hemisphere? Does it make sense why African-based religions are demonized and why there is an active campaign occurring throughout the Caribbean and Latin America to Pentecostalize people?  Does it make sense why they make horror moves discouraging you from talking to spirits?  Does it now make sense why you are encouraged to focus so much on racism and other forms of injustice in these recent years? 

I hope you see that all of this is a diversion to keep you believing that you are a human and powerless, so that you have to reinvent the wheel.  But, if you remember that you are a Divine Being, then you can change your reality by tapping into the ancestral wisdom that is available to us all. 




One response

19 11 2019
Kushite Prince

I saw Eyes Wide Shut over a decade ago. I saw a lot of hidden meaning in the film. A lot of symbology and occult messages. If you’re well studied you’ll catch most of it. Kubrick was definitely sending a message. It’s the type of film that really sticks in your mind after seeing. I definitely agree with your points in this post. You’re right on target.

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