Why I Said, “F*** the Universe!” to Manifest What I Want

4 08 2019

Fuck the Universe/God/Spirits

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family. 

One of my favorite actions movies from back in the day is Conan the Barbarian starring Arnold Schwarzenegger because it is packed with all sorts of metaphysical references and Arnold doesn’t speak a lot. (BTW my favorite Schwarzenegger movie is the first Terminator because he only has a few lines.) Anyway, one of the best parts of the Conan film is the Battle of the Mounds, where Conan and his friend Subitai are grossly outnumbered by Thulsa Doom’s henchmen, which are Set followers.  As the henchman surround Conan he says the following prayer to his god Crom: 

“Crom, I have never prayed to you before. I have no tongue for it. No one, not even you, will remember if we were good men or bad, Why we fought or why we died. No, all that matters is that two stood against many. That’s what’s important. Valor pleases you, Crom, so grant me one request – Grant me revenge!  And if you do not listen, then the Hell with you!”

This battle scene and prayer stayed in my mind because when I first started on this path.  I remember reading book after book that talked about the power of the subconscious. I remember meditating and doing all of these rituals to improve my life but, my life continued to get progressively worse because for years as a child. I was taught to put everything in God’s hands. Even though I did not consider myself to be a church going person, my mind subconsciously was still in the church and heavily believed that everything occurs according to God’s will so long as I surrendered to it.

Then one night, I was airlifted to the hospital because I was having trouble breathing. My chest had been hurting and I was having flu symptoms but the Nyquil I had been drinking on the regular just was not cutting it. So when they sent me to the hospital this time to see a specialist, I knew it was more serious than expected.  As I laid on the gurney in the hospital pondering if I were going to live or die, I thought about just giving up and putting my life in God’s hands.

Just the thought sounded cool and would be a great relief but, when the physician returned after doing test and diagnosed my body with having systemic lupus.   I thought how after learning about ancestors and spirits, I still basically believed in putting my trust in God. It was just changed from God to putting my trust in the Spirits.  I noticed that when The Secret and the Law of Attraction became big, I like a lot of people replaced God and/or Spirits with the Universe, but all-in-all. It still boiled down to me putting my faith in God/the Spirits/the Universe or fate and expecting everything is going to work out.

But being diagnosed with lupus and putting my life in God’s hands meant that I would have to settle for whatever happened. This meant that if the physician came back and told me that I only had a few more hours, days, weeks, months or years to live. Then I would have to accept that.

Wondering if I should surrender, like Conan I declared instead ““F*** this s***!”

I was not going to settle for living in a pitiful situation. I was not going to put my life in fate’s hands, so as I said, “F*** the Universe/Spirits!”

F*** the Universe

Ancestors decloaking like predators in Predator 2.

I remember after I said it, that is when my ancestors and spirit guides appeared like the predators did to Danny Glover in Predator 2, as if they were waiting for me to break through the veil.

I have told this story numerous times and the reason I continue to tell it is because for some of us life has to get real gritty for us to say “Enough!”

This is because for many of us raised in the church who have been taught to surrender to God. We have been taught that surrendering means not fighting for what you want and not getting angry. So, a lot of us having these warped ideas about surrendering have superimposed these fluffy bunny ideas onto our spirituality. Consequently, we think that spirituality is all about meditating, praying and chanting OM but, when we people start walking over us or we get passed by. Then, we wonder why are we being treated this way after loving everyone and surrendering to the Higher Power.

It is because sometimes you have to shake your fist at the heavens and even give God the finger. Sometimes you got to do the most vileness thing to make God/the Spirits/the Universe turn Its (Their) head in your direction.

Why? Well, I learned it is because God or the Spirits do not have a physical body, which means they do not feel, smell, hear, taste or physically see.  This is why in most spiritual lore it is said that the netcharu, orishas, simbis, gods and goddesses, angels, etc. are very far removed from this physical plane.  This is very eloquent way of saying that these entities don’t give a damn what happens to you because it is not affecting them in their plane of existence.

F*** the Universe/Gods

Clash of the Titans (1981) Zeus manipulating the life of a human being at will like a mold of clay.

The thing about these elevated spirits is that they do not need to reincarnate back to this physical plane because they exist completely on energy now. Some of these Spirits are so far removed that they do not even remember why we (the living) need food, money or water, which is the reason they are slow on answering prayers. By the way, this is the main reason most people around the world appeal to the Ancestors because they are recently removed and more sympathetic to our needs. Most of the elevated spirits do not even remember the crap that we (the living) have to endure on this physical plane because they are energy. This is a hard pill for a lot of people to swallow but think of it this way. Does electricity care who it shocks or fire care who it burns?   No, because they are energy. 

Now, that being said, we must remember that we are human beings and not animals. What’s the difference? The difference between human beings and animals is that the former decides what they want to do, while the other is commanded to live a certain way by nature. For instance, if we were animals like flies, then we would only live from the spring through the fall months, but we are human beings and we wanted to live the entire season, so the universe obliged. The ability to make a decision and the powers of the universe support our decision is proof that we are Gods and Goddesses but some wants us to believe that our free will is curse. They want us to worship these gods and goddesses.  I say let these people continue to be tossed and turned by the sea of life but I had enough of it, which is why I stopped worshipping god and started invoking.

So, when it comes to surrendering to the God/the Spirits/the Universe (whatever you choose to call the higher power), it simply means trusting that whatever higher power knows more than you, and if you do not like how your life has unfolded. It means most likely that who or what you surrendered to doesn’t know what they hell it is doing because you did not give It/God/the Spirits/the Universe any directions or a goal to focus on.

If you’re mad! Good because it means you will not forget this formula.

You are supposed to surrender your know how to God/the Spirits/the Universe. Meaning, you impress what it is that you want but let God/the Spirits/the Universe work out the details on how to get what you want.

For instance, if you do a ritual/spell for money and “trust” that the God/the Spirits/the Universe is going to do right by you. Then, you might get laid off from the job like I did one time after requesting $3K. Yeah, I got the $3K as part of the severance pay because the God/the Spirits/the Universe has a sense of humor, which I did not find funny at the time. So, how do we put some guidelines on that? I should have said help me to get $3K through a particular medium such as lottery, selling old jewelry, self-employment, etc.  

  1. Stop assuming the God/the Spirits/the Universe know what you want.
  2. Be clear as to what you want and declare it.
  3. After you have clearly defined your goals, now trust that God/the Spirits/the Universe will work out the details on how to manifest it.




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