How to Shift from a Religious Mindset to Spiritual/Magical/God Mindset?

19 06 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know, a lot of people are still having a difficult time on making the transition to spirituality because they are stuck in this Judeo-Christian paradigm. If you have read all the books on how Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all based upon Kemetic (Ancient Egyptian) science. You know how all these major religions are the main culprit for most of the atrocities that have occurred on the planet such as the genocide of the Amerindians (indigenous cultures throughout the Americas), the enslavement of Africans and the numerous wars fought in the name of “God.” You know that all the stories you have learned in the major religions make no logical sense like God has the power to make everything but needs a rib from Adam to make a woman? And, the Great Flood story, where similar stories have been found in South America, the Pacific Islands and even in Asia. But, still you are having difficulties taking that final step it is because you have taken steps to understand the power of your mind.

Remember, our mind is composed of three parts: BA (Superconscious/Higher Spirit), sahu (subconscious/lower spirit) and Ab (conscious/spiritual heart/soul).  Most people live their life on autopilot, which is governed by the sahu but the omnipotent and omniscient part of our being is our BA. It is our BA that automatically connects us to the Divine, but most religions will not teach this because they want us to continue to believe that the Divine is billions of miles away outside of our being.

The BA has a human head and body of a hawk to indicate that it is the Superconscious (Divine Spark) that connects us back to the Divine, but it will only manifest what we think and believe (human head).

Once you understand how your mind works, then you will see that most of the stories in the “religious” books were not meant to be taken literally. It is all an allegory.  This is the reason most of the stories do not make any sense. Once you make this realization, it will become crystal clear that people are misinterpreting something that was supposed to be metaphorical in the first place. For instance, people are fighting over if Jesus taught this way or that way, when the truth of the message is Jesus was not even real. The stories were all about resurrecting the Jesus within you or connecting with your BA.

So, you see, all the major religions are based upon the sahu, which is why they focus on ethics, morality and commanding you on what you should and should not do. In other words, all the major religious are based upon social control.  To put it plainly, all the major religions are political. All the major religions have nothing to do with spirituality or on teaching you how to work with your BA.  This is the reason you have such a distaste for them and feel a calling for something more outside of the normal routine.

And, there lies the secret to shifting to a spiritual/magical/GOD mindset.

You must do something different or think outside of the box. Einstein said it best and I paraphrase, “You cannot use the same type of thinking to solve a problem, that created the problem in the first place.” All our problems were created either unintentionally or intentionally via our sahu and religious conditionings. So, we cannot rely upon it to resolve our problems. We must tap into our BA. In other words, everything that the establish religions taught us not to do, you need to do.

The church says pray to God in heaven, then you talk to God within. (Yes talk to Your Self).

The church says don’t practice magic because it is evil, then practice magic because it must be good.

The church says don’t venerate your Ancestors because if you do you are going to go to hell, then venerate your ancestors because they will help you to understand how to get out of hell you are in.

The church says building an altar to a deity is a sin against God, then build an altar to a deity to resurrect your God within.

Everything that established religions have taught us as the norm was basically to make us conform and be a follower, a sheep, a piece meat led to the slaughter. Basically, everything that the established religions have taught regarding our spiritual development, we must abandon and do the direct opposite to liberate ourselves.

You must remember that if these established religions were so good for us, there would not be a church, temple, mosque, etc. on every corner.


You Cannot Offend God…Com’on Grow Up

8 06 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know back in the day there was this real popular church musical that my Mom and I remember all of her friends wanted to see called Your Arms Too Short to Box With God. The title was catchy and I remember people going nuts trying to see this sold out musical.  But it conveyed a message that sticks with many of us today despite not actively participating in the church.

The message is that somehow we think we can offend the Supreme Being.

I mean, I have come across people alleging to be “woke” and reciting the 42 Laws of Maat (the 42 Declarations of Maat) all because they do not want to offend the Creator, which is just baffling to me.

Look, it is real simple.

If God is omnipotent, omniscient and so awesome as most people say God is.  Why is it that people think that they can offend God? I mean if we could offend God by saying a cuss word, lying, being dishonest, etc. What does that say about our god who is so easily offended, yet is supposed to know everything including our weaknesses?  If you don’t want to say it because your Set (ego) has you scared and shook, then I will say it for you. If our God is so easily offended then it means that our God is WEAK!

There. I said it. I know, I am going to get struck down by lightning by God, but sorry it is actually Zeus who strikes human beings down with lightning because he is easily offended.  Not our Perfect Creator, Nebertchar or Nzambi Mpungo.

If we really knew who God was we would understand that God is too abstract and incomprehensible for us to understand. This means that God does not discriminate and does not have any likes and dislikes. God also does not give a damn about good and evil or right and wrong because if God did the same air that fills our lungs would not have filled Hitler and every other monstrous person that has and is walking the planet.

Think about that for a minute.  God gives the breath of life to both allies and foes alike, so God does not play or pick sides. God does not favor the spider or the fly. They are all insignificant to Our Creator.

So you know that this means?

It means that human beings are like ants to God, which means God is basically a “kind” version of an antbully.

In other words, God does not really give a damn what is going on in our life, no more than you would give a damn about the life of ants and the predators that ants have to deal with. Think about that.

This means one thing. If you are going through some hell, you better tap into the Divine Power that God instilled within you because if you cry out “God save me.”  God is most likely going to respond back and say,”Save yourself.”

If you are dealing with some type of indigenous spirituality God might even add, “I gave you got Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Guardian Spirits and divination.”

Kemetic spirituality is not about being in another religion. It is about learning how to save yourself by mastering universal principles such as the Seven Codes of Maa. We cannot offend the Supreme Being. We can only offend one another. Its time to abandon these childish, fanatical, spiritually immature religious belief of the Children of God, and step into our big boy and girls underoos (underwear) and become Adults of God or simply put just Gods and Goddesses.


You Cannot Offend God…Com'on Grow Up

8 06 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
You know back in the day there was this real popular church musical that my Mom and I remember all of her friends wanted to see called Your Arms Too Short to Box With God. The title was catchy and I remember people going nuts trying to see this sold out musical.  But it conveyed a message that sticks with many of us today despite not actively participating in the church.
The message is that somehow we think we can offend the Supreme Being.
I mean, I have come across people alleging to be “woke” and reciting the 42 Laws of Maat (the 42 Declarations of Maat) all because they do not want to offend the Creator, which is just baffling to me.
Look, it is real simple.
If God is omnipotent, omniscient and so awesome as most people say God is.  Why is it that people think that they can offend God? I mean if we could offend God by saying a cuss word, lying, being dishonest, etc. What does that say about our god who is so easily offended, yet is supposed to know everything including our weaknesses?  If you don’t want to say it because your Set (ego) has you scared and shook, then I will say it for you. If our God is so easily offended then it means that our God is WEAK!
There. I said it. I know, I am going to get struck down by lightning by God, but sorry it is actually Zeus who strikes human beings down with lightning because he is easily offended.  Not our Perfect Creator, Nebertchar or Nzambi Mpungo.
If we really knew who God was we would understand that God is too abstract and incomprehensible for us to understand. This means that God does not discriminate and does not have any likes and dislikes. God also does not give a damn about good and evil or right and wrong because if God did the same air that fills our lungs would not have filled Hitler and every other monstrous person that has and is walking the planet.
Think about that for a minute.  God gives the breath of life to both allies and foes alike, so God does not play or pick sides. God does not favor the spider or the fly. They are all insignificant to Our Creator.
So you know that this means?
It means that human beings are like ants to God, which means God is basically a “kind” version of an antbully.

In other words, God does not really give a damn what is going on in our life, no more than you would give a damn about the life of ants and the predators that ants have to deal with. Think about that.
This means one thing. If you are going through some hell, you better tap into the Divine Power that God instilled within you because if you cry out “God save me.”  God is most likely going to respond back and say,”Save yourself.”
If you are dealing with some type of indigenous spirituality God might even add, “I gave you got Ancestors, Spirit Guides, Guardian Spirits and divination.”
Kemetic spirituality is not about being in another religion. It is about learning how to save yourself by mastering universal principles such as the Seven Codes of Maa. We cannot offend the Supreme Being. We can only offend one another. Its time to abandon these childish, fanatical, spiritually immature religious belief of the Children of God, and step into our big boy and girls underoos (underwear) and become Adults of God or simply put just Gods and Goddesses.

I AM A GOD/GODDESS! What are You?

7 06 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

You know what? When it comes down to understanding our history, finances, relationships and spirituality, I have concluded that there are a lot of distractions that exist in our community, because we still do not truly know our self and we do not understand the enemy.  As a result, many of us are walking around like the emperor wearing new clothes and do not realize we are butt ass naked (powerless).

I have talked to people from all over who tell me how they detest Christianity and/or Islam but when I ask them what are they doing in place of those religions. They either tell me nothing or they list all these books that they have read and are collecting dust in their library. They fail to understand that both Christianity and Islam were social control tools used to make us feel good but not empower us. Because most people do not understand this, they replace the religious motifs with another form of feel good, so instead of religion. They use the number of books they have read, their new adopted and adapted diet, their attire, natural hairstyles, etc., as replacements for their birth religion to make them feel good and standards to fellowship with.

So, now instead of us turning our nose up against someone because they are not Baptist, Apostolic, COGIC, Jehovah Witness, Shiite, Sufi, or whatever the “true” is, etc. We now turn our nose up because someone is not vegetarian/vegan, they are not as read in the same number of books, they don’t go to this lecture, they don’t follow this “conscious” social media personality, they don’t see or believe how we see or believe, etc.  This type of foolishness persists because we do not truly understand what it means to be conscious and how it relates to spiritual development. Consequently, we have been deluded into believing that power is based upon what we believe and feel.

We must remember that we have three parts to our being and they are our BA (Superconscious), sahu (subconscious) and Ab (conscious).

The Ba is the Divine Spark, the divine part or the omnipotent, omnipresent and omniscient part of our being that give us access to unlimited knowledge and power. The Ab is our conscious mind, spiritual heart or soul, that gives us the ability to make choices and decisions. While the sahu is the animal part or the emotional part of our being that governs our personal memories. Therefore, everything that deals with likes, dislikes, or better yet pleasure and displeasure are all based upon our sahu.

This society focuses on keeping us distracted by catering to our sahu or ego, which is personified as Set.

Set you will recall in the lord of chaos, confusion, disunity and war.  The reason so much emphasis is placed on the latest movie like the Black Panther or Infinity Wars film, the national anthem, protest, celebrity gossip and drama, etc. is to keep us feeling good and having a feeling of hope or having power yet dis-empowering us at the same time by discouraging us from going within.

True power comes from the BA personified as Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris) and it is based upon what we know, not what we believe or how we feel, which means we are impressing it on to our Ab (spiritual heart/soul).

When you KNOW something, do you need someone to confirm or verify what you know? No. For instance, if you decide that you are going out and you put on some nice threads, spray on your fragrances and then, look in the mirror. When you see yourself, you KNOW you look good just like you KNOW your name and you command the night and how events are going to play out. You don’t feel or believe you look good. You know you look good because it is in your heart or Ab.

When you believe or feel, it is in your sahu, which means it is subject to change based upon what someone says in social media, based upon some news report, based upon you seeing a heading of a tabloid while in the grocery store, etc. When you feel and/or believe you look for confirmation and verification from others, which in turn becomes acceptance. So, while you are looking in a book or trying to find someone who believes and feels the same way you do about a subject. You giving them your power because you value their beliefs, opinions, etc. more so than your own BA or Osar speaking from within you. For instance, your BA or Osar tells you that you can do anything you put your mind to, but your secretly jealous friend tells you that they think you cannot because you don’t look a certain way, don’t have credentials, wasn’t born with a silver spoon in your mouth, grew up in the right or wrong neighborhood, or that you need some “white savior” like the cia guy who was brought in to Wakanda because you cannot do it yourself. (Interesting that in all this celebration of an African culture displayed in Black Panther, no one brought out an oracle, which is a very important element in traditional African belief.  They never really showed any African oracles because if they had, the oracle. which is based upon “knowing” would have been against bringing in foreign influence. They intentionally left this part of traditional African our because the filmmakers want people to rely upon the feelings of their sahu.)

The point is that your sahu is fickle, impressionable and very easy to sway, which is the reason you cannot trust and depend upon how you believe or feel to make decisions and must learn how to control it. History is full of examples of people who followed how they felt according to their sahu and suffered terrible losses. For instance, how many relationships do you know of that failed because the people were supposedly “in love”? How many fights were lost because people believed or felt they were right (sahu) instead of knowing (BA) they were right?  How many people have lost their lives because they followed some cult of personality?

Do you see the difference between believing/feeling and knowing? In fact, as a sidebar, the main reason we have incarnated to this planet is to impress what we know onto our Ab (spiritual hear/soul).  You see, there are a lot of people who believe we are gods and goddesses but do we know it? Do we know we are a god and goddess when we do not have any books, family, friends, associates, etc.? Can you stand alone and say based upon what you know that you are god or goddess? Most of us cannot, so that’s why we are here.  We are going through all of this crap so that the same way we look at ourselves in the mirror and say, “Damn. I look good!” We can say with full confidence, “Damn. I am a GOD/GODDESS!”

Now, don’t get me wrong. It is great to have read all these books and associate yourself with this group and that group based upon common interest, but don’t get it twisted into believing this is power. A lot of these things are used to entertain our sahu (ego) but if you are serious about your spiritual development.  You must learn to stand alone based upon what you KNOW (not what you believe and feel).  Knowing is POWER and the only thing the enemy respects is power.

Understand, there are different types of power that exists and they are economic power, military power and spiritual power.

So, let’s get real.

Since we live in a society that has programmed us to be consumers (and not producers or owners), we cannot rely upon this enemy respecting our economic power. Unless we have a country with a fully functional military, who gives a damn if you call yourself part of this nation or that nation. It is all,” I have a dream”, “Keep hope alive”, “Yes We Can”, “Wakanda!”, etc.  feel good crap that boosts your sahu or Set, that the enemy does not care, fear or respect.

The only power that we have accessible to us right now is our spirituality, which is our technology based upon the understanding of the BA. The enemy is desperately trying their best to understand how to tap into it because it is finally dawning on them that their way of life is coming to end.  The reason this society is going to kaput is because they backed the wrong horse or the wrong part of the mind – the sahu. Meanwhile, our Nilotic and Sub-Saharan Ancestors have created and developed an entire culture and spiritual traditions on how to work with the BA. The reason westerners discourage us from working with our BA using silly horror and science fiction movies is so that they can capitalize and monopolize it, which will (like everything else they have touched) bastardize it.

Family.  We must understand that a lot of these concepts that we hold dear appeal to our sahu or Set and they only make us feel good and nothing else.  Anything that is based upon what we feel or believe and not upon what we KNOW will only dis-empower us. The “enemy” does not give a damn about how many books you have read, how you eat, what you wear, believe, etc. because none of it is true power.

“he” (intentionally lower cased) only respects and fears the power of your mind. The more you cling to these superficial things (books, groups, interest groups, theories, etc.) the more it empowers the enemy to have sway over you. The more you see these things as tools and instead focus on the power within, the less you empower this system and empower yourself.

The way you do this is by practicing working with your BA and learning how to trust your intuition. Stop looking for approval from everyone else who are simply running around with a bunch of theories they have read from someone else. Trust your Osar and learn how to follow it. Test every idea that comes to mind to determine your own truth, your own maa. Live your own truth and stop following everyone else’s.

Maa-The Path of the Feather

Maa-The Path of the Feather

It is not meant for everyone to do the same thing.  Whatever intuitive thoughts come to your mind, came for a reason and it is up to you to discover why. You were not created so that you do what everyone else does. You were created to think outside the box, so think outside the box because this is what is going to change the world.


How to Save Yourself through the Power of Knowledge of Self (K.O.S.)

22 05 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

I just finished a disturbing conversation with someone whom I thought was aware. As I listened to this individual “talk-the-talk,” you know that “Hotep. I am Woke. We got to do this for babies. I am not African American I am Afrakan, etc.”   I began to see through this individual’s armor.  Spirit began revealing to me that this individual ain’t about nothing but is caught up in the fad of being conscious. So, I let this individual just babble because they were somewhat entertaining but when the moment came, I asked, “So you work with your ancestors?”

Their response was, “Oh yeah! The ancestors are with me. They are going to help us win against the MAN.”

“No. Do you have an ancestor shrine and work with your ancestors?” I asked.

“Nah Brother, that’s some ole primitive Afrikan stuff. I don’t mess with that because it doesn’t work. It is all superstitious anyway.”

Another example of someone playing conscious or what I call conplay. You know it is like cosplay but they are playing to be conscious.

From the film I’m Going to Get You Sucka!

I don’t know where or how the idea came about that consciousness or “woke” (as people like to call it) refers to how many dashikis you adorn, how natural your hair is, your diet, etc.  Or, for that matter, how many books you have read. I mean if you have read a lot of books, all this means is that and I quote, “YOU READ A LOT OF BOOKS.”

I used to be the same way.  I used to step into a cipher and spit all of this information about all the books I had read but after the cipher ended. I was still financially broke. At the time I was still lonely. I was not successful because I was torn between pursuing a college degree/career/working for the man and self-employment as a starving artist selling artwork, tee-shirts and incense.  But, I claimed to be “conscious” and considered others who had stopped eating pork or became a vegetarian/vegan and knew about history “conscious” as well. But, I was not conscious and these individuals I rolled with were not conscious either. We were all informed meaning we read a lot of books and therefore, had a lot of information.

We are told that conscious means to be “aware” or “awake” from a metaphorical sleep. This means that if someone is sleep they are walking around in a daze as if they are on autopilot. For instance, my morning routine is to wake up, go to the restroom, check the house, make breakfast, and get things ready for my wife to help my wife so that when she awakes she can focus only on the baby. I wake up every morning and follow this same routine because this is my program and it works for me. I mean even when I do not have to go to work, I get up around the same time and do this same routine. So, technically you can say that my morning routine is on autopilot. If something happens that throws me off of my program like I wake up late or something, then my morning routine will be out of whack and I will seek to get back on my routine. This is what it means to be sleep. Therefore, consciousness means that you are aware of the routine you are following.

People who smoke cigarettes are under the influence of a subconscious behavior. When they feel stressed, are in a social setting, etc. they go on autopilot and reach for a cigarette despite them knowing the ill effects of this habit.  I don’t smoke cigarettes because I am conscious or “aware” of the effect it has upon by physical body, so I have chosen not to engage in this subconscious behavior. You see, most people who are sleep just do things out of habit based upon their emotions. Conscious means that you are able to step away from a situation and make a rational decision despite how you feel subconsciously. This is the reason people who smoke cigarettes out of habit are said to be “sleep” while those who do not are “conscious.”

In short, Consciousness is not about making you feel good.  Being informed is.

So, there are some things that we are all conscious about and some things we are not. When you are “conscious”, the metaphorical light comes on and it does not go out. It stays with you because this is the Left Eye of Ra.

The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition and spiritual sight, hence insight.)

The Left Eye of Ra (also called the Lunar Eye corresponds to intuition and spiritual sight, hence insight.)

A lot of times, you cannot even explain in words the Aha or Eureka moment because it is ethereal and corresponds to the Light of Amun Ra.

A lot of people are confusing informed with consciousness. Informed refers to the Light of Ra or the left Eye of Ra. Consciousness is the Light of Amun Ra or the Right Eye of Ra.

The Right Eye of Ra (Also known as the Solar Eye corresponds to literal and physical sight.)

The Right Eye of Ra (Also known as the Solar Eye corresponds to literal and physical sight.)

Understand the difference?

Another difference between the Light of Ra (Right Eye of Ra or being informed) and the Light of Amun Ra (Left Eye of Ra or being Conscious) is that the former is aggressive, left-brained, argumentative, competitive, etc. and the latter is passive, right-brained, cooperative, etc. We see this difference played out in western society all the time. For instance, there are a lot of people who are informed about Christianity, Judaism and Islam. You never hear a lot of Jews, Christians or Muslims say, “I know God” because their religion is not based upon knowing and realization. It is based upon beliefs, which can change every time there is new experience. Most people who are informed about these religions because they see the inaccuracies within the stories.  They have been taught as children to interpret the myths of their religion literally but when they came of age they began asking, “How did Adam and Eve populate the entire planet?” “How did Noah put all of the animals in the world on one boat?”

They are informed about these religions but they are not conscious, which is the reason they leave the temple, the church or the mosque and get into another dogmatic religion from Africa, China or India.  They follow these traditions out of fear that if they break some taboo, that some deity, ancestors or karma is going to punish them. If they were Conscious they would understand that religion is a tool for social control, which is the reason we were all taught to interpret the myths literally so that we develop ethics and morals.  If they were Conscious they would also understand that the whole idea of praying to something outside of you to empower or save you is that basis of all religious mindset. The whole idea that God or some god, spirit or karma is going to get you is all part of social control.  I cannot tell you how many people I have met tell me that they are going to do or not do something because of karma…But You’re a God/Goddess living in Fear? (By the way, the reason Europeans and Arabs could easily come into Africa and indoctrinate us with their religion was because our mind was primed for religious instructions. The Europeans and Arabs simply took the name of our god and demonized it by claiming that it was evil to go within and professing that our salvation came from praying to their deity. That’s the difference between being Conscious and being Informed.)

This same mindset can be found when it comes to diet and health.  Most people are informed about dietary ills but they are not Conscious, which is the reason they have turned their dietary lifestyle into a religion by only dealing with people who eat the same way they consume food. If an individual comes into these so-called “health conscious” people sphere with some type of infirmity these so-called “health conscious” people look down on them. Yes, suddenly “health conscious” has become a religion and you hear these people all the time preaching against soul food, but whenever they can’t get to their tofu or some other soybean product, they will reach for potato chips and chocolate. Yet, they are “health conscious.” No. They are informed.

I know about all of this because I did it. I used to be informed about my history, my religion, my health, etc., which led me (like many people today) to mimicking others – particularly my perception of what or how I thought the Kemetic people lived. When I became conscious about certain subjects I stopped reading so many books and began to intuit (channel) certain knowledge. When I say an ancestor told me something, I know that I did not get the information based upon my personal experience, which meant it had to have come them because their blood and consciousness survives through me.

Some people asked me where do I get my information from so, that they can read and study the same thing. I list all the books that I have read and inspired me but tell them a lot of what I know is because my spirits told me so. Some of these people interpret my response as me not wanting to reveal my sources but others regard it is primitive foolishness because they just don’t want to do the work. They are quite happy sitting on their backsides talking about the culture, the ancestors, discussing metaphysics and arguing with some other individual who claims to be conscious. When technically all they are doing is arguing over a difference of opinion based upon the information they read.

When an individual has true knowledge of self or is conscious they come together with like minds because they see the similarities in various systems. For instance, I do not have to practice Taoism to get along with someone who professes they are Taoist. In facts, I can read certain parts of the bible and use it for liberation because I am not swayed by the beliefs.

Being Informed only boosts the ego who is symbolized as Set, while being Conscious boosts your Higher Self.

In other words, when you are conscious you do not come together on superficialities such as sharing the same beliefs and ideas. This is the same thing that Jews, Christians and Muslims do among themselves and each other. They argue about how the other’s interpretation of their religious myth is interpreted incorrectly.  This is the same thing that so-called people do.  In fact, the reason these “conscious people” on the Internet are always beefing with each other is because they all have difference in opinions. They do not understand we are all dynamic individuals and we are supposed to have different opinions because we each have different experiences and come from different backgrounds. We had to have different experiences to accomplish our destinies. For instance, I had to be born into a Christian household where my father is a preacher, so that I could understand how religion hoodwinked us. That’s my maa (way) and everything I deal with has helped me to get on this road. So, I would not dare devalue someone who didn’t have the same upbringing and therefore do not have the same perspective. That’s not their maa. Their maa is different from mine but if they are conscious we should be able to respect one another.

For instance, when I hear people say that the Kemetic people were black and brown Africans because they named themselves after the black fertile soil.  I understand that this individual is just scratching the surface of spirituality. This is something they read or heard making them informed but it is not what they know. I know that the Kemeitc people named themselves after the mysterious blackness of the universe. That is not something I read. I mysteriously came into that knowing. I have experimented and test it out by slowly delving into the darkness where our Ancestors and Spirits reside. When I listen to other people who have had similar experiences, even though they may not have had the same experience or explain their experience from a different perspective. I understand them because it is not their beliefs, ideas, opinions or information that unites us but their knowledge of self. Basically, their interpretation is how their mind works.

Knowledge of Self means knowing your Self or how your minds work, that is the Higher, Middle and lower mind. This is what the Kemetic people excelled in and the reason they accomplished so much is because they understood the power of the mind. In fact, their technology is what we call spirituality, which is what people call today magic. There are plenty of systems that exist but you must figure out which system works best for you and use it to make your own. So, to be conscious means to know how to influence your world spiritually.

That being said, leave these people alone who want to sit around arguing about how conscious they are. They are only stroking their ego and the ego remember is our Set. Instead of following these people, learn how to go within and master your mind. That’s why you are here.


Justice Comes From JUST-US

19 05 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

I have been away for a minute trying to finish a couple of projects that I had going on.  I wanted to post earlier when there were some celebrities making some controversial statements but I decided to hold my ground and just observe how things played out. And, a good thing I did because the more I sat back and just watched events unfold. The more I began to realize something, which is that this world is really an illusion and it finally hit me when I watched the Donald Glover aka Childish Gambino’s “This is America.”

Ok. This is not the first time I have mentioned this. The first few times I wrote about this, I really thought I knew it was an illusion was.  In fact, when my Ancestors gave me the Maa Aankh and told me “Rau Khu! TASETT is an illusion like living in a desert.” I really thought I understood what they were saying but I didn’t get it until I saw a glitch in the mirage.

When I looked at the flaw I started to notice all of the reports of police brutality that have been surfacing on the Internet. Now, “they” would like you to believe that police brutality just started a few years ago, but we know that police brutality has been a problem for at least a century. When the Rodney King beating was caught on video, that should have made people throughout the world aware that the U.S. is a very violent country, but that event was treated like an isolated incident. Then, a few years ago people started taking note again of all of the people abused and dying due to police brutality. The interesting thing is that just like during the Rodney King incident where the police were acquitted for victimizing us, the police are being acquitted in the same manner.  They are being let go from their jobs and going somewhere else where they can start the process all over again.

In fact, the only difference between the police brutality then and the crimes being reported now is that more of it is being caught on camera but, still there is no change. No justice and this is what made me ask. “Why are they constantly reporting police brutality if they are not going to give the people justice?”

The answer that came back to me is that it is to motivate us into a particular direction. What is that direction you ask? It is total obedience. I mean every week they are reporting about someone else who is being victimized as if they are trying to desensitize the rest of the world to our cause. If things continue to go the way they will portray us as Hitler did the Jews, as the patsy for the downfall of humanity.

They know how to rouse us. In the Story of Osar, Set knew Osar’s exact measurements for him to fit inside the chest, which became his coffin.  They know that if they do something unjust, that folks are going to get angry and take to the streets in marching. If they put someone up to say something controversial. Folks are going to take to social media and move to do x, y or z. When they want a certain person in office they do a poll to see who can get the most thumbs up or thumbs down and they back that horse. They know that if they do not put certain people in movies that people are not going to stop going to the movies to escape.  They only practice inclusiveness so that you don’t realize and say, “I am SLAVE.”

Slavery takes many forms Family. Slavery is not just physical. There is emotional, mental and spiritual slavery.  There is financial slavery, religious slavery, relationship slavery, etc.  The reason we keep getting the same raw deal is because many of us have not woke up and realized we are still slaves. Understand. You can treat a slave any way you like because what are they going to do when the only thing the slave knows is what the slave master taught it.

Think about it. The only reason people march, protest and boycott is because the slave master taught their slaves not to complain in a violent manner. The first person to protest nonviolently was the racist Gandhi and they taught everyone to follow suit because the external “God” is on the side of the righteous and “God” will fight your battles. So, a guy comes into our church and shoots men, women and children and people don’t get angry. No, they protest peacefully? They say, “Oh, I forgive you and I will pray for you.”I mean seriously, if you have protest to get someone to stop harming you apparently they never saw your life is being relevant in the first place. This is like a fly protesting against a flyswatter.  

Do you not see that that response is not natural? Everything in this universe has the right to exist and defend itself but we are the only ones who do not want to talk about slavery and let bygones-be-bygones. We are the only ones who want to make jokes about this horrific time period and encourage others to make dumb comments as well. We are the only ones who do not want to remember our glorious past but instead wait for the oppressor to teach us. If they announced on the news that the Ancient Egyptians were black, then we would celebrate and start believing but it ain’t going to happen because they don’t want to free us from the slavery we are in.

Think about it.  Would Kayne West had made that remark about the Jewish Holocaust? How come he didn’t ask, “Jewish people gave up their guns so that Hitler could kill them, that sounds like a choice?”

Because the Jewish people would have been on his ass! The Jewish people keep writing books, movies and telling the stories of survivors to make sure that event will never repeat itself. They have built an entire way of life celebrating their culture and reminding one another so that history does not repeat itself and they will never be vulnerable again.

Do you see where I am going with this? We are all living in an illusion. Think about this. When it comes to history why do we  celebrate the stories of our people who made our oppressors’ life better. Yes, George Washington Carver, Charles Drew, Garret Morgan, Phyllis Wheatley, Madam Walker, and many others have done great things, but none of the money they made improved our condition. I mean if we had had one of George Washington Carver’s peanut patents, we would have been close to set but he didn’t leave any of that for us.  In fact, most of our millionaires sell their companies to their competitors and don’t build up our community. Yet we celebrate and honor these individuals but why when all they have done is proven that we can improve the life of our oppressor but not our own. Yes, Black History as we know it is BS because it is not empowering us. Who gives a damn about a traffic light that is being used all over the world by people who don’t give a damn about the people who made it. I mean unless they put Garret Morgan’s name on the GREEN light so before people go they are reminded “BLACK FOLKS made your driving experience SAFE.” This is a tidbit of information that is hurting our youth, which is the reason they don’t take to it. Telling people about the traffic light is similar to telling people the Ancient Egyptians were black. Great news but it does not improve our situation because it is only used to recite a list of names and dates.

Do you see the illusion?  They got us focusing on BS and then we are wondering why are condition has not changed.

Do you understand why they will never get rid of christopher columbus Day even though all the records indicate that he has not discovered a damn thing? Do you know why they celebrate washington, jefferson and all of the lives of these people? It is because these people pushed their oppressive agenda and furthered their peoples’ cause.  They are honored and got a day, street, building, etc. named after them because they helped to build this world we are in or better yet, their matrix (system). We are fighting to be a part of world that was not created for us. This is why we will never receive any justice in their system. We will never receive any JUSTICE in their system because it is JUST US!

We were brought here to be the batteries of their system.  To make products, inventions, etc. for them freely. To fuel their economy, industry and every other system they have created. Does it not make sense why every invention we have made, we may have been given recognition but the profits and everything from it were stolen?  Every time we tried to come up they crushed us. I mean if the kkk hates us so much then why don’t they just leave us alone? It is because they were created to incite fear so that we remember that we are nothing more than slaves.

Our problem is that we refuse to acknowledge like the Jewish people realized after they got tired that the Power of the Divine is within and if we don’t like something we can change it, because change starts first in the mind.

In the Story of Osar, Hru (Horus) fought Set but the battles either ended in a stalemate or with Set being the victor. It wasn’t until Hru retreated and fled to get help from Djahuti, who repaired Hru’s gouged eye, that it was revealed to the avenging prince. The reason Hru could not defeat Set was because he was fighting his enemy materialistically. In other words, Hru was under the impression that since Set had weapons, so he needed weapons. Since Set had agents, well Hru I imagined wanted agents. Basically, everything Set did Hru would try to best him to defeat him.

Djahuti told him which can be paraphrased by Albert Einstein, “You can’t solve problems using the same thinking that created them.”

We all know that this society is very wicked so why do we put faith in their god, legal system, politics, economy, etc.? It is because that is how ‘they’ taught us.

Read the history Family.

Praying to some external god outside of us has not solved anything. We have tried all of these monotheistic religions and where have they gotten us?  Marching ain’t solved nothing. We know this because we are living in the post-Civil Rights era now. Voting has not solved anything because we saw Obama, Clinton and all of these politicians whom we put in office turn their back on us.  Money has not solved anything because we had our own cities. We had several Black Wall Streets and they bombed it.  Having weapons has not solved anything because they got more than us and even when we have licenses, they still twist it in their favor. By the way, where was the NRA in the Philando Castille case?

I am trying to get you to see Family that this is all a BS illusion to make us believe that we are not their slaves.  We have done all of this and even tried their democracy, communism, socialism, etc. and we still ain’t gotten anywhere because we are using the same thinking to solve the problem that created the problem. We are reacting in a reactionary world because that is what ‘they’ taught us to do.

So, all of this will come to an end when we say, “Enough is enough!”

There is only one way to break out of this system and that is through magick, which is the very thing that they discourage us from using. If there is anything we should have learned from the Nat Turner Revolt is that their religion does not work for us, no matter how much we tweak it, because it was created for social control or social slavery.

What is magick?

Simply put, it is the ability to manifest your will. When you do magick you are basically handing an idea or belief of what you want to the most powerful part of your being, your Higher Self or Superconscious part (BA) of your being, symbolized as Osar, which was given us to by our Ancestors. This is the reason Osar is the Lord of the Underworld or Ancestral Realm. In other words, you are handing your intention to the Black side of your mind and Universe.

This is alluded to in the Story of Osar when Djahuti calls up Osar to speak from beyond the grave. Hru defeated Set because his Ancestor (Osar) interceded on his behalf. In other words, Djahuti gave the issue to the Black part of the mind, which is symbolized on the Maa Aankh as KAMTA (the Black Lands).

Yes, our Kemetic ancestors have been telling us this all the time but there were agents who kept distracting us from the deeper truth.  By getting us to focus on superficialities, by saying Kemet refers to the black soil and is a reference to the skin color of the people. The Kemetic people didn’t think so lowly about themselves. They were higher thinkers and understood that the Black and Darkness of Universe was their birthplace.  They were telling us from the start, “We are GODS/GODDESSES.”

What this means is that if you have a problem and you walk down the street and pick up a pebble. If you name the pebble after your problem and throw it behind your shoulder in full confidence that a solution will come. A solution will appear because you gave it to the BLACK (KAMTA).  If you carve on a candle what you want, burn it and leave to extinguish itself, you are sending the request to the blackness of your mind/universe. When you offer candles and other offerings to your ancestors, you are calling upon the powers within the BLACK to birth a solution.

Everything comes from the Black. Seeds gestate out of the black and become plants. Embryos come out of the dark and born in the world of Light, and so on.  Everything comes from the Black because out of nothing (Nyun) comes something.  Our Kemetic ancestors understood this and this is why their creation stories begin by saying Nebertchar – The Lord of Everything (Supreme Being) first came into existence and established Maa (Law) out of nothing.

It should become clear that the reason they say don’t in our spiritual systems don’t look back after you give an offering at the crossroad, the river, the ocean, the forest, etc. is because once you do.  You bring your intention back out of the BLACK and into our awareness where our subconscious will try to solve the problem.  The subconscious part of our being also called our lower self is symbolized by Set, who is the ruler of this BS illusion we are living in. That’s why we can’t solve any problems by just thinking, talking and marching. They created this society this way so that we could not go to the BLACK, which means when we keep focusing on our problems by complaining and discussing it. The problem never gets a chance to be worked on in the BLACK or said another way. The problem is not worked on by our Ancestors, Spirits, Gods, etc.

Just in case you are wondering, Yes the enemy knows that our magick works, which is the reason they brought us here and discouraged us from using.  I mentioned before, in the “How to Defeat the enemy/hidden hand” that we have been here for a very long time. We have incarnated back to this planet numerous times and the reason we are proficient in magick is because each time we came back we brought that experience with us. The enemy know this and that’s why they keep telling us our history began as slaves and not in Kush and Kemet, they don’t want us to remember.  They enslaved us because they did not want to go through all the steps to develop as we and other indigenous people had done.

Do you see the Story of Osar is playing out now? Yes, the younger murdered their elder brother because they are cheaters trying to capitalize off of our ancestral power (Osar).  They want the power but none of the responsibility that comes along with it. They want to get it the easy way.  They want to strip everything of its natural ability and make their own processed way the same way cocaine is processed. (Sidebar: cocaine in its natural and unprocessed state is safe, non-habit forming and safe to ingest, but when it is processed it becomes a drug like sugar, white flour, etc.that causes various health ills.) In fact, everything that they touch, they process because their nature is to destroy and deconstruct it.

This is why I say, the hell with saving their world. Been there. Done that and every time we save them, they give us the boot as soon as they get what they want. Not this time.

HRU (Heru, Horus)

Y’all, as descendants of Hru it is time to build our reality. You want folks to stop killing in your community. Imagine your community already being safe. Don’t focus on how it is going to happen. That’s not your job GODMAN and GODWOMAN. Let the Spirits, your Osar do the work.

I always go back to when I had to heal my body to make myself walk. I did not focus on what the doctors said or anything else. I visualized dancing and running as if I did not even become ill.  Whenever, a discouraging thought came to mind, I repeated “Thank you for perfect health” understanding that this was part of the process. I kept that focus and did not think about how it was going to happen. Then, the next thing you know, I had to go down stairs to prevent the basement from flooding and I ran up and down stairs at least four times. It was on the fourth run, that it dawned on me that my magic worked and my legs were healed.

I brought that into my present reality. I planted the seed in the DARK and it grew. That was my miracle that made me realize that I am GOD and I know because of that experience that the CREATOR allows us to experience one miracle so that we understand that magick is possible.

I know we can change this reality and we better because time is running out. These fools are close to perfecting their Eyes Wide Shut rituals and are preparing to go to war with the REAL GODZ and GODDESSEZ of the planet, US.

So, if you are claiming to be down with this then you need to get into your magick. Djahuti told us, we can’t fight Set the way he fights us. We got to use our magick because it is our only recourse.


How to Defeat the “hidden enemy/hidden hand”

23 04 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

I recently celebrated a birthday or earthday, which means in this lifetime I am over 35 years old but when I recognize my earthday from a metaphysical perspective. It means that I have completed over 35 cycles or revolutions, hence over 35 maa aankh (orders of life).

Maa Aankh with Utchat

But, when I recognize my birthday from an ancestral perspective, it means that I have completed 2,035 maa aankh (order of life/cycles). In other words, I have incarnated to this planet more than 100 times and my Ab soul/consciousness has evolved this number of times. Therefore, the true age of my soul experience is around 2,000 years old. This means that my ancestral lineage goes back at least 2,000 years ago. Said another way, when the first of my ancestors walked this planet, it was 2,000 years ago.  This means that I have over 2,000 years of ancestral memories available to me.

To comprehend this, we have to understand evolution from a spiritual perspective.  Because we have been taught that evolution occurs on a biological level in the sense that we have evolved from fish, to land mammals and finally to creatures who can walk upright and think.  But, in truth it was our consciousness that evolved, which led to our physical evolution based upon the anatomy of the human brain.

You see, the human brain is composed of three parts known respectively as the reptilian or r-complex brain (the lowest brain found in reptilaes), the mammalian brain (limbic found in mammals) and the neo-cortex (the newest part of the brain only exists in human beings). From a spiritual evolutionary perspective this means that when we incarnated to this planet we all incarnated into a low mentality (r-complex). Then when we physically die, our consciousness reincarnated back to the planet and began to climb the evolutionary ladder. Understand, someone got it wrong. Once we enter into the human cycle of reincarnation, if we break the laws of God we are not punished by reincarnating back to the planet as a worm, bird, dog, or some other lowly lifeforms (lower consciousness). This is similar to passing the 9th grade but you got caught cheating so education system demoted you back to 3rd grade or lower.  That’s not evolution. No, if you get caught cheating in the 9th grade, you don’t pass the 9th grade. You are not promoted to the next level.

Yes. If we stick with this analogy of evolution being similar to the education system. This means that most of us in this lifetime are currently in spiritual evolutionary high school and preparing to enter spiritual evolutionary college. How do we know this? For starters, this is the reason you are reading this post. You will also find that magical things occurred in your life and the reason you are attracted to these occult things is to get an explanation. Hence, you have an old “soul age” and as soon as you fill in a few spiritual voids. You will have an eureka moment or awakening and you will start doing things magically.

But everyone is not on the same level.  Everyone on this planet does not have the same “soul age.” There are some souls who have incarnated to this planet that are a little bit older than my soul, and there are others who are slightly younger.  But, there are a few souls who have incarnated to this planet that are very young and unfortunately, these are the souls who are ruling the world. These spiritually immature souls are the “hidden enemy.”

Who are the “hidden enemy”?

Well, conspiracy theorists have called them all sorts of names like the hidden hand and the illuminati, but actually know one knows what they call themselves.  For years, filmmakers have made countless films about how inhumane, callous and methodical this small spiritually immature people are such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Stephen King’s It, John Carpenter’s The Thing and They Live, The Matrix or another one of my favorites Dark City.   Some theorists like David Idke claims that they are reptiles like the characters in the hit 1980s TV series V, but these are metaphors referring to the fact that they have mastered and primarily use the reptilian brain. These images are grotesque and frightening because they rule through fear.

How did these spiritually immature souls get the power to rule the world?

Simple. These spiritually pre-K souls were bullies and when they went around the world and encountered more spiritually advanced souls, instead of humbling themselves and sitting at the more spiritually advanced souls’ feet, they destroyed the more advanced souls’ records, texts and stole all of the sacred artifacts, which sit in their museums. Then, these less advanced souls locked themselves up in their secret chambers so that they can practice our spiritual systems but they are unable to advance the way we have because they lack the spiritual maturity. Think of it this way, they – spiritually speaking- were just learning how to count their numbers and do basic arithmetic, while we spiritually speaking have completed pre-calculus.

So to halt our spiritual progress, this is the reason they demonized all traditional spiritual culture. This is the reason they will not publicly admit that the Kemetic people were black and brown Africans, nor acknowledge that the true descendants of the Kemetic people are the people throughout the Afro-Diaspora.  This is the reason they created Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all monotheistic religions that were supposed to bring peace but have instead authored nothing but wars and the destruction of the planet.

Every institution that currently exists such as the entertainment, financial, religious, judicial, legal, political, military, governmental, educational, etc. was created to halt if not destroy our spiritual progress, which is the reason none of these things that they tell us to use works for us as a whole. Yes. The world is in a bad shape because it is being held hostage by spiritual ten year olds.  It would be foolish to believe that we could physically fight them when they own everything because this is their world, their reality but, it can all change by us doing one thing.

Reconnecting to our Aakhu (Ancestors).

Het Aakhu (House/Altar for Ancestors and Spirit Guide)

When we reconnect to our aakhu, we reclaim the ancestral memories that were lost. Remember, these spiritual children want us to identify with our current earth age and not our incarnation age. This is the reason our history always begins in their history books with slavery because they do not want us to reconnect back with our ancestral memories. It does not serve their agenda but when we reconnect back with our aakhu.  Our aakhu will speak to us as voices, appear in our dreams or appear as signs to improve the quality of our life. In other words, our aakhu will help us to escape the trap that has been laid before us by these spiritually immature people.

When we begin working with our aakhu, we align ourselves with our Higher Self and gain access to the memories that will allow us to create our reality. In other words, we learn how to tap into our divinity or what people call magic.

Yes, there is a small minority that controls the world. They are performing rituals behind closed doors in order to maintain their dominance.  They are counting on us all to stay asleep and turn our back on our ancestral traditions and our ancestral culture.  But as soon as you wake up and realize that everything that they have told us about our self is a lie.  That we are not born in sin. That our history does not begin with us being slaves. That our ancestors and other spirits are not to be feared.  That God is within us all. As soon as we begin working with our aakhu (ancestors) like Hru worked with Osar (Asar, Osiris), that is when everything will change.


How to Defeat the "hidden enemy/hidden hand"

23 04 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
I recently celebrated a birthday or earthday, which means in this lifetime I am over 35 years old but when I recognize my earthday from a metaphysical perspective. It means that I have completed over 35 cycles or revolutions, hence over 35 maa aankh (orders of life).
Maa Aankh with Utchat
But, when I recognize my birthday from an ancestral perspective, it means that I have completed 2,035 maa aankh (order of life/cycles). In other words, I have incarnated to this planet more than 100 times and my Ab soul/consciousness has evolved this number of times. Therefore, the true age of my soul experience is around 2,000 years old. This means that my ancestral lineage goes back at least 2,000 years ago. Said another way, when the first of my ancestors walked this planet, it was 2,000 years ago.  This means that I have over 2,000 years of ancestral memories available to me.

To comprehend this, we have to understand evolution from a spiritual perspective.  Because we have been taught that evolution occurs on a biological level in the sense that we have evolved from fish, to land mammals and finally to creatures who can walk upright and think.  But, in truth it was our consciousness that evolved, which led to our physical evolution based upon the anatomy of the human brain.

You see, the human brain is composed of three parts known respectively as the reptilian or r-complex brain (the lowest brain found in reptilaes), the mammalian brain (limbic found in mammals) and the neo-cortex (the newest part of the brain only exists in human beings). From a spiritual evolutionary perspective this means that when we incarnated to this planet we all incarnated into a low mentality (r-complex). Then when we physically die, our consciousness reincarnated back to the planet and began to climb the evolutionary ladder. Understand, someone got it wrong. Once we enter into the human cycle of reincarnation, if we break the laws of God we are not punished by reincarnating back to the planet as a worm, bird, dog, or some other lowly lifeforms (lower consciousness). This is similar to passing the 9th grade but you got caught cheating so education system demoted you back to 3rd grade or lower.  That’s not evolution. No, if you get caught cheating in the 9th grade, you don’t pass the 9th grade. You are not promoted to the next level.
Yes. If we stick with this analogy of evolution being similar to the education system. This means that most of us in this lifetime are currently in spiritual evolutionary high school and preparing to enter spiritual evolutionary college. How do we know this? For starters, this is the reason you are reading this post. You will also find that magical things occurred in your life and the reason you are attracted to these occult things is to get an explanation. Hence, you have an old “soul age” and as soon as you fill in a few spiritual voids. You will have an eureka moment or awakening and you will start doing things magically.
But everyone is not on the same level.  Everyone on this planet does not have the same “soul age.” There are some souls who have incarnated to this planet that are a little bit older than my soul, and there are others who are slightly younger.  But, there are a few souls who have incarnated to this planet that are very young and unfortunately, these are the souls who are ruling the world. These spiritually immature souls are the “hidden enemy.”
Who are the “hidden enemy”?

Well, conspiracy theorists have called them all sorts of names like the hidden hand and the illuminati, but actually know one knows what they call themselves.  For years, filmmakers have made countless films about how inhumane, callous and methodical this small spiritually immature people are such as Invasion of the Body Snatchers, Stephen King’s It, John Carpenter’s The Thing and They Live, The Matrix or another one of my favorites Dark City.   Some theorists like David Idke claims that they are reptiles like the characters in the hit 1980s TV series V, but these are metaphors referring to the fact that they have mastered and primarily use the reptilian brain. These images are grotesque and frightening because they rule through fear.
How did these spiritually immature souls get the power to rule the world?
Simple. These spiritually pre-K souls were bullies and when they went around the world and encountered more spiritually advanced souls, instead of humbling themselves and sitting at the more spiritually advanced souls’ feet, they destroyed the more advanced souls’ records, texts and stole all of the sacred artifacts, which sit in their museums. Then, these less advanced souls locked themselves up in their secret chambers so that they can practice our spiritual systems but they are unable to advance the way we have because they lack the spiritual maturity. Think of it this way, they – spiritually speaking- were just learning how to count their numbers and do basic arithmetic, while we spiritually speaking have completed pre-calculus.
So to halt our spiritual progress, this is the reason they demonized all traditional spiritual culture. This is the reason they will not publicly admit that the Kemetic people were black and brown Africans, nor acknowledge that the true descendants of the Kemetic people are the people throughout the Afro-Diaspora.  This is the reason they created Judaism, Christianity and Islam, all monotheistic religions that were supposed to bring peace but have instead authored nothing but wars and the destruction of the planet.

Every institution that currently exists such as the entertainment, financial, religious, judicial, legal, political, military, governmental, educational, etc. was created to halt if not destroy our spiritual progress, which is the reason none of these things that they tell us to use works for us as a whole. Yes. The world is in a bad shape because it is being held hostage by spiritual ten year olds.  It would be foolish to believe that we could physically fight them when they own everything because this is their world, their reality but, it can all change by us doing one thing.
Reconnecting to our Aakhu (Ancestors).

Het Aakhu (House/Altar for Ancestors and Spirit Guide)

When we reconnect to our aakhu, we reclaim the ancestral memories that were lost. Remember, these spiritual children want us to identify with our current earth age and not our incarnation age. This is the reason our history always begins in their history books with slavery because they do not want us to reconnect back with our ancestral memories. It does not serve their agenda but when we reconnect back with our aakhu.  Our aakhu will speak to us as voices, appear in our dreams or appear as signs to improve the quality of our life. In other words, our aakhu will help us to escape the trap that has been laid before us by these spiritually immature people.
When we begin working with our aakhu, we align ourselves with our Higher Self and gain access to the memories that will allow us to create our reality. In other words, we learn how to tap into our divinity or what people call magic.

Yes, there is a small minority that controls the world. They are performing rituals behind closed doors in order to maintain their dominance.  They are counting on us all to stay asleep and turn our back on our ancestral traditions and our ancestral culture.  But as soon as you wake up and realize that everything that they have told us about our self is a lie.  That we are not born in sin. That our history does not begin with us being slaves. That our ancestors and other spirits are not to be feared.  That God is within us all. As soon as we begin working with our aakhu (ancestors) like Hru worked with Osar (Asar, Osiris), that is when everything will change.


I Was A God Before I Was a Berber, Muslim, Moor, Christian, Hebrew, Alien, etc.

17 04 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.

I have been asked by a lot of Family on some of the claims that we were originally Moors, Muslims and/or Hebrews, Alien, Atlantean (Atlantis), etc. prior to being brought to the Americas.  Previously, I would shun away from these discussions because personally I could never see how any of it was practical and could empower me and my loved ones. I respect everyone’s beliefs and ideas, and if something works for you, so be it.  But I have had trolls try their best to sabotage this Kemetic spiritual movement, by posting all sorts of unchecked facts and ridiculing the sacrifices that our ancestors have made for the liberties we have. It is sad, that these individuals prefer to waste the opportunities that our ancestors had sacrifice for us to have by standing on the corner and shouting out rhetoric or troll sites focused on true empowerment. So, here is what I have learned and really why I believe many of these people who claim to be conscious do not want us to know about the truth about Traditional African Culture.

The Moorish Christian War

Before we begin, the Moors is the term that was used to describe those African, Arabs and Europeans who converted to Islam.  They were originally called Berbers which is an ancient Egyptian word meaning “outlander.” Initially the Berbers were called Mauri because they were inhabitants of the Roman colony Mauretania Caesariensis which later became Mauritius. This area consisted primarily of modern Algeria, Morocco, Libya, Tunisia and Mauritania, which is the reason the people were called Mauri.  The Greek name for this Berber tribe was Maurusi.  The Spaniards however referred to them as Morenos, the Portuguese said Mouros, while the English simply called them Moors.

Now, the Moors were the custodians of the Kemetic spiritual sciences after Kemet had fallen and they used this knowledge to build the Moorish Empire.  The Moorish Empire included Spain, Portugal, and Sicily.  The Moors ruled Spain from around 700 A.D. and were the ones responsible for bringing Europe, out of the “Dark Ages.”

But everyone was not happy with the Moors because unbeknownst to them.  There was a plot by the Christian Europeans (Spaniards, Italians and the French) to rid Spain of them and around 1482, they succeeded. It is not exactly known why the Europeans wanted to rid themselves of the Moors because during this time Europeans were not color conscious as they are today, and the Moors were seen as their saviors.  However, it is believed that it was due to the Moorish strict Islamic laws. Europe, you will recall was in poverty and the cheapest meat at that time was pork, but under Moorish law they could not consume it. So, it is possible that the coup d’état was driven by European hunger.  Whatever the case, to celebrate the expulsion of the Moors, the people ate pork. To this day, Spain is known for its special breed of pork from Iberia. Another popular Spanish celebration to commemorate the expulsion of the Moors is the Running of the Bulls, thus indicating through symbolism that Moorish rule was most likely viewed by most Europeans as being cruel and tyrannical. This would also explain the reason why similar traditions were created in other Spanish controlled areas such as bull fighting in Mexico.

In fact, most (if not all) the carnival celebrations began to commemorate the expulsion of the Moors and the acceptance of Roman Catholicism, which is the reason these celebrations continue to this day in territories that have a high concentration of Spanish and Portuguese influences and are Catholic. In most of these carnivals, the antagonist was always portrayed as black in color to symbolize the Moors.

It wouldn’t be long after that other Europeans unfamiliar with the Moorish and Christian war would join in and see the black antagonist and assume it was about all black people. In fact, many of the blacks in Cuba, Puerto Rico, Dominica and even the Mardi Gras Indians who were aware of the racist undertone changed the carnival theme to celebrate their collaboration with the Amerindians to end of slavery.

Upon defeating the Moors, the Spaniards gave them two alternatives which was to either return to Islamic countries where they came from or denounce their faith, accept Christianity.  While some stayed, most of the Moors settled in Morocco where they along with Arab traders participated in the Arab-Slave trade, which enslaved Africans throughout the Sahara and continues to this day.

The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade

After the Spaniards expelled the Moors, they took their sciences, maps and information about navigation to come to what they called the New World. Again, the question that we must ask is why? Historical records indicate that the Europeans began exploring because of the lack of food. Europe remember was in the “Dark Ages” and there was a severe food shortage because Europe was cut off from the Asian Silk Road.  The Italian Christopher Columbus was bankrolled by the Spaniards and when he set sail, he was trying to reach Japan but landed in the Americas in 1492.  Upon his arrival, Columbus called the people Indian because he was looking for Asia.  Another interesting fact that should be remembered is that after the Europeans came to the Americas, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, and beans, which are all foodstuff native to the Americas became widely available, thus verifying that it was a lack of resources.

As imagined, the Spaniards greatly profited from their exploration, which attracted the attention of the neighbors, the Portuguese who were also once under the Moorish influence.  When the Portuguese set sail, they were initially just exploring and found their way to West Africa so that they could create trade to improve their country’s lot.  Around 1483 the Portuguese encountered the BaKongo in the Kongo-Angolan region.  Astonished by the European technology and culture, the ruling Kongo king converted to Christianity and declared the new faith the state religion. Later, he established a treaty with the Portuguese, which opened the doors for the transatlantic slave trade.

By 1494, the Portuguese had established a strong foothold in West Africa and were regularly trading Africans whom they had captured along the coast.  However, Portuguese traders were enslaving every African they came across and totally breaking the treaty rules. Now, how did the Portuguese know to go to West Africa for slaves? They saw the Moors do it because it was a regular practice to enslave anyone who was not a Moslem, which included the Africans who were initially enslaved first by Arab traders. The Portuguese were attracted to this lucrative industry and their involvement turn it to a global trade.

With the Spanish dominating the Americas and the Portuguese controlling West Africa, an agreement was reached between the two countries. Consequently, the first Africans who were enslaved and taken to the Americas were obviously the people from the Kongo region, which is the reason the Kongo influence in Brazil, Cuba, Haiti, and Jamaica is so prevalent. The first Africans taken to North America were also from the Kongo-Angolan region.  All of these people were captured and sold between the Portuguese and Spaniards.

By the time the other European countries got involved in the slave trade, the war between the Moors and Christians had been long forgotten. The Dutch, French and British simply saw the slave trade as a means to grow their respective country’s wealth.  As a result, all the people with black and brown skinned were seen as primitive Africans and were treated as such.  When these European countries entered the trade, they abducted entire communities, which is the reason we find an extensive number of Yoruba people in Brazil and Cuba, Dahomeans and Fons in Haiti, Akans in Jamaica and so on.

Therefore, it is a myth that most of the slaves brought to the Americas were Moslem.  If this were the case, Islam would have been a thriving religion throughout the Americas but it was not.  Another common myth that some people use to encourage us to join Islam (or some version of it), is based upon Alex Haley’s Roots, which claims that many of the Africans brought to North America were Moslems. Again, the late Bro. Dick Gregory stated that this story was completely fictional.  Some will even state that Joseph Cinqué (c. 1814 – c. 1879) also known as Sengbe Pieh, which the film Amistad was based upon shows that most of the Africans were Moslems, but this is not the case. Also, it should be noted that according to some researchers, when Cinqué returned to Africa he engaged in the trade of slaves according to missionary letters that author William A. Owens, claimed to have.

For the record there were Jewish African who were captured and enslaved as well but they are catching worse hell. Again, were they all Hebrews? Not hardly and using the bible (especially that whole descendants of Ham theory) to justify our presence is a mute point.  Considering the fact that Noah did not curse Ham/Kham or Kem but he cursed Canaan but it ridiculous to even debate this considering the fact that Noah was not even real. The whole Noah Ark story is a colorful metaphor that people have been interpreting literally for hundreds of years. Get real. I would rather embrace a story that verifies my divinity then, someone else’s servant as we have been reduced to by referring to us as Hebrews, Gentiles., etc.  How about call us by the name our Kemetic ancestors called us, “NUK OSAR (I AM GOD).”

Now, lets be clear.  Were there Muslim who were enslaved and taken to the Americas? Absolutely.  Proof of this can be seen in American blues music when compared to Malian music.  Another example of the Islamic influence can be seen in the Afro-Cuban religion Palo Mayombe, where the common greeting is Sala Melecum, Melecum Sala which is the Creolized As Salim Alikum.  But the Palo Mayombe religion is not Islamic, it is very Kongo and is based upon the Kongo Cross (shown below).

The Kongo Cross

There is also an Islamic influence in the Creolized Caribbean Spiritism traditions as well, which verifies that were African Moslems but these traditions do not have a strong Islamic influence.

They have a strong Kongo and Yoruba influence, not Hebrew, not Muslim, etc. Even in North America, Kongo artifacts such as Kongo cosmogram used in the Underground Railroad have been found, not any Islamic or Jewish artifacts.  It was based upon this understanding that led me to see how these Kongo concepts and principles have their roots in Kemet via the Maa Aankh, thus reclaiming our ancestral theology that was lost during slavery.

So, why are all of these people say that we were Muslims, Hebrew or some other fallen and forgotten people?

It is for two reasons:

First), many people say and repeat these myths because they have been succumbed by the erroneous belief that we lost our culture, when in fact. We did not lose our culture, we lost the philosophy and theology behind our culture. Many of our elders have been doing libations, setting plates and honoring our ancestors without even knowing why. If you go to any Black Church, you will see proof that our culture survived.

The Second reason people continue to repeat this myth is because in the minds of most, Africans were and are primitive people living in grass huts.  Traditional African culture is viewed by many as backwards to the point that many are simply ashamed of it.  It is for this reason, contemporary Africans migrating to the U.S. and Europe will not even claim to believe in ancestors or spirits.  Simply put, it is more acceptable and reputable to say that we are Moslem, some distant Jewish people or some other group then, it is to say that we are Yoruba, Akan, Fon, Kongo, or other African people who practice a form of Vodun beliefs.  These so-called “conscious men” do everything within their poser to distance themselves from traditional Africa, which is why you will hear they call Africa terms like Akubulan and Asia, thus claiming we are Asiatic or Afro-Asiatic. If the truth be told, the original names of Africa were Kemet, Kush and Aethiopia. This is what the Greeks called it when they encountered the people from this region but that’s besides the point.  The point is that by claiming we are all of these other labels, we are simply embracing another form of self-hatred.  Let me say it again, all of these labels are another form of SELF-HATRED, pure and simple.

I do not claim any of these labels. I do not even claim to be Kemetic.  For record keeping purposes and for the sake of this discussion, I claim to be an Afrikan in America. All of these people claiming to be this or that are afraid to be God, so they settle for being a Child of God. Not me. My African ancestors created a culture to cultivate our divinity and it was dispersed throughout Sub-Sahara Africa among traditional African people. It was this slavery foolishness and all of these other foreign influences that disrupted our progress as a people. By embracing of the traditional African spirituality, we are able to pick up where we left off.

The question that we should ask is why these people do not want us to claim our traditional African heritage and why do they use the bible, koran or some other “holy” book to justify what they are saying?

It is because of two reasons:

First, they do not want to empower women, which are the critical factors to our spiritual and physical liberation.

Because we live in a male-dominant society, when it comes to Kemet or any other indigenous culture, we always hear about the great men warriors and priests.  But, the first priests of Kemet were actually women, just like the early shamans around the world were women. If you go back and read Greek history you will find that they always talked about the great oracle of Apollo, Delphi, etc. but, what they do not tell you is that the oracles were usually women. Not only that, most of the slave revolts that occurred in the Americas were incited and initially led by women. Women were highly valued in traditional African societies because of their psychic skills, which allowed them to foresee the future.  Hence the importance of Oset (Aset, Auset, Isis), who is honored as the Divine Mother who nurses and births the nation.

Oset and Hru

Understand. We all have psychic abilities, which for most people are in a latent state, but women psychic skills are a little bit more active then most. Most of these male-chauvinistic religions take advantage of women psychic abilities by using their psychic energies just to draw in more devotees and parishioners to make a select few money. Once you have money, you basically have power to do whatever you want. This is reason you do not see any women imans, women rabbis, etc. in these male-dominated religions because they do not want a woman in a position of power.

This is not the case in traditional Afro-Diaspora religions and traditions because women are recognized as a vital part of the whole. In traditional African women are the opposite of the male puzzle necessary for creating life both physically and spiritually. They are the Tefnut to Shu, the Yin to Yang.  A woman with spiritual discipline was highly prized in Africa because through these women psychic abilities, African nations were able to change the course of war.  Remember, the Zulu king, Shaka kaSenzangakhona also known as Shaka Zulu, was guided by an elderly woman, whom European writers said was a spooky witch doctor, but this was all a ploy to discourage the Zulus from embracing their spirituality.

The second reason they want us to forget it so that they can use it for themselves. 

Anyone who has read and studied history knows that the “enemy” is big on culture appropriation. We have seen this with our music, artistic expression, religious beliefs and practices.  Historically what happens is that as soon as we get tired of something because it has been demonized, we abandon it and the culture vultures claim it, flip it and use it to empower them and further oppress us.  This attack on our ancestral spirituality has already began in Haiti where Vodun is the official religion where people are abandoning it and embracing Christianity to escape the stigma.  The same attack is being waged throughout the Afro-Latin America such as in Brazil and Venezuela.

Basically, “they” know that traditional African religions (ATR) and traditional African derived systems/practices (ADS) work. They have known about this for years, which is the reason they continue to demonize them in order to discourage us from returning back to them. Claiming that we were ancient Jews, Muslims, Berbers, Moors, Aliens, people from Atlantis, whatever, are all distractions to discourage us from rediscovering that we are God.   I have yet to see any of these holy books that were written tell me I am God because we as a race of people are older than all of these holy books that these people keep citing.

There is only one holy book that I know of, which they do not want us to read, that tells us “You are a God,” and it is the Pert em Hru (the so-called Egyptian Book of the Dead).  This is the only holy book I am interested in so that I can remind my wife, “Babe, You are a God” and we can instill in our child, “Honey, you are a God.” So, that when we get into a bind, we can invoke our divine powers within and create change.

This is the purpose of spirituality. It is not get out of one religion and join another dogmatic religion. It is to remind yourself who you are, so when these people claim that we are this and that. Know that they are repeating the same rhetoric that was told them because they do not know who they are and are afraid to embrace their divinity.


I Hate the "This is What They Did in Africa" Mantra (Living Maa)

12 04 2018

Hetepu (Peace & Blessings) Family.
Let’s get right to it. I am so tired of hearing people tell me that “This is what they did in Africa” to justify their crazy beliefs, ideas, thoughts and practices. I mean, I get it and I understand why people say it because in the western world where we are taught to believe only in what we can physically measure (touch, taste, smell, hear and see). It is more convenient to say “This is what they did in Africa” then it is to say, “I am trusting my Osar (Asar, Ausar, Osiris, the Lord or Higher Self).”

But, here is the thing….Africa is not a country. Africa is a continent with 54 countries.  The people within the continent of Africa don’t speak African. There are over 2,000 languages spoken in the continent of Africa. Nigeria alone has 200 languages that are spoken within its country.  Africa is not one gigantic forest with millions of people living in huts. They have forests, savannas and thriving metropolis and industries because Africa is composed of numerous cultures.

What am I saying?
I am saying that Africa does not have a homogeneous society or culture.
When you say, “This is what they did in Africa” what part of Africa are talking about? Are you talking about the East, West, North or South of Africa? Which ethnic group are you speaking of that they did this? When they “did this in Africa” when did they do it and why did they do it? What was the purpose? Did “They do it” a million years ago, a thousand years ago, a hundred years ago or are they doing it now?
You get where I am going with this? Stop using “Africa” like the bible and the Koran to justify your silliness. When will people understand that what they did in Africa does not mean it is going to work over here. Just like what we do over here is not going to necessarily work over there.
Now, let me be honest, and tell you that I used to say this same stupid mantra too because I came across Family who would use it to justify everything they believed from diet to religious practices. All of that changed when I met and asked my godfather who was a Lukumi (Santeria) priest and member of the Abakua Society, why the Yoruba religion was not practiced in Cuba exactly the same way it is practiced in Nigeria in Cuba. For instance, why did they syncretize the orishas with the saints. My godfather told me in the simplest terms, “Because we ain’t in Africa!”
What works in Africa works in Africa but that doesn’t mean it is going to work here. This is what I keep trying to get Family to understand about Kemet. The Kemetic people never had to deal with systemic racism, capitalism, socialism, etc.  The Kemetic people lived in an agrarian kingdom with a relatively loving ruling class who cared about all of her citizens within her border. Prior to the advent of the slave trade and imperialism, the Akans, Fons, Yoruba, Ibo, Bantu-Kongo and various other ethnic groups did not live in a society that discriminated against people because of the color of their skin. If you offended the Ancestors, the Deified Ancestors and disrupted the order of the community, then that’s when the elders took you to the side and reeducated you and everyone to correct the error in our living. It was a spiritual culture and this is what it means to live in a spiritual, holistic culture, but we do not live there anymore. This is the reason when the Africans were brought to the Americas, their religions, spiritual practices and spiritual traditions could not survive unless they became more aggressive and defensive.   In other words, the spiritual practices and traditions had to adapt to the new circumstances in order to be useful.

This “It was done in Africa” mantra is a Setian (Egotistical) approach to fixing problems.  If you will recall, our Set (lower self/ego) relies on past experiences and only believes in the physical reality.   In other words, it only sees one side of the picture. It does not see the whole, so it discourages us from aligning with our Higher Self or Osar.  One of the ways it does this is by telling us “This is what was done in Africa (or China, India, etc.)” to get us to focus on the past or past experience because Set is stubborn and does not want to change but we have to realize that Maa is about living truth based upon perspective.
Let me give you another example. If you have ever eaten the Ghanian dish fufu (coco yam) or the Nigeria cuisine gari (cassava/yucca) you know that these are two of the main starches that are consumed throughout the West and Central Africa. I love eating fufu and gari but I cannot eat these dishes all of the time as it is done in parts of Africa for several reasons.  For one, I live in the United States and I am not as active as many who eat these foods as a staple of their diet.  Second, they are high in carbohydrates, which means if I am not very active these foods may cause my body to store additional sugar/fat.  Now, notice that I did not say that these foods were bad.  In fact, they are more nutritious than the regular potato but it is because of my lifestyle and the environment that I live in, which makes consuming these foods all of the time a problem for me.  Again, does this mean that I should not eat coco yam or cassava even though they were consumed in Africa? No, it simply means that if I am going to eat them I need to make adjustments to my lifestyle or limit my consumption of them. This is what it means to live according to Maa by taking everything in perspective.
It is not Maa to live your life based upon an outdated practices and traditions. Presently as I write this, I know guy right now who is from Ghana having the hardest time trying to succeed socially because he is still doing things as if he was in Accra. This guy has upset a lot of people he has come in contact with because he tells them he is proud that the “British colonized the world.” He literally believes that the British saved humanity through their savage ways, so when he said it aloud and was verbally accosted he did not understand why. Clearly, this guy does not see the whole picture and only believes what the imperialists have told him in the history books. Now, another reason for mentioning this guy is to show that everyone from Africa is not “conscious.” Just like everyone who wears their hair natural, in braids, in dreads, etc. is not “conscious” either. We need to stop repeating this mantra because all it does is make us focus on what was written in a book or some other superficiality.
If we stopped saying, “This is what they did in Africa” and just say, “Hey, I did it.” It is more convincing and let’s people see the Maa.  The Maa is not about trying to see how many people will follow you.  It is opening peoples’ eye so that we can change the “rotation of the planet.” Stop giving in and encouraging people to follow their Set. Remember, Set wants us to do anything and everything but listen and follow our Osar (Higher Self). Set will say anything and everything to keep us from hearing our Osar by telling us what we are doing is wrong, not supported by others, not favored by the majority, not the popular thing, etc.

Maa-The Path of the Feather

Maa-The Path of the Feather

Living your life according to Maa means trusting the God within you and testing the suggestions that are given to you.  Yes, you have to test it because remember the old scripture “every spirit is not a spirit of God (spirit of the Higher Self).” So, you have to test it and try it out to make sure it is the truth that is best for you and that it is coming from your Higher Self and not your lower self and some other low influences (negative ancestral spirits or aapepu).  And, by the way, testing and trying it out does not just mean seeing if the information is in a book.  You have to try it, test it out, see if it works for you and if it works for others.  This is the only way to know that a suggestion, comment, etc. is coming from the Higher Self.
This goes for people too. Most of you know that I come from a very religious family background. I had people tell me all of the time, “God said fill in the blank.” and when I was younger I would follow these so-called prophecies and wind up broke and hurt.  So, guess what? My Osar and Aakhu (Ancestors and Spirit Guides) know that they cannot approach me like this. They also know that I am going to put to the test whatever they tell me. So, when I get messages now, it is verified. If I am doing a ritual to Npu (Anpu, Sebek, Anubis or the Divine Messenger/Trickster of the Higher Self) and receive a message telling me I need to do something. It is verified through some type of omen. Npu may send three dogs across my path or I bump into a person wearing red and black, which are his colors.  I may be at the store and some stranger comes to me out of the blue and tells me something, thus verifying what the message and pointing me in the direction I need to go.  In other words, “God does not give a vision without giving provisions.”
So if a person claims to have your best interest at heart and state that their information is truth. You can test it to see if it is Maa and that individual should not have a problem with you doing so because, if they are truly sagely and of God.  They should understand that in these days and time we cannot take nothing for face value.  If this individual gets upset and offended, then they most likely are feeding your info to boost their Set (Ego).
Understand the more you listen to your Osar, the happier and better off you will be because you are free.